Experience in public service delivery in Lang Sơn

Lang Son city was established in 1925, is currently the capital city of Lang Son province, localted in the area of 78 km² with population of approximately 110,000 people from four main ethnic groups (Kinh, Tay, Nung, and Hoa) and others (Cao Lan, Dao, San Diu, etc.). The city has eight administration units, including five wards and three communes.

For realization of building a professional, modern, effective public administration to serve citizens and businesses with qualified and competent staffing meeting  the task requirements, Lang Son City’s Government has successfully implemented initiatives of  One-stop Shop and city e-portal.

The One-stop Shop model has been initiated since 2004 aiming to minimize inconvenience for individuals, organizations and businesses when providing public administrative procedure services; to improve the service quality and attitude of serving people; to enhance performance of departments and divisions,  contributing to anti-bureaucracy and anti-corruption.

Lang Son city developed e-portal to provide the local people with information about the local authorities, departments and agencies, subordinate units, wards and communes; disseminate necessary information about the Party’s guidelines, public policies, legislation,  local programs, public services to people, information about “one-stop shop” mechanism applied fields conducted in the reception and return department of the municipal People’s Committee, wards and communes; publicize Lang Son city’s image and its potentials on tourism, trade, and services; and set up a forum for business sectors. The city promote computerization in governance, implement e-Government project, develop e-portal to meet the public demand for information.

To carry out these innovations smoothly, the City organized field trips and study tours to advanced cities implementing the one-stop shop model; deliver training courses for all cadrers and civil servants in the city on key requirements and contents of the public administrative reform in the city and province; formulate annual plans for public administrative reform of the City; set up places and prepare physical facilities and equipment (touching screen to browse the services, queue ticket machine, service track system with bar coding, work flow monitoring system) to modernize the one-stop shops; make departments, units, wards and communes connected; organize training courses on relevant subjects for one-stop shop staff; apply e-office, a quality standard and quality control system, a monitoring and evaluaiton system.

The city governments developed a plan for cordination between city units and departments, local media agencies such as local radion and television, socio-political organizations such as Youth Union, Women Association, Veteran’s Association to communicate the public administration reform and to implement the reform synchronically.

Lang Son city has achieved good results in the public administrative reform which impacted positively on individuals and organizations in the City. In the one- stop shops, information related the required document, procedures, time, fees is posted transparently. Clear, simple administrative procedures, clear instruction and explanation, open and friendly attitude of counter staff have facilitated the administrative services delivery for individuals and organizations. This has improved the service quality, made the local people satisfied with the city’s services, met the public demands for administrative services, enhanced the image of local authorities, shortening the gap between the local authorities and local people, reducing disturbance of local officials. Negative cases such as corruption have been drastically reduced. The local people support the PAR and believe in the Party‘s guidelines, public policies, local directions.

Main factors determining the PAR model success in Lang Son City are clear, proper guides on administrative reform, communication of the Party’s guidelines, public policies, legislation to all city cadres, civil servants and the community; determination of the Party’s Committee and authorities of Lang Son;  proper application of the experience from the cities nationwide to the local condition; the dynamics and creativity of the city’s government officials in implementing these initiative and dealing with the arising issues; regular checking, monitoring during the implementation process; attention to the training for cadres and civil servants; mobilization of social organizations, resident community to take part in implementation and supervision; support from the local community; promotion of international cooperation to take advantage of the support of the international organizations.

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