NAPA receives Korea Institute of Public Administration delegation

On April 11th, 2016, Dr. Le NhuThanh – Permanent Vice President of National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) received Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA) delegation led by Dr. Yoon Soo Jung – KIPA President. Presented at the reception were Dr. Kwanghee Lee – Director of Department of Evaluation Research, Dr. Jung Ho Park – Director of Center for International Public Cooperation, NAPA staff and lecturers.

At the reception, Dr. Le Nhu Thanh introduced functions, missions, visions and development orientation of NAPA in the coming years. He also shared with the delegation the experience in the renovation of training for civil servants to meet the requirements of the administrative reform in Vietnam.

Dr. Jung Soo Yoon appreciated the role of NAPA in the ongoing reform in Vietnam. He believed the cooperation between the two institutions would develop further and bring practical benefits to training and research in public administration in each country.

Both institutions agreed on the following cooperation fields of mutual interest:

  • KIPA will send scientists and highly qualified lecturers to deliver lecture in the training programs for senior public servants and position-based training programs at NAPA;
  • Conducting joint research on public administration and public management;
  • Exchanging of students, lecturers and researchers

The two institutions will continue to discuss a detailed cooperation plan, develop and sign a cooperation agreement which will provide a cooperation framework between NAPA and KIPA.

KIPA 3 editedDr. Le Nhu Thanh gives a present to KIPA President

KIPA 2 editedDr. Le Nhu Thanh – Permanent Vice President chairs the reception with KIPA

KIPA 1 editedNAPA Leader and staff take a photo shot with KIPA

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