Speech by Undergraduate student at the 65th Anniversary Celebration of the National Academy of Public Administration

Ms. Le Thanh Loan, student of Batch 21, majoring in Office Administration, Faculty of Archival Sciences and Office Management, at the celebration.

Ms. Le Thanh Loan, student of Batch 21, majoring in Office Administration, Faculty of Archival Sciences and Office Management, at the celebration.

Distinguished guests,

Dear lecturers and classmates,

I am Lê Thanh Loan, a student of Batch 21, majoring in Office Administration. I am very honored to represent NAPA graduate students to deliver a remark on NAPA’s 65th anniversary. First of all, I would like to extend my best wishes for health and my most respectful greetings to the distinguished guests, lecturers, and students.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Time flies so quickly. It seems like just yesterday that we were leaving high school to come to the university lecture hall. I am already in my third year of studying at NAPA. It is a great honor and pride for us to be students of NAPA, a special non-business public institution. NAPA has a rich tradition of teaching and learning. NAPA has trained many generations of intelligent and enthusiastic students who are present throughout the country, contributing significantly to the building and protection of the country. We are extremely proud to continue and promote that tradition. This year marks NAPA’s 65th anniversary, 65 years of hardships and happiness, pride and emotion, 65 years of maturity and strong development. We are deeply aware and believe that NAPA is the place where our dreams are inspired and where we have the most beautiful memories in the student’s life.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Our country is increasingly transformed and deeply entering into integration. The requirements for knowledge, capacity, and human qualities are more demanding than ever. The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings both opportunities and challenges, difficulties. Therefore, we need to equip ourselves with more knowledge and skills to adapt and enter into integration. NAPA helps us realize our dreams and aspirations. At NAPA, we receive attention and support from leaders of NAPA and faculties. NAPA lecturers are enthusiastic and dedicated. They not only teach us professional knowledge but also upskill and share with us experience and best practices, which we highly appreciate.

Ladies and gentlemen,

With all these wonderful things, in this solemn ceremony, on behalf of all NAPA undergraduate students, we pledge to try our best in study and training, to promote the enthusiasm of youth: honesty, responsibility, passion, innovation, and creativity; to actively and proactively improve our knowledge and skills to train ourselves and develop our careers. We will strive to follow the previous generations of NAPA students, continuing NAPA’s glorious tradition and becoming good citizens contributing to the community, homeland, and country, gaining the trust and expectations of NAPA faculties, families, and society, and especially to embody the distinctive characteristics of NAPA’s students “Intelligence – Quality – Modernity.”

Once again, we wish the distinguished guests, lecturers, and students good health and happiness. We wish our fellow students and trainees full energy and firmly advance on the path of study and research to reach success.

Thank you.

Representative of NAPA students congratulating NAPA.

Representative of NAPA students congratulating NAPA.

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