[CALL FOR PAPERS] [Last 5 Days of the Extended Submission Deadline] 2024 AAPA-EROPA-AGPA-IAPA International Conference


Dear AAPA/EROPA/AGPA/IAPA Members,  Scholars, Researchers, and Experts,

We cordially invite you to the 2024 AAPA/EROPA/AGPA/IAPA International Conference to be held at the University of Gadjah MadaYogyakarta, Indonesia, on 5-7 November 2024. This conference is jointly hosted and organized by the Asian Association of Public Administration, the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration, the Asian Group of Public Administration, and the Indonesian Association of Public Administration, in partnership with Indonesia’s Ministry of Administrative Reform, the National Institute of Public Administration, and the University of Gadjah Mada.


About the Conference

This marks a historic event for the discipline of public administration in the Asian Region, for it’ll be the first time that the umbrella organizations of public administration in Asia will jointly hold an international conference to address the most pressing and burning issues in public administration and the bureaucracy from a global perspective.


“Towards World Class Bureaucracy”


1.) Digital Transformation and Bureaucracy
2.) Algorithmic Public Policy Making Using Big Data Analytics / Data Mining / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning /Metaverse
3.) Bureaucratic Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Street-Level Bureaucracy
4.) Leadership in VUCA Bureaucracy
5.) Post-Pandemic Bureaucracy
6.) Social Inclusion/Exclusion, Gender Representation, and Social Equity for Sustainability
7.) Public Values (Ethics, Transparency, Accountability)
8.) Risk and Crisis Management (Disaster Management, Environment Management, Community Resilience)


Call-for-Papers and Important Dates

Authors are encouraged to submit their latest research and case studies related to the conference theme. Please see the enclosed Call-for-Papers for paper submission guidelines and extended due dates.


Registration and Conference Fees

Please visit the official conference website here for detailed information about the event.



For general inquiries and paper submissions, id2024@eropa.co


Thank you, and we’re looking forward to your contributions, attendance, and valuable insights.

2024 AAPA-EROPA-AGPA-IAPA Conference Organizing Committee
Email: Organizing Committee / AAPA / EROPA / AGPA / IAPA
Website: 2024 AAPA-EROPA-AGPA-IAPA Conference

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