Closing ceremony of the training course “Leadership and innovation in the public sector in the context of digital transformation”

On September 29, 2023, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Service (INSP) of the French Republic and the French Embassy in Viet Nam, held the closing ceremony of the training course “Leadership and innovation in the public sector in the context of digital transformation”.

The closing ceremony was conducted in a hybrid form with in-person participation in Ha Noi and virtual attendance of the French Embassy in Viet Nam, INSP, and NAPA Branch Campuses in Ho Chi Minh City, Tay Nguyen, and Central region.

Delegates and participants attending the closing ceremony.

Delegates and participants attending the closing ceremony.

Attending the closing ceremony online were Mr. Béla Hégédus, Deputy Counselor for Cooperation and Culture, French Embassy in Viet Nam; Ms. Tran Lan Huong, program officer, French Embassy in Viet Nam; Mr. Alexandre Tran Chuong, Deputy Director, International Relations Department, INSP. France.

On the side of NAPA were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, NAPA President; leaders of relevant NAPA departments, faculties and functional units; officials, lecturers and 65 participants from 13 provinces and cities.

The training course lasted for 5 days, covering seven topics, including five topics presented by experts from the French Republic: (1) The French public service: practices, transformation processes, and innovation processes; (2) Leading the administrative transformation in the digital era; (3) Digital transformation policies, programs and projects in public administration; (4) Digital administration in local governments; (5) Digital administration and data protection at the local level. Two topics, namely Digital transformation in Viet Nam: the current situation and challenges and Digitalization of public administration in Viet Nam, were presented by Vietnamese experts.

At the end of the training course, all participants have successfully completed the program and are qualified for a certificate of completion from INSP and NAPA.

Mr. Alexandre Tran Chuong, Deputy Director, International Relations Department, INSP, speaking at the closing ceremony.

Mr. Alexandre Tran Chuong, Deputy Director, International Relations Department, INSP, speaking at the closing ceremony.

At the closing ceremony, Mr. Alexandre Tran Chuong expressed gratitude to the French Embassy in Viet Nam and NAPA for their close collaboration with INSP in organizing this training course. He hopes that in the future, there will be further collaboration in the training and development of officials in public administration and digital transformation. He also looks forward to NAPA having a representative participate in the Digital Transformation Workshop scheduled for the end of November 2023 in South Korea, co-organized by INSP in collaboration with partners in South Korea.

Mr. Béla Hégédus, Deputy Counselor for Cooperation and Culture, French Embassy in Viet Nam, speaking at the closing ceremony.

Mr. Béla Hégédus, Deputy Counselor for Cooperation and Culture, French Embassy in Viet Nam, speaking at the closing ceremony.

On behalf of the French Embassy, Mr. Béla Hégédus expressed his joy at the successful completion of the training course. This activity also aims to further strengthen the strategic cooperation between Viet Nam and the French Republic on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. He hopes for more opportunities for collaboration between Viet Nam and the French Republic, specifically with NAPA in the field of training and development of officials and public servants.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, NAPA President, delivering his closing remarks.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, NAPA President, delivering his closing remarks.

In his closing remarks, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, NAPA President, congratulated the participants on successfully completing the one-week training. Despite differences in space, time and language, the enthusiasm, responsibility, high level of expertise as well as rich practical experience of experts from France, who are senior officials holding key positions in French ministries, sectors, and local administrative units, directly involved in leading and implementing public administration reform programs associated with the digital transformation of the French Republic, have helped the participants gain a comprehensive view of the achievements, opportunities, and challenges of the public administration innovation process in the context of the digital transformation of the French Republic.

The participants also listened to presentations of experienced Vietnamese experts on the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation in Viet Nam and digitalization of public administration in Viet Nam. This provided a reference perspective from the viewpoints of leaders, managers, scientists, researchers, and lecturers. At the same time, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien also emphasized that the practice of modernizing the French public service associated with the digital transformation of the French Republic demonstrates a strong transformation of central and local institutions when implementing the digitization of public administration. It involves standardizing administrative procedures, connecting and sharing data to facilitate administrative procedures, and improving the quality of public services, thereby enhancing grassroots democracy. Digital transformation programs and projects are implemented from central to local levels with the goal of putting people at the center, improving the quality of life, building smart cities, creating community cohesion, and making localities more vibrant, economically, culturally, and socially prosperous, and more attractive to businesses and residents.

The successful lessons and practical experiences of the French Republic in digitalizing public service are valuable references for Vietnamese leaders, managers, policy planners, and implementers to study and apply in the practical implementation of the digital transformation process. This would promote the socio-economic development towards an effective and efficient national governance.

On behalf of NAPA leaders and the training course organizing committee, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien sincerely thanks the experts from the French Republic, Viet Nam, INSP, and the Embassy of the French Republic for their cooperation and support in successfully organizing the training course. NAPA looks forward to continuing collaboration with INSP in future cooperative programs.

Mr. Tac Van Nam, Director of the Department of Health of Bac Kan province, representing the participants to speak at the closing ceremony.

Mr. Tac Van Nam, Director of the Department of Health of Bac Kan province, representing the participants to speak at the closing ceremony.

On behalf of the participants of the training course, Mr. Tac Van Nam, Director of the Department of Health of Bac Kan province, extends gratitude to the leaders of NAPA, INSP, the Embassy of the French Republic, and the experts from France and Viet Nam. He also expresses appreciation to the staff from relevant departments and divisions for creating the best conditions for the successful completion of the course. The organization of this training course, aimed at enhancing the capacity of leaders and officials in innovating the public sector in digital transformation and learning digital transformation models and modernization of public administration in the French Republic, is highly practical and relevant to the work responsibilities of each participant. Mr. Tac Van Nam hopes that beneficial training courses like this will continue to be maintained, allowing leaders, managers, and officials from various ministries, sectors, and localities to participate more actively. This is in line with the comprehensive digital transformation efforts of the country both now and in the future.

A group photo of delegates and participants attending the closing ceremony.

A group photo of delegates and participants attending the closing ceremony.

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