A Message for the New Year from the Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year, Xuan Quy Mao 2023 (The Year of Cat), on behalf of the Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) Designated Representation and the leaders of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Member of the CPV Central Committee, Secretary of the CPV Designated Representation, Minister of Home Affairs sent Tet greetings to generations of cadres, civil servants, and public employees of the home affairs industry.


The message is presented on the website of the National Academy of Public Administration.

Hanoi, 11 January 2023

Lunar New Year greetings

On the occasion of Lunar New Year – Xuan Quy Mao 2023 (Year of Cat), on behalf of the CPV Designated Representation, the leaders of the Ministry of Home Affairs and in my name, I wish you all the best!

With the action motto “Solidarity, discipline, exemplar, innovation, efficiency”, the year 2022 has recorded comprehensive achievement in all work aspects of the home affairs industry. Public employees of the whole sector always adhere to the leadership guidelines of the Party and State to advise and propose to competent authorities in promulgating and organizing the implementation of State management institutions in the fields of work of MoHA, thereby ensuring consistency, connection, effectiveness and efficiency between the regulations of the Party and the State, between the central and local governments. It is necessary to innovate thinking, adapt to requirements, conduct practical research, advise, and perform many important and difficult tasks in order to reorganize the apparatus, streamline staffing, promote decentralization and transfer of power, and promote administrative reform to remove bottlenecks in development. This will contribute to national growth and recovery and socio-economic development. The Party and State also respectfully recognized and praised great and good achievements that the public employees of the home affairs industry have achieved in 2022.

I believe that with the new spirit of innovation and creativity and a solid foundation of success, public employees of the home affairs industry will enter 2023 with a proactive, positive, and determined attitude, seize opportunities, address challenges, and unite to overcome all difficulties as well as successfully complete political tasks in 2023. With great faith and expectations in the Year of Cat, all public employees in the home affairs industry will definitely achieve greater and better successes, further highlighting the glorious tradition of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the home affairs industry in general.

Wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy and prosperous Lunar New Year!


Pham Thi Thanh Tra

Member of the CPV Central Committee, Secretary of the CPV Designated Representation, Minister of Home Affairs


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