NAPA life-streaming the closing ceremony of the training courses on leadership and management for department-level managers, 2rd cohort in 2019, at NAPA Branch Campus in Hochiminh City  

On June 21st, 2019, at NAPA Branch Campus in Hochiminh City, NAPA live-streamed the closing ceremony of the training courses on leadership and management for department-level managers, 2rd cohort in 2019, to all NAPA campuses. Presented in the closing ceremony were Dr. Ha Quang Thanh – Permanent Deputy Director General of NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City; Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy, Deputy Head of Training Management Division, representatives of NAPA units and course participants.

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Closing ceremony of the training courses for provincial department-level managers

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Closing ceremony of the training courses for ministerial department-level managers

In the closing speech, Dr. Ha Quang Thanh highly appreciated the active participation and hard- working of the course participants. The training courses on leadership and management, 2nd cohort in 2019 for provincial department-level managers had 25 participants, and the course for ministerial department-level managers had 26 participants accordingly. He expected the course participants would apply the acquired knowledge to their work to improve performance.

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Dr. Ha Quang Thanh delivering speech at the closing ceremony

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Dr. Ha Quang Thanh presenting Course  Certificates and Certificates of Merit to participants of the training course for provincial department-level managers

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Dr. Ha Quang Thanh presenting Course Certificates to participants of the training course for ministerial department-level managers

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Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy announcing course decisions

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Mr. Le Kim Bang delivering speech on behalf of the participants of the training course for provincial department-level managers

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Mr. Le Viet Binh delivering speech on behalf of the participants of the training course for ministerial department level managers

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