How can YOUth shape Society? Open Call for Participants for ASEFYLS Capacity Buildings 2024


The ASEFYLS Capacity Buildings welcomes 80 youth leaders from Asia and Europe, with diverse academic disciplines and professional backgrounds to learn more about Leadership and Society 5.0.

ASEF’s programmes are inclusive and ensure a gender and geographical balance.


The ASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS) is a Youth platform that connects young people across Asia & Europe, applying a 360 degree approach on leadership development and community engagement: 1) self-leadership (you), 2) team leadership (we) and 3) societal leadership (all).

The Society 5.0 concept describes a human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space. ASEFYLS will explore what kind of leadership is needed for Society 5.0 and how young people can prepare for an ethical, sustainable and digital future.

Apply to participate and you will have the chance to:

  • Learn
  • Network
  • Explore China or Hungary
  • Contribute


The ASEFYLS Capacity Buildings 2024 is a youth leadership programme focusing on ‘Leadership in Society 5.0’, with collaborative programme elements taking place both virtually and physically.

The ASEFYLS Capacity Building 2024 programme consists of 3 phases with the aim to give participants the opportunity to learn, to collaborate and to turn theory into action:

Knowledge Building Phase | 2-30 July 2024 | Online

  • An in-depth exploration into Leadership and Society 5.0 with trainings and thematic experts.

In-person training | Participants will attend in-person either:

Asia-Europe Young Leaders Campus | 10-18 August 2024 | Beijing &Hangzhou, China

  • An opportunity for people-to-people dialogue exchanges, networking, and learning in a local context. Organised in partnership with the All-China Youth Federation (ACYF) and held alongside the World Youth Development Forum (WYDF).

Asia-Europe Training Seminar on Youth, Deigitalisation and Intercultural Dialogue | 6-12 October 2024 | Budapest, Hungary

  • An opportunity for people-to-people dialogue exchanges, networking, and learning in a local context. Organised in partnership with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe (CoE).

Action Phase | August-December 2024 | In local communities

  • Turning theory into action, participants will organise events in their local communities to share their learnings with larger audiences.


We are looking for applicants who meets the following requirements:

  • A citizen of one of the eligible Asian and European Countries*
  • Students and young professionals between 18-30 years
  • Play a leading role in a Youth Organisation/Student Association (not exclusive to board members, executive committees)
  • Excellent command of English (verbal and written)

There are neither registration nor participation fees for this programme. Accommodation, meals, and travel subsidies will be provided for the selected participants.

*All ASEF projects are implemented in line with the decision of the ASEF Board of Governors. For applicants for the in-person training in Hungary, and by the request of the Council of Europe Youth, consideration will also be made for applicants based on residency in an ASEF member country.


From July to December 2024, participants are expected to attend and engage in:

  • 5 online Knowledge Building Phase sessions between 2-30 July 2024 (approx. 10 of hours),  along with individual tasks (self-paced)
  • On-site participation in one of the in-person trainings in either Beijing and Hangzhou, China (10-18 August 2024) or Budapest, Hungary (6-12 October 2024) . Participants can indicate their availability for the trainings in the application form and will be allocated to one of them upon selection.
  • Participants are expected to organise multiplier events in their local communities – turning theory into action to share their learnings with a larger audience. These events are to be organised following the in-person trainings between August and December 2024.

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