Congratulation Letter From The Minister Of Home Affairs On International Women’s Day

On the occasion of the 112th anniversary of International Women’s Day March 8 and 1982th anniversary of the Hai Ba Trung Uprising, on behalf of the Party Delegation and leaders of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Delegation, Minister of the Ministry of Home Affairs sent a congratulation letter to the female civil servants, cadres and public employees of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the home affair sector.

The NAPA web portal presents the full text of the letter.


Hanoi, March 1, 2022



On the 112th anniversary of International Women’s Day, on behalf of the Party Delegation and leaders of the Ministry of Home Affairs, I would like to send my warmest regards to all female civil servants, cadres and public employees of the MoHA as well as to their female family members.

Thousands of years of building and defending the country have instilled Vietnamese women with kind-heartedness, family devotion, knowledge, creativity, and patriotism. When he was alive, President Ho Chi Minh always cared for women and highly appreciated their role in national development.

Following the glorious tradition of Vietnamese women, generations of female civil servants, cadres and public employees of MoHA have constantly made efforts to unite, create, and collaborate to build a history with proud achievements. On behalf of the Party Delegation and MoHA leaders, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude and acknowledgement for your great contribution and commitment.

In order to actively contribute to the comprehensive development of the home affair sector and to be well-deserved the trust of the Party, State and People, I expect and believe that women from the Ministry as well as the home affair sector will actively promote the good traditional values ​​of Vietnamese women, of the descendants of Ba Trung and Ba Trieu, constantly show the will, bravery, initiative, creativity, solidarity, compassion, confidence, self-respect, and resourcefulness, as well as actively contribute the development of the home affair sector and of our beloved Vietnam.

Wishing you and your families good health, happiness and success!

Warm regards,

Pham Thi Thanh Tra

Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Delegation, Minister of the Ministry of Home Affairs

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