Overview of Resolution No. 30/2021/QH15 of the National Assembly

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On July 28, 2021, the National Assembly passed Resolution No. 30/2021/QH15 of the first session, the 15th National Assembly. Accordingly, the Government is assigned to decide and take the responsibility for the implementation of urgent solutions as follows:

- Conduct stronger, more drastic and effective measures to both control the COVID-19 epidemic and promote socio-economic development; strive to successfully implement Resolution No. 124/2020/QH14 of the National Assembly on the socio-economic development plan in 2021

- Determine measures to restrict a number of vehicles; require people not to leave their residence during a certain period of time in a number of particular areas and locations; arrange forces to ensure security, social order and safety in epidemic-affected areas; apply special measures on communication, use means of communication and other measures that can be applied in  emergency to promptly prevent the spread of disease;

- Transfer 1,237 billion VND of the Ministry of Health’s remaining health services expenses in 2020 the for procurement of vaccines against COVID-19; prioritize the state budget and mobilize all other legal resources for COVID-19 prevention and control;

- Well implement the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.  Mobilize all resources in society, raise the fund for COVID-19 vaccine;

- Provide adequate, continuous, accurate and transparent communication on vaccination to achieve the goal of community immunity.

- Urgently review regulations related to epidemic prevention and control and medical examination and treatment.

- The Government at all levels, agencies and localities are required to actively manage the State budget in 2021 in line with the actual situation, well implement the goals, targets and solutions stated in the program of thrift and anti-waste practice; cut down at least 50% of the remaining expenses for conferences, domestic and overseas mission trips of ministries, central and local agencies (except for the expenses for important and urgent activities and for the epidemic prevention and control of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Public Security, and the diplomatic operation budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and save another 10% of recurrent expenditures in 2021; recover recurrent expenditures that are not really necessary to supplement the central and local budgets for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Source: https://luatvietnam.vn/chinh-sach/nghi-quyet-30-2021-qh15-ve-ky-hop-thu-nhat-quoc-hoi-khoa-xv-206804-d1.html

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