Each speaker and scholar will serve as an ambassador, sharing vivid experiences in public governance towards the sustainable development goals

On October 17, 2023, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) hosted the annual Conference of the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) under the theme “The Role of Public Governance in Socio-Economic Recovery and Development Towards the Sustainable Development Goals” at the National Convention Center in Ha Noi. H.E. Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Minister of Home Affairs of Viet Nam, delivered the opening remarks.

NAPA Electronic Information Portal is pleased to present the full text of the speech.

H.E. Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Minister of Home Affairs of Viet Nam

H.E. Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Minister of Home Affairs of Viet Nam

Dear Minister of the Interior and Local Government, Philippines,

Dear EROPA Secretary-General,

Dear ambassadors, chief representatives of international organizations in Viet Nam,

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests!

Today, amidst the beautiful days of Ha Noi’s autumn, we come together here to participate in the Conference of the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) with the theme “The Role of Public Governance in Socio-Economic Recovery and Development Towards the Sustainable Development Goals”. On behalf of the Ministry of Home Affairs, I warmly welcome the Minister of the Interior and Local Government, Philippines, the Secretary-General of EROPA, delegates, distinguished guests, scientists and speakers from countries around the world who have come to attend the Conference. I wish you all good health and happiness and hope you have wonderful and memorable experiences during your stay in Viet Nam.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

 In the current period, countries worldwide are facing numerous challenges in sustainable development. Multidimensional shocks resulting from the impact of Covid-19, a crisis that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund consider as severe since the Great Depression of 1929-1933, along with climate change, non-traditional security issues, conflicts at various different levels in various fields between countries, and complex international developments are posing significant challenges to the sustainable development of each country, region and the world.

 Viet Nam, like many other countries, is dealing with various post-pandemic consequences that can potentially threaten its growth and sustainable development. Therefore, the choice of public governance issues with the goal of socio-economic recovery and development as the main theme of the EROPA Conference underscores the role and responsibility of EROPA in addressing the issues that need to be resolved in the region and the world.

 Ladies and Gentlemen!

 As an active and responsible member of many important international organizations and forums, Viet Nam has always actively participated and contributed to EROPA’s activities. In the effort to build effective public governance as a driving force for sustainable development, I believe that the theme of the Conference, “The Role of Public Governance in Socio-Economic Recovery and Development Towards the Sustainable Development Goals”, is highly practical and relevant. It is not only an affirmation of the role but also an articulation of the responsibilities of public governance in achieving sustainable development. In the scholarly and open exchange atmosphere of the Conference, I would like to share some important insights as follows:

 First, during the Covid-19 pandemic, delays in responding to development issues, climate change, and non-traditional security have shown the limitations of global governance. Confronted with the Covid-19 pandemic and the bottlenecks in national and international development, public governance is expected to have the capacity to handle crises and create effective national governance models. This shows that, along with global governance, national governance in each country needs to be a true catalyst and level for development.

 Second, the complex changes and developments of international life once again pose challenges to public governance in both theory and practice. Although we have different philosophies on public governance and crisis management, in certain stages, each country must face difficulties and make sacrifices in the present to balance development goals. The current context also shows that each country is handling development issues with varying approaches. The sharing of successes and failures for sustainable development together becomes the connecting point between countries, regions and the world.

 Third, public governance in today’s era must truly be about development governance, capable of envisioning and finding the way towards a brighter future. Sustainable development has become an overarching trend in the world, with the digital economy, circular economy, and green growth being the development models adopted by many countries. To create sustainable development, the role of public governance and public service in each country needs to be more clearly defined and fully realized. Public service should play a pivotal role in efficiently establishing and implementing systems and policies for sustainable development, mobilizing, and utilizing resources for development, and constructing development scenarios not only under normal conditions but also in times of environmental fluctuations, adversity, and challenges. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that public service reform has become a trend and a focal point in public governance renewal efforts in every country, as a solution for sustainable development in the present and future.

 Ladies and Gentlemen!

 With efforts to recover and promote sustainable development, Viet Nam has been implementing many breakthrough policies. Viet Nam’s 10-year socio-economic development strategy for 2021-2030 has identified the need for significant renewal of thinking and the construction and completion of a comprehensive framework for sustainable development institutions; strong renewal in the growth model, restructuring of the economy, industrialization and modernization of the country. The strategy places a focus on innovation, promoting national digital transformation, and developing the digital economy and society. Viet Nam also focuses its resources on the goal of building a green, circular, and environmentally friendly economic model.

 The efforts of public service and public governance in Viet Nam have been recognized by the achievement of maintaining rapid growth over a long period of time, with an impressive growth rate of 8.02% in 2022. In 2023, global development conditions pose significant challenges for Viet Nam’s economy and many countries around the world, causing a tendency toward slower growth. Nevertheless, forecasts from reputable economic organizations still indicate a very optimistic growth rate for Viet Nam in 2023, exceeding 5%. It is noteworthy that economic growth is associated with progress and social equity, ensuring political security and ecological preservation, effectively enhancing people’s quality of life and happiness to ensure that “no one is left behind” in political, economic, and social life. This impressive growth achievement can be attributed to various reasons, including the contributions of the public service.

 Reality shows that to promote sustainable development, each country’s public service must genuinely be a driving force for development. Sustainable development thinking must first be reflected in public service activities. This entails having a green public service with the capacity to create green development institutions across economic, political, cultural, social and environmental dimensions; promptly removing difficulties and problems; igniting all potentials and resources to generate new driving forces for rapid and sustainable development of the country. The public service needs to be able to identify development opportunities, anticipate potential risks that can harm sustainable development, and formulate policy choices that balance economic, cultural, social, and environmental goals. The public service should also create an attractive investment environment to attract investment projects with advanced technology, new technology, high technology, modern management, innovation, and global supply chain connections, resulting in widespread positive impacts.

 Ladies and Gentlemen!

 With the prestige and influence of EROPA, I am confident that EROPA will always be a strong bridge fostering friendship between its member countries. Each speaker and each scholar attending the Conference will serve as ambassadors of their respective countries, sharing vivid experiences in public governance towards sustainable development goals. I hope that the EROPA Conference will offer in-depth and comprehensive insights into public governance renewal and public service reform; supplement and further develop public governance theory in a multifaceted environment and discover breakthrough solutions for public service reform to promote sustainable development. Given the unpredictable fluctuations of the contemporary world, the question of how the public governance and public service of each country can truly support sustainable development is a significant one. It awaits discussion and sharing among scientists and experts. It is expected that, after this Conference, we will acquire new knowledge and thought-provoking insights for the process of public service reform in each country.

 With this spirit, I believe the Conference will be an effective and valuable forum. I wish the EROPA Conference a great success.

 Thank you very much!

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