NAPA receives University of Tampere delegation

On November 7th 2017, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) received Prof. Harri Melin, Vice Rector of University of Tampere. The reception aimed to summarize joint training activities and discuss future cooperation between NAPA and University of Tampere.

Presented in the reception were Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President; Ms. Truong Trinh, Coordinator, in charge of education Tampere University; NAPA staff and lecturers

The two institutions discussed the implementation of Joint Master Program in Public Policy and Public Financial Management. The collaboration between NAPA and University of Tampere started since 2008 and the two institutions have conducted four joint training programs so far. Participants have the opportunity to study in an internationally standardized teaching and learning environment. At the same time, NAPA lecturers have enhanced their capacity when involving in the teaching process. In addition, the two institutions also discussed the prospect of cooperation in the near future.

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan proposed to expand the cooperation in strengthening the capacity of NAPA staff and lecturers, specifically: (1) delivering joint undergraduate training program; (2) Continuing training of Masters in Public Administration; (3) Developing short training courses for NAPA staff and lecturers in Finland; (4) Inviting Finish experts to deliver lectures in the training programs for senior specialists, position based training program, short course training programs for NAPA staffs and lecturers; and (5) Organizing seminars, workshops and conducting joint research.

Prof. Harri Melin agreed with the cooperation proposals and expressed his expectation to promote cooperation between the two institutions.

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Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan delivers a speech in the reception

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan delivers a speech in the reception


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