Closing ceremony of the 6th public administration training course for Bangladesh civil servants

On November 21st 2017, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) organized the closing ceremony of public administration training course for 35 Bangladesh senior officials. It is the sixth public administration training course in 2017 and is the 18th training course for Bangladesh high-ranking officials under the cooperation training program between NAPA and Ministry of Public Administration (MOPA) of Bangladesh.


Mr. Shah Mohammad Sanaul Hoque, MOPA joint Secretary giving a speech in the ceremony

Presented in the ceremony were Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President; Mr. AFM Aminul Islam, Counselor of Bangladesh Embassy to Vietnam; representative of Ministries and Departments; NAPA staff and lecturers; and 35 Bangladesh high ranking officials.

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan affirmed that overseas study visits to Vietnam of many delegations of Bangladesh senior government officials strengthen the relationship between the two countries. He believed that the success of the training course will contribute to friendship and training cooperation activities between NAPA and Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC). This is also an opportunity for lecturers and staff to study and share experiences on public administration, contributing to high quality human resources development in the public sector of Vietnam and Bangladesh.


Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan also praised the hard working of Bangladesh course participants and appreciated their feedback on the training course for further improvement of the public administration training program for Bangladesh high ranking officials. He believed that the knowledge and skills in public administration gained through the training course will help Bangladesh officials to develop a more professional, responsible, dynamic, transparency and effective public administration in Bangladesh to serve country development and socio-economic development.


On behalf of the delegation, Mr. Shah Mohammad Sanaul Hoque, MOPA joint Secretary, highly appreciated the content of the training course and the expertise of Vietnamese lecturers on public administration. He also emphasized that the knowledge and skills gained through the training course and field visits in Vietnam are useful and practical which will help them to improve public service in Bangladesh. In his speech, Mr. Shah Mohammad Sanaul Hoque emphasized the warm reception, hospitability, support, and experience sharing by local authorities, NAPA leaders and staff for the delegation during their staying in Vietnam.

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