Opening ceremony of the training course on leadership and management at ministerial department level – cohort 45 in 2020

( – On October 17, 2020, National Academy of Public Administration solemnly held the opening ceremony of the training course on leadership and management at ministerial department level – cohort 45 in 2020. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong, NAPA Vice President attended and delivered the opening speech.

Attending the opening ceremony were Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Director, Department of Refresher Training Management; Mr. Giang Thanh Nghi,  Head, Division for Leadership and Management Training, Department of Refresher Training Management; Ms. Dao Thi Oanh, Department of Refresher Training Management; and 51 course participants.

Dr. Bui Huy Tung announced Decision No. 3323 / QD-HCQG dated October 16, 2020 by NAPA President on the training course.

 Dr. Bui Huy Tung announced the Decision by NAPA President

Dr. Bui Huy Tung announced the Decision by NAPA President

In the opening speech, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong affirmed an important role of the training of cadres, civil servants and public employees, including leading cadres at the ministerial department level. Training helps standardize the contingent of cadres, civil servants, and public employees  to meet the requirements of industrialization, modernization and international integration, is the decisive factor for the success of the revolution, administrative reform and country’s renovationl. NAPA Vice President requested the course participants to focus on clarification of the theoretical issues, proposing directions and solutions to turn challenges into opportunities; seeking advantages and turning them into a driving force for development. He also emphasized that in the context of rapidly changing world, it is necessary to update with the latest information. Therefore, NAPA welcomes any feedback and contributions from the course participants to improve further the training course for leadership and management at ministertial department level and other NAPA’s training courses.

 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong delivering the open speech

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong delivering the open speech

NAPA Vice President emphasized that the training course not only provide updated knowledge and skills for leaders, managers at ministerial department level but also standardize these officials before and after being appointed. Taking the training is both the obligation and the benefits of the officials. Therefore, course participants are required to attend fully to ensure successful completion of the training.

Mr. Ta Ngoc Don delivered a speech at the opening ceremony

Mr. Ta Ngoc Don delivered a speech at the opening ceremony

On behalf of the course participants, Mr. Ta Ngoc Don, Director, Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Ministry of Education and Training appreciated the opportunity to attend this training to improve management and leadership knowledge, skills and experience to promote the effectiveness and efficiency of state management and work performance. He expressed strong committment to fully attend and actively participate in the course.

As  scheduled, the course will cover the two blocks of knowledge and skills, focusing on the following topics: Tasks and authority of a leader  at ministerial department level; democracy and rule-of-law, transperancy in public service performance; state management in an socialist oriented market economy activities; factors influencing leadership and management at ministerial department level; strategic thinking; policy formulation and evaluation skills; skills in providing legal advices; skills in controlling and assessing activities of the  services; result-based management; skills in coordination; internal management skills. In addition, the course participants are presented with thematic reports on state management in economic, social, environment for sustainable development; digital administration; streamlining the ministries, ministerial agencies, governmetn agencies; role of leaders at ministerial department level in building an enabling, acting, serving government with integrity; public administrative reform in sectors. During the training course, the participants will be introduced with leadership and management experiences such as dealing with difficult situations in leadership; information management; practicing civil service ethics; policy advising; time management and planing skills; working in an international environment.

Some pictures of the opening ceremony:

 Mr. Giang Thanh Nghi introduced the training course

Mr. Giang Thanh Nghi introduced the training course

Opening ceremony

Opening ceremony

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