Closing ceremony of training course for NAPA technicians and lecturers on E-learning

On April 5th 2017, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) organized a closing ceremony of training course for NAPA technicians and lecturers on E-learning delivered by professionals from Centre of High Studies of the French Home Ministry (CHEMI). Presented in the ceremony were Dr. Le Nhu Thanh, NAPA Permanent Vice President, Mr. Oliver Laurens Bernard, Former Governor, CHEMI high ranking advisor on training; Mr. Alain Drai, Head of E-learning Training and Event Organization Department, CHEMI; Mr. Marc Durieux, Head of CHEMI Information Technology Department; Mr. Ludovic Aho, Interns at CHEMI; Ms. Pauline Guillaume, Officer in charge of Law – Juridical – Governance Program, French Embassy to Vietnam; NAPA staff and lecturers.

Mr. Oliver Laurens – Bernard emphasized that E-learning is not a fashion but a need for a modern public administration which requires continuous training as well as updated training to commensurate with the real condition and allows high ranking officials to study and work simultaneously at workplace. He also appreciated the quality and ability of NAPA lecturers and staff as well as the cooperation between NAPA technicians and lecturers in finalizing nine E-learning modules of the training program for district level leaders and establishing experimental E-learning platform for NAPA. Mr. Oliver Laurens – Bernard confirmed that CHEMI is willing to support NAPA on the process of designing and finalizing E-learning training program in Vietnam.

Dr. Le Nhu Thanh thanked CHEMI leader, staff and lecturers for their instruction in the training course and appreciated their enthusiasm and cooperation as well as the effectiveness in the training course. Dr. Le Nhu Thanh also praised the enthusiasm and responsibility of NAPA staff and lecturers participating in the two training courses. He is proud of the effective cooperate between NAPA and CHEMI which helps NAPA to create a solid foundation to implement E-learning at NAPA.

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Mr. Oliver Laurens Bernard, Former Governor, CHEMI high ranking advisor on training giving a speech at the ceremony

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Mr. Oliver Laurens Bernard giving present to NAPA leader

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CHEMI professional participate in the training course

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