Master and Doctor Training, 1st cohort in 2019

On July 5th, 2019, NAPA organized opening ceremony of the master and doctor training programs, 1st cohort in 2019.

The ceremony was live-streamed to all NAPA campuses and Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President was present at NAPA campus in Tay Nguyen. The event were attended by Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President; faculties and departments;  professors and trainers; master and doctoral students of all campuses.

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Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President delivering speech

The master and doctoral students of the 1st cohort in 2019 are totaled with 293 students, including 221 master students of public management; 51 master students of Constitutional and Administrative Law; 21 master students of Economic management; and 9 doctoral students of Public Management of the Academy.

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The ceremony was live-streamed to NAPA campuses

In the opening speech, Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President congratulated all new students and emphasized the role of NAPA as a central training institution for public officials. Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan also stated key training requirements: Firstly, comply the Regulations on Master, Doctoral Training of the Ministry of Education and Training and NAPA training regulations. Secondly, doctoral students must complete the supplementary, compulsory, and optional courses; development of the doctor dissertation outline and literature review; three academic essays related to the topic of the doctoral research; and writing and defense of the doctoral dissertation within 36 months. Thirdly, students of Public Management are expected to reflect their management practice during training and apply the acquired knowledge to the management practice in their agencies and localities. Fourthly, faculties should strictly implement the plans for teaching and supervising students and ensure timeline and quality of dissertations. Fifthly, NAPA related units are responsible for support and facilitation of favorable conditions for students and lecturers to complete the learning and teaching. Sixthly, the Department of Graduate Training Management is responsible for coordinating with other units in complying with the regulations on graduate training and handling situations arising in the training process.

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Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hoang Mai, Director, Department of Graduate Training announcing decisions on admiting master and doctoral students of the 1st cohort in 2019.

Speaking at the ceremony, the new doctoral student acknowledged the support of NAPA staff and, especially fair and objective admission. He expected to study and research in a favorable conditions at NAPA.

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A new doctoral student delivering a remark

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Students presenting a bucket of flowers to the NAPA Management

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Opening ceremony


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