Implementation plan of the Government’s action program on propaganda and promotion of Asean in a period of 2021 – 2025 in Nam Dinh province

AsemconnectVietnam – Contributing to raising the people’s sense of “Thinking Community, Acting Community” of the people, promoting role of the people to participate, contribute to and benefit from process of integration and building the ASEAN Community.

Implementation plan of the Government’s action program on propaganda and promotion of Asean in a period of 2021 – 2025 in Nam Dinh provinceImplementing Decision No. 1160/QD-TTG dated July 13, 2021 of the Prime Minister approving the Action Program on ASEAN propaganda and promotion for the period 2021-2025 with a vision to 2030, the Provincial People’s Committee builds The implementation plan of the Government’s action program on propaganda and promotion of ASEAN in the period of 2021 – 2025 in the province is as follows:
I. Purpose, requirements
1. Purpose:
– Propaganda to raise awareness of all levels, sectors, units, officials and people in the province to understand the ASEAN Community, narrowing the gap between regional cooperation and public perception of the Community. ASEAN, creating consensus, trust and support of the people, public opinion with ASEAN cooperation.
– Contributing to raising the people’s sense of “Thinking Community, Acting Community” of the people, promoting role of the people to participate, contribute to and benefit from process of integration and building the ASEAN Community.
2. Requirements:
– Departments, departments, branches, localities and units highly promote their roles and responsibilities, closely coordinate, focus on directing the work of information, propaganda and promotion of ASEAN in the period 2021-2025 in the whole region; regularly inspect and supervise the implementation of tasks with efficiency, quality and schedule.
– Information and propaganda work must be carried out regularly and continuously, showing the main flow of ASEAN integration work; diversify products and forms of communication on the mass media, promote communication on digital platforms and social networks; strengthen the sharing and exploitation of common information databases; promptly meet the needs of people from all walks of life to capture and learn about information.
II. Propaganda content
1. Propagate important political-diplomatic activities; investment, business activities, free trade agreements in the ASEAN region; development of human resources, labor – employment; digital conversion; education; ASEAN’s environmental protection, sustainable development, sub-regional cooperation, cooperation in response and recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic
2. Prioritize propaganda, go into specific and substantive analysis of ASEAN’s practical benefits for the people to understand and implement, thematic communication on ASEAN’s common policies and agreements on all three pillars ASEAN Community.
3. Communicating about real stories, models and typical characters about the practical benefits that the ASEAN Community brings to the people of the member countries, opportunities for people to participate and contribute to the Community.
4. Communication about Vietnam’s participation in all three pillars of the ASEAN Community: Political-Security Community: proactive, active and responsible; Economic Community: upholding ASEAN’s commitments, supporting an open, rules-based, inclusive and mutually beneficial multilateral trading system; Socio-Cultural Community: promote the building of a cohesive, resilient, tolerant and people-oriented ASEAN Community, taking the people as the center with the spirit of leaving no one behind.
5. Promote propaganda on the importance of ASEAN to Vietnam, affirming Vietnam’s fundamental and long-term interests in building a more closely linked, united, unified and role-playing ASEAN Community. dominant role in the region; Focusing on emphasizing the benefits for Nam Dinh province in attracting investment, promoting agricultural product support, cooperation in the fields of science and technology, application of information technology, education and training…
6. Communication on the formation process, benefits and results of building the ASEAN Community (2015 – 2025); affirming the role and position of ASEAN, the achievements that ASEAN has achieved in the process of forming and developing the Community; emphasize the changes of ASEAN since the formation of the Community; clarifying the significance of the formation of the ASEAN Community for cooperation and common development in the region as well as in each country; propagate the ASEAN Identity and connect people to people in the ASEAN Community, towards a people-centered and people-centered ASEAN Community.
7. The media highlights the position, role, contribution and imprint of Vietnam in general and Nam Dinh province in particular in the process of integration and participation in ASEAN, especially in the process of building a cohesive ASEAN Community. and proactively adapt, take a leading role in regional issues; clearly state the potentials, strengths, opportunities and challenges of Nam Dinh when participating in the ASEAN Community, and the significance of these results for the lives of people in the province.
8. Promote and introduce the country, people, business opportunities, information about investment projects, investment promotion, tourism, culture, specialties… of Vietnam. in general, Nam Dinh province in particular to ASEAN member countries and ASEAN’s partner countries; introduce the history, culture and life of Nam Dinh people to ASEAN member states, potentials and strengths of cooperation that Nam Dinh can exploit.
III. Objects, time of propaganda
1. Objects
– Cadres, civil servants, public employees, students, students and people; business community, especially foreign-invested enterprises in the province.
– Citizens of Nam Dinh province living and working abroad (especially ASEAN member countries); Foreign nationals, ASEAN member countries are living and working in the province.
– Foreign diplomatic missions and delegations visit and work in the province.
2. Time: Period 2021 – 2025
IV. Implementation cost
Arrange from regular funding sources allocated in annual estimates of agencies and units approved by competent authorities and mobilized from socialization resources as prescribed by law.
V. Implementation organization
1. Assign the Department of Information and Communications to be the agency to assume the prime responsibility for, and advise on, propaganda and promotion of ASEAN in the province in the 2021-2025 period; coordinate with departments, agencies, sectors, mass organizations, localities and related units in organizing the effective implementation of this Plan; at the same time, monitor, summarize and report the implementation results to the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Provincial People’s Committee according to regulations.
2. The Department of Finance, based on the actual situation of the locality, advises the Provincial People’s Committee to arrange recurrent expenditures for the implementation of the Plan according to the current budget decentralization.
3. Departments, branches, People’s Committees of districts and cities and provincial press agencies are responsible for coordinating with the Department of Information and Communications to well implement the contents and tasks under this Plan (expenditures), details of assignment of tasks in the attached Appendix); Based on the assigned functions and tasks, develop an implementation plan to ensure appropriateness and efficiency.
Periodically, before November 10 every year, the units report the results of the implementation of the Plan to the Provincial People’s Committee (via the Department of Information and Communications) to summarize and report according to regulations.
Above the implementation plan of the Government’s action program on propaganda and promotion of ASEAN in the period of 2021 – 2025 in Nam Dinh province, the Provincial People’s Committee requires units to seriously implement. During the implementation process, if there are any difficulties or problems, agencies and units are requested to report to the Department of Information and Communications for summarizing and reporting to the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and settlement./.Source: Vitic/

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