Ceremony of awarding graduate degrees in 2016

On December 24th, 2016, at Temple of Literature, National Academy of Public Administration celebrated the closing ceremony of the graduate training programs as well as awarding Master degree and Doctoral degree to graduated students in 2016. Presented at the ceremony were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA), in charge of NAPA; Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Phung, Director General of Ministry of Education and Training; Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Van, Director General, MOHA; Dr. Le Nhu Thanh, NAPA Permanent Vice President; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luu Kiem Thanh, NAPA Vice President; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, Dean of Faculty of Graduate Training; Mr. Bui Huy Tung, General Director of General Office; Mr. Nguyen Tien Hiep, Deputy General Director of Organization and Personnel Department and many NAPA faculties and staff.

In remembrance of the kings of the Ly dynasty who built Quoc Tu Giam, the first university in Vietnam and the Great Teacher Chu Van An, NAPA leaders and new doctors and masters lighted incense sticks and reported NAPA’s training achievements as a continuity of the education tradition created by the country ancestors.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien presented the brief report on new  Masters and Doctors’ training and research process. He appreciated the attention by MOHA leaders, Ministry of Education and Training, NAPA Board of Directors, staff and lecturers. NAPA officially awards degrees to 12 doctors in Public Management and 404 Masters (273 Masters in  Public Management and 131 Masters in Finance – Banking)

be giang va trao bang cao hoc 2016Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trieu Van Cuong giving a speech at the ceremony

Giving the speech at the ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trieu Van Cuong appreciated the effort of the graduates as well as NAPA faculty and staff, especially graduates’ hard working to complete successfully the training program. On the other hand, the training itself also contributed to NAPA’s goal to become a national leading center in training of civil servants and research on administrative and management sciences as stated in the Decision 163/QD-TTg by Prime Minister dated 25 January 2016: “To make the National Academy of Public Administration a training center of leaders and managers at regional level”.

Tran Son Ha, the new doctor who is currently Major General, General Director of the General Department of Traffic Police and Nguyen Thị Van Anh, the new master who is currently Deputy Director of the Family Planning Center of Ba Dinh District, Hanoi delivered  speeches to express their gratitude toward NAPA leader, lecturers and staff for their supports in the training program. The graduates promised to apply trained knowledge to their work, contribute to the administrative reform and development of a professional and modern administration. The representatives of graduates gave flowers to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Dr. Le Nhu Thanh and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien to extend their thank to NAPA.

be giang va trao bang cao hoc 2016 2Dr. Trang Son Ha expresses his gratitude in the ceremony

be giang va trao bang cao hoc 2016 3NAPA leaders, representatives, new doctoral and master light incense sticks

be giang va trao bang cao hoc 2016 4Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien reports the result of the training course

be giang va trao bang cao hoc 2016 6Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trieu Van Cuong and Dr. Le Nhu Thanh award the degrees to new doctoral

be giang va trao bang cao hoc 2016 7Group photo of NAPA leaders, representatives, researchers, new doctoral and master

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be giang va trao bang cao hoc 2016 9Representative of new doctoral and master giving flower to NAPA leader

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