The Master Program for Public Administration Reform for the 2021-2030 period

On July 15, 2021, the Government issued Resolution No. 76/NQ-CP on the Master Program for Public Administration Reform for the 2021-2030 period.

The overall objective of the Program is to build a democratic, professional, modern, streamlined, effective, efficient, enabling, serving administration with integrity on the basis of the Party’s viewpoints, policies and guidelines on comprehensively and synchronously promoting the renovation process, building a socialist-rule-of-law state of the people, by the people and for the people in the 2021 -2030 period.

Six areas will be focused, specifically: institutional reform; administrative procedure reform; reform of the state administrative apparatus reform; civil service reform; public finance reform; and development of e-government and digital government.

The institutional reform aims at building, perfecting the institutional system and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement; building a contingent of professional, capable and qualified cadres, civil servants and public employees to meet the requirements of tasks and the development of the country; salary reform; and developing E-Government and Digital Government.

For administrative procedure reform, the Government targets at cutting or simplifying at least 20% of procedures and 20% of the compliance costs regarding to business-related procedures by 2025. At least 80% of administrative procedures of ministries, agencies and localities are provided online at level 3 (online application) and level 4 (online application and online payment). By 2030, at least 90% of services of the ministries, agencies and localities will be provided online at level 3 and level 4, and Vietnam will enters the top 30 countries in terms of business conducive environment.

Regarding the public administrative apparatus reform, by 2025, functions, tasks and powers of public agencies and organizations will be clearly identified to avoid overlapping in operation in the state administrative system. There will be a reduction at least by 10% of public non-business units and 10% of non-business payrolls salaried from the state budget compared to 2021. By 2030, the Government’s organizational structure will be consolidated with reduction of ministries and ministerial-level agencies, specialized agencies under the provincial and district People’s Committees, and intermediaries. The number of public non-business units will be continuously decreased by 10% compared to 2025.

The civil service reform targets at building a professional, responsible, dynamic and talented civil service with a fair, democratic, open and transparent competition mechanism in the appointment and promotion and recruitment of cadres,  civil servants and public employees to attract truly virtuous and talented people to the state agencies.

Regarding public finance reform, the Government strongly renovates the mechanism of the state budget allocation and use for administrative agencies and public non-business units based on assigned tasks and outcome in order to enhance their autonomy and self-responsibility; promote creativity; strengthen performance quality and effectiveness; and control corruption in public agencies. Restructure of state-owned enterprises and innovation in the management mechanism of public capital invested in public enterprises will be accelerated.

Regarding the development of e-Government and digital government, it is required to promote application of information technology and scientific and technological achievements, digital transformation, to renovate working methods, to improve productivity and efficiency of state administrative agencies at all levels to meet the requirements of the socio-economic development, national defense, security and international integration as well as the improvement of public service delivery.

In order to successfully implement the reform, the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries, ministerial-level agencies and agencies under the Government and People’s Committees at all levels strengthen and lead the public administration reform implementation; promote the roles, responsibilities and capacity of the agencies in charge of the administration reform implementation. It is required to have a coordination mechanism to ensure that the Master Program is synchronously and consistently implemented as scheduled.

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