Training course for NAPA lecturers “Introduction to Sustainable Consumption and Production and Eco-innovation for policy makers”

From November 10th to November 11th, 2016, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) co-organized the training course “Introduction to Sustainable Consumption and Production and Eco-innovation for policy makers” for NAPA lecturers. The training course also had Dr. Walter Reinhardt – Project Coordinator, Nguyen Thi Bich Hoa – Deputy Director of AIT as trainers of the training course.

Dr. Le Nhu Thanh – Permanent Vice President appreciated the international cooperation activities in capacity building for NAPA lecturers and thanked UNEP and AIT for the cooperation in training for NAPA lecturers. He emphasized the need to develop policy makers’ capacity in sustainable production, consumption and eco-innovation during the period of industrialization and modernization in Vietnam which is characterized with production growth and the increase of new municipal areas that lead to more consumption and environment pollution. Dr. Le Nhu Thanh believed that the training course would improve NAPA lecturers’ knowledge and skills as well as integrate it into the training courses for policy makers in Vietnam.

After two days of the training course, NAPA lecturers gained basic knowledge of sustainable production and consumption; Eco-innovation; challenges in the implementation of sustainable production, consumption and eco-innovation; policy response to these challenges. They also had opportunity to practice integration of policies  for renovation, implementation of sustainable production, consumption and eco-innovation policy in Vietnam and other context.

At the end of the training course, representatives of UNEP and AIT appreciated the organization of training course at NAPA as well as the participation of NAPA lecturers. They wished to continue cooperating with NAPA to organize training course for public servants at central and local levels in implementation for sustainable production and consumption. Moreover, AIT also wished to integrate sustainable development contents into training program of NAPA.

02. TS Walter Reinhard chuyen gia UNEP giang bai edited 2Dr. Walter Reinhardt –  project coordinator, expert of UNEP delivers the lecture

03. Ba Pham Thi Bich Hoa pho Giam doc AIT giang baiPham Thi Bich Hoa – Deputy Director of AIT deliver the lecture

04. Hoc vien thao luan nhomParticipants discuss in group work activity

05. trinh bay ket qua thao luan nhomPresentation in group work activity

01. Can bo giang vien tham gia khoa boi duong chup anh  luu niem voi chuyen gia editedNAPA staff and lecturers participate in the training course take a group photo with AIT experts

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