Training course for ministerial department leaders and managers at NAPA

On August 16 2020, NAPA solemnly held the opening ceremony of the training course (the 27th cohort of 2020) for ministerial department leaders and mangers at NAPA. Attending the ceremony was Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President; Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Director, Department of Refresher Training Management; NAPA faculties and administrators and 82 course participants coming from various central agencies.

NAPA administrators and course participants at the opening ceremony

NAPA administrators and course participants at the opening ceremony

The course lasts a month, including lectures, two tests, and a field trip. There are 15 learning topic, namely: tasks and powers of department level leaders and managers; democracy, rule of law and transparency in civil service performance; factors influencing leadership and management at department level; state management in the socialist-oriented market economy; structure and organizations of ministries, ministerial level agencies, governmental bodies; and development of a digital administration.

Crucial skills are also added in the course such as strategic thinking; organization management; providing advice on legal issues by sectors and areas; result-based management; providing advice on public policy formulation and evaluation; coordination; monitoring and reviewing performance ofthe assigned areas.

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President speaking at the event

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President speaking at the event

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan emphasized this is the latest training program which is revised based on the new tasks and powers of ministerial department level officials,their important role in providing policy advice, state management, and professional management,and the issues relating to their assigned tasks and powers.

In order to improve public officials in terms of knowledge, skills, and methods to perform the assigned civil service tasks, contributing to the building of a qualified and professional contingent of public officials with good qualities, strong political stance and competence to serve the people and the country’s development. The course participants are required to fully engage in learning activities, especially actively participate in sharing and discussions about practical experience in order to reflect the provided knowledge and skills  and learn lessons for their performance at present and in the future.

Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Director, Department of Refresher Training Management announcing the Decision on organization of the training course for ministerial department level leaders and managers at NAPA

Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Director, Department of Refresher Training Management announcing the Decision on organization of the training course for ministerial department level leaders and managers at NAPA


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