Training course for departmental-level leaders and managers

On February 25th, 2020, the National Academy of Public Administration in collaboration with the School for Financial Officers solemnly held the closing ceremony of the course on leadership and management for departmental-level current and potential leaders and managers of the General Department of Customs. Attending the closing ceremony were Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President, Mr. Tong Dang Hung, Deputy Director, Department of Refresher Training Management, NAPA; Mr. Do Van Truong, Director, School for Financial Officers;  Mr. Luu Manh Tuong, Deputy General Director of General Department of Customs; and 45 trainees who are departmental-level leaders, managers of the financial agencies.

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan - NAPAVice President delivering the closing speech

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan – NAPAVice President delivering the closing speech

In the closing speech, Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President congratulated all trainees for their course completion. He praised their positive learning attitude and contribution during the course. Thanks to support from the leaders of the Ministry of Finance, the School of Financial Officers, the General Department of Customs, the course was successfully organized. The Vice President of the Academy also pointed out that it is necessary for departmental-level leaders and managers to  regularly attend the executive training to be updated with new capabilities, knowledge, skills and methods to perform better their tasks of leading and managing their departments. In the course curriculum, the trainees are required to submit a project proposal and take a field trip to localities. He hoped that trainees would best apply the knowledge gained in the course to their practical work, contributing to the development of a professional, modern public administration.

Mr. Do Van Truong – Director, School for financial officers delivering a speech

Mr. Do Van Truong – Director, School for financial officers delivering a speech

Speeking at the closing ceremony, Mr. Do Van Truong, Director, School for Financial Officers expected further cooperation in training with NAPA in the future.

Mr. Luu Manh Tuong – Deputy Director General addressing at the ceremony

Mr. Luu Manh Tuong – Deputy Director General addressing at the ceremony

In the speech, Mr. Luu Manh Tuong, Deputy General Director of General Department of Customs stated that General Department of Customs is implementing Directive 28/CT-TTg dated September  18, 2018 by Prime Minister on civil service training before appointment to leaderhip and management positions.

Course trainees presented certificates of merits for their study achievements

Course trainees presented certificates of merits for their study achievements

On behalf of trainees, Mr. Pham Quang Tuyen, Deputy Director of Department of Information Technology and Statistics, General Department of Customs expected to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the course to improve their public duty performance.

Course trainees and the ceremony delagates

Course trainees and the ceremony delagates

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