The Eastern Eastern Regional Organization (EROPA) organization

  1. General introduction

The Eastern Eastern Regional Organization (EROPA) was officially established in 1960 to meet the common aspirations of developing countries to promote regional socio-economic development through cooperation in research. research to develop the theory, improve the public administration systems and practices and public administration of nations. This is the first organization in the region that attaches special importance to the development of public administration to promote socio-economic development in countries in Asia and the Pacific. At the same time, EROPA is a forum for exchanging information and ideas on innovative approaches towards an effective, efficient and transparent administration.

EROPA includes members from countries, organizations and individuals in the Asia and Pacific region, including 10 state-level members, 58 members who are institutes, academia or administrative schools. government, universities, organizations operating in the field of state governance and public administration are recognized. In addition, EROPA has 229 members as individuals.

EROPA’s efforts to achieve its objectives are reflected in published conferences, seminars, training programs, research, surveys and publications. EROPA activities are carried out at the Organization’s Headquarters in Manila and at three regional centers, the EROPA Development Management Center in Kyenggi-do, South Korea, the EROPA Regional Management Center in Tokyo, Japan and EROPA Training Center in New Delhi, India.

  1. Objectives

EROPA aims to:

Promote good public practice and practices in public administration and management in the region to provide high standard services to governments and citizens;

Raise awareness of the value and importance of effective and efficient administration;

Develop and promote research on public administration

Enhancing cooperation, information exchange and mutual understanding among organizations and individuals interested in public administration

Develop leadership quality and management capacity, especially at the leadership, senior and intermediate management levels.

To accomplish the above objectives, EROPA conducts many activities, including:

Organizing international conferences and inter-regional conferences;

Establish research committees, conduct research and publish scientific research papers;

Establishing and maintaining official information centers, providing and exchanging information;

Links and cooperation with other international organizations in the field of public administration;

Establishing specialized training centers and conducting training programs

Establishing EROPA member branches in countries;

Implement exchange programs between practitioners, university lecturers, researchers and students of public administration and public administration;

As one of the leading organizations in the Asia-Pacific region, EROPA is officially recognized by the United Nations Regional Network of Financial and Administrative Capacity Building (UNPAN) Online Regional Center. Therefore, EROPA is considered a UNPAN collaborator in the Asia-Pacific region, providing the most up-to-date information and databases on the development of public administration in the region.

EROPA Conference - 2014

EROPA Conference – 2014

  1. Structure

The structure of EROPA includes the General Assembly, the Executive Council and the Secretariat.

a / General Assembly

The General Assembly directs the entire work of EROPA and decides the policies and guidelines for the Executive Council with respect to overall operations and organizational management, and has the authority to:

Through Council members;

Recognizing members of the state level, organization level, individual level, honorary members of EROPA;

Receive, review and approve reports of the Board of Directors, including audit reports;

Approve the Council’s future work program and budget proposal;

Establish and maintain appropriate technical and specialized centers.

All issues in the General Assembly are decided by an absolute majority of the members present and voting. The General Meeting is held every 2 years. Time and location are decided by the Executive Council. If necessary, an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly may be convened at the request of the Executive Council or at the request of half of the state-level members.

b / Executive Council

The Executive Council manages the entire affairs of EROPA, implementing the instructions given by the General Assembly. The Executive Council is responsible for:

Operate EROPA’s activities

Convene General Assembly meetings and decide the agenda, time and venue of these meetings;

Presentation of the operation report, as well as the report requested by the General Assembly, the financial statements of the previous year and the draft budget for the next two years for the General Assembly to consider;

Recommendation to the General Assembly candidates for the Secretary-General for the General Assembly to approve and decide the level salaries and other terms related to this position.

Take whatever measures and activities are deemed necessary or appropriate to fulfill the goals of EROPA

Members of the Executive Council include all state-level members, representatives of organizational-level members, with one-third of the state-level members and individual member representatives, at 1 / 3 number of state level members. The Executive Council elects one Council President and three Vice Presidents. The Council President holds this position for a term of 2 years and cannot be re-elected. The Vice Chairman of the Council may be re-elected for another 2-year term. The Chairman of the Executive Council is responsible for overseeing the implementation of decisions of the Council and the General Assembly, and the Vice Chairmen of the General Council to support the activities of the Chairman of the Executive Council.

The Executive Council meets once a year, at a time and place decided by the Council. The Secretary-General of EROPA attends Council meetings but does not have the right to vote. Decisions are made by the Executive Council if two thirds of the members present vote for it.

c / Secretariat: The EROPA Secretariat is based in Manila, Philippines. The Secretary-General, appointed by the Executive Council and approved by the General Assembly, is accountable to the Executive Council and performs the following duties:

Managing the daily work of EROPA and the activities of the Secretariat, acting as the Secretary of the Executive Council and the General Assembly.

Negotiate on the venue for the General Assembly and its meetings,

Submitting operating reports, annual audited financial statements, budget estimates and operating programs for the following year;

Acting as a liaison point with EROPA Technical Centers as well as other centers of EROPA member states;

Organize printing, publication of EROPA publications and perform other regular works assigned by the General Assembly or the Executive Council

  1. Specialized organizations of EROPA

In addition, to promote good practices in public administration and public administration, EROPA coordinates specialized technical centers, namely the Development Management Center, the Training Center and the Local Administration Center. . These centers have high autonomy in their operation. The heads of these centers can come up with initiatives to enhance their capacity, including mobilizing funding from organizations and individuals.

a / EROPA Development Management Center in Kyenggi-do, South Korea

In 1978, the Development Management Center of EROPA in collaboration with the Central Institute of Public Administration (COTI) of Korea initiated a policy development training course for senior managers. The training course aims to provide senior managers with opportunities to broaden their horizons and to strengthen policy-making capacity. The center has co-operated with COTI to organize 5 training courses under this program.

In 1987, the Development Management Center launched an International Leadership Development Program for officials working in EROPA member governments, as part of the International Technical Cooperation Program. The center has conducted 5 training courses. Since then, training programs for senior managers continue to be held at this center, attracting the participation of members from member countries inside and outside the region.

b / The Local Administration Center of EROPA is located in Tokyo Japan

The local management center of EROPA based in Japan attracts students from various countries to Japan to participate in Japanese local international administrative training courses. The center also publishes a “Comparative Research” publication on local administration.

The course at the Center usually lasts about 2 months, including 19 class days, 6 days of workshops and 22 days of field trips. The lecturers participating in the program include excellent lecturers from various universities, experts from research institutes and practical staff of the Ministry of Home Affairs and other ministries of Japan. At the course, students are researched on the comparative perspective of local government systems, state personnel systems and local development issues as well as solutions to those issues. Through discussions, participants are exchanged information and views on local governance associated with their own country practices. Research tours that connect with lectures and seminars are conducted to help students better understand the current situation, issues of local administration and local governance. This course started in 1964 and every year, about 10 students participate in this training.

c / Training Center of EROPA in New Delhi, India

EROPA’s training center based at the Indian Institute of Public Administration in New Delhi hosts a number of training programs in various areas of public administration. These training programs are aimed at creating conditions for administrators to understand the socio-economic environment and directions for influencing policy making and decision making, acquiring the knowledge base of a number of management tools and techniques to cope with the challenges of the administration and make them better understand the various factors that influence attitudes and practices. vi of individuals and civil servant groups. Training programs include classroom lessons, discussions, case studies, and library work. There are 3 main programs:

Leadership development program for senior, middle and senior government and state management officials;

The program is intended for staff working in local businesses, civic organizations and urban development agencies

Management skills development program for government officials, businesses and state-owned companies.

  1. Administration Academy’s participation in EROPA

EROPA is a regional Administrative organization with a tight organizational structure, active and quite active. Vietnam Academy of Public Administration is a state-level member and one of the 5 founding members of EROPA. The Academy of Administration has twice hosted successful organization of the EROPA Conference (1997 and 2005). From 2005 to 2007, the Director of the Academy of Public Administration held the position of chairman of the EROPA Executive Council. Every year, the Academy sends delegations and lecturers to participate and present at the Annual Conference of EROPA.

In the context of increasing globalization and globalization, the participation of the Academy of Administration in EROPA has contributed to the development of the Institute’s international cooperation, facilitating International cooperation has become one of the basic ways to realize the goals of the Academy of Public Administration, to contribute to the development of partnerships, to enhance the reputation of the Academy of Public Administration in the region, to strengthen teaching capacity and research on public administration and public policy of the Academy.

In order to enhance the active and proactive participation of the Academy of Administration in forums, international organizations in general and EROPA in particular, the Academy of Administration has taken measures to improve the capacity of officials and lecturers. Students on professional qualifications and English, have mechanisms to encourage and mobilize the participation of Academy’s staff and lecturers in EROPA’s research and exchange activities. In the future, the Institute needs to access and exploit the interests of EROPA’s specialized centers, build relationships with EROPA’s regional partners to conduct exchange, cooperation, joint research, coordination to provide international training services, etc.

On the other hand, the organizational structure and operation of EROPA can serve as a model for the establishment of specialized national public administration organizations under EROPA. This can be an effective means to motivate countries’ participation in this prestigious and traditional regional regional forum, while at the same time enabling EROPA to conduct activities. bilateral cooperation to promote the implementation of EROPA’s goals in developing research on public administration, developing leadership capacity, raising awareness of the value and importance of an effective administration. and effective and enhance mutual understanding towards an effective, efficient and transparent administration.

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