Training course on state management for Lao public leaders and managers

On December 13, 2019, NAPA organized the closing ceremony of the training course on state management for Lao public leaders and managers in the framework of the cooperation agreement in training between Vietnam and Laos.

Presented in the closing ceremony were Mr. Khamsing Duangvandy, Political Counselor,  Lao Embassy to Vietnam; Mr. Tang Tien Dung, representative of Department of Southeast Asia –  South Asia – South Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; from NAPA: Dr. NAPA Vice President; representatives of ministries, agencies; representatives of NAPA departments; and 19 course participants who are Lao public leaders and managers

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Cuc, Head of Division of Project and International Joint Training, Department of International Cooperation delivered the report on the training course.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Cuc, Head of Division of Project and International Joint Training, Department of International Cooperation delivered the report on the training course.

Mr.Khamsing Duangvandy – Political Counselor, Political Counselor,  Lao Embassy to Vietnam delivering a speech

Mr.Khamsing Duangvandy – Political Counselor, Political Counselor, Lao Embassy to Vietnam delivering a speech

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Dr. Nguyen Dang Que emphasized that it is a honor for the National Academy of Public Administration to be assigned by the Vietnamese Government to train on state management for leaders of ministries, agencies, and localities of Lao PDR. During the two-month training, the course participants were equipped with fundamental, systematic knowledge of state and law, skills of state administration, and state management of different fields and sectors. NAPA Vice President highly appreciated the course participants’ efforts and responsibility, their active participation in learning and other studying activities. The success of the training course contributed to the strengthening and tightening of the relationship of solidarity and friendship, the special cooperation between the two countries of Vietnam and Laos. This is an opportunity for public officials of the two countries to learn and share experience in state administration, and to contribute to the development of high quality human resources for the public sector of each country.

In the remark at the closing ceremony, Mr. Khamsing Duangvandy expressed sincere thanks to the leaders of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the National Academy of Public Administration for organizing the successful training course. NAPA has invited leading experts and lecturers in state management to teach in the training courses. He hopes that more training courses for public leaders and managers of Lao PDR will be organized on the foundation of the good relationship between the two countries of Vietnam – Laos.

Sonesavanh Sivilay, Secretaty of the District Party Committee, Chairperson of Xanasomboun district, Champasack province, team leader of the course participants delivering a remark

Sonesavanh Sivilay, Secretaty of the District Party Committee, Chairperson of Xanasomboun district, Champasack province, team leader of the course participants delivering a remark

On behalf of the course participants, Mr. Sonesavanh Sivilay – Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairperson of Xanasomboun district, Champasack province, team leader of the course participants highlighted the knowledge and skills gained during the training courses, especially in systematic state management of socio-economic fields. He also emphasized the high applicability of the provided knowledge and skills in their practical work which contributes to the development and renovation of the country. Mr. Sonesavanh expressed his gratitude to the leaders of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the leaders, lecturers and other staff of NAPA for providing favorable conditions and support for the Lao delegation during their studying time in Vietnam.

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The training course on state management for senior officials of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic lasted two months (October 16 – December 16, 2019). During the training course, Lao officials were introduced with 18 topics covering different knowledge and skill groups, including  state and law knowledge; state administration; state management of sectors and fields; fundamental management skills. In addition, Lao officials also took field trips to Lang Son and Thanh Hoa provinces to study practical experience in local governance.

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que presenting certificates to the course participants

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que presenting certificates to the course participants

Course participants taking photos with NAPA management and other delegates

Course participants taking photos with NAPA management and other delegates

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