Opening Ceremony of the promotion exam for administrative officers 2016-2017

On November 18th 2017, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) organized the opening ceremony of promotion exam for administrative officers 2016-2017.

Presented in the ceremony were, Mr. Nguyen Duy Thang, Vice Minister of Home Affairs; Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President; representatives from departments, agencies and 600 participants.

Mr. Bui Huy Tung, Director of General Office, announced the decision of Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) on organizing plan for the promotion exam; decision on establishment of examination council, supervisory board and exam board.

Mr. Bui Huy Tung, Director of General Office giving a speech in the ceremony

Mr. Bui Huy Tung, Director of General Office giving a speech in the ceremony

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan stated that the promotion exam is the first exam in the series of 3 promotion exams for administrative officers in 2017 held by NAPA. Participated in the exam were 642 participants which are officials from ministries and departments. He also thanked MOHA for appointed NAPA to be the host of the promotion exam. NAPA commits to organize successfully the exam. On behalf of the examination council, Mr. Dang Xuan Hoan suggested that member of examination council, supervisory board and exam board strictly follow the rules of promotion exam. Last but not least, He wished participants to achieve high result in the exam.

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President delivers a speech in the ceremony

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President delivers a speech in the ceremony

Mr. Nguyen Duy Thang emphasized that the promotion exam is an important step in civil servant management process. It maintains the skills and knowledge requirement for civil servants which also contribute the effectiveness of government management and public service. He also requested examination council, supervisory board, exam board and participants to strictly follow examination rules in order to maintain the equality, publicity, transparency and lawful of the exam.

Mr. Nguyen Duy Thang, Vice Minister of Home Affairs delivers a speech in the ceremony

Mr. Nguyen Duy Thang, Vice Minister of Home Affairs delivers a speech in the ceremony

The promotion exam 2016-2017 has certain subject which are general knowledge, professional, IT and foreign language. The exam will be organized in batch including first batch (from November 18th to November 19th 2017), second batch (from November 25th to November 26th 2017) and third batch (from December 8th to December 9th 2017).




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