Pham Thi Thanh Tra appointed by the National Assembly as Minister of Home Affairs

On April 8, 2021, the National Assembly approved the Resolution on appointment of 14 members of the Government. Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Head of Central Party Organization Commission, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs was appointed as Minister of Home Affairs and become the first female Minister of Home Affairs after 75 years of establishment.

BT Trà

Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra is one of the two female members of the current Government.

Before appointed as Vice Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Home Affairs she used to hold different leadership positions. As the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee in Yen Bai, she provided direction for successful implementation of the administrative reform in the locality, particularly organizational structure arrangement and decentralization, which is an valuable, useful experience for her to provide practical advice to the Government and leadership for the home affairs sector concerning the on-going reforms and renovation.

As Minister of Home Affairs, she sets five priorities to implement in the coming time in accordance with the Thirteenth National Party Congress, specifically:

First, continue to advise on development and completion of the institutions to build a democratic, modern, professional, discipline, transparent public administration which serves the people and promotes international integration.

Second, accelerate the public sector reform to make breakthroughs for the 2021-2026 period and create dynamics for the  country’s development in the context of international integration.

Third, continue to streamline the apparatus, promote effectiveness and efficiency with a focus on arrangement of administrative units at district and commune levels, administrative agencies, and public non-business units.

Fourth, continue to realize the objectives of downsizing, restructuring of the civil service based on job positions and leadership positions, and promoting the detection, training, and use of talent people in the civil service.

Fifth, continue to promote and complete decentralization in all sectors, strengthen inspection and checking to ensure the unified state management and improve effectiveness and efficiency.

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