E-Government development strategy towards digital government in a period of 2021 – 2025, orientation to 2030

AsemconnectVietnam – Develop a comprehensive digital government, promote achieved results, concentrate resources, mobilize participation of the whole political system, have breakthrough solutions and ways of doing things in order to basically fulfill e-Government development targets by 2021 and form a digital government by 2025.

E-Government development strategy towards digital government in a period of 2021 – 2025, orientation to 2030
I. Viewpoints
1. Develop a digital government that has all safe operations on the digital environment, has a redesigned operating model and operates based on data and digital technology, to be able to provide quality services make more timely decisions, issue better policies, use resources more optimally, create development, lead the country’s digital transformation, effectively solve major problems in development and socio-economic management.
2. Develop a comprehensive digital government, promote achieved results, concentrate resources, mobilize participation of the whole political system, have breakthrough solutions and ways of doing things in order to basically fulfill e-Government development targets by 2021 and form a digital government by 2025.
3. Open orientation for people, businesses and other organizations to appropriately participate in the activities of state agencies, interact with state agencies to jointly enhance transparency and improve service quality, solve problems together and create value for society together.
4. Data is the new resource. State agencies open data and provide open data for the development of digital government, digital economy and digital society. State agencies connect and share data so that people only have to declare and provide data once to state agencies and essential public service providers.
5. Platform is the breakthrough solution. Combining centralized and distributed deployment model, complying with Vietnam E-Government Architecture Framework and Architecture of ministries, branches and localities. Developing platforms in the direction of providing synchronous and smooth services at administrative levels so that they can be used anywhere. National platforms, applications and services must be made first, well done, centralized.
6. The domestic market nurtures and develops digital technology products Make in Vietnam, thereby reaching out to the region and the world. The Government actively coordinates, plans and implements market-oriented and market-creating activities with the dual goals of developing the digital government and developing Vietnam’s digital technology enterprises. Diversifying in scale, aiming to master and develop core technologies and open platforms for Digital Government, forming an ecosystem of Make in Vietnam applications and services.
II. Vision to 2030
Vietnam has a high level of development index of e-Government and digital government in the world, among the top 30 countries according to the ranking of the United Nations.
Digital government transforms the way to serve people and businesses, reducing costs, increasing business productivity, creating facilitation, bringing people’s satisfaction, so that people and businesses can participate more in activities. Action of state agencies to jointly create values, benefits, satisfaction, trust and social consensus.
The digital government transforms the organization, operation, working environment and working tools so that officials, civil servants and public employees can best perform their tasks.
III. Objectives to 2025
1. Provide quality service to serve society
State agencies cut, restructure, simplify, standardize and unify administrative procedures in service of society nationwide.
State agencies provide new services on the principle of ensuring service quality, reducing costs, and increasing social labor productivity in a proactive and timely manner to meet the needs of society.
People and businesses can use digital services according to their personalized needs, throughout their lives, when needed, in a convenient way, online or in person, easily, simply, quickly, and without paper. , no presence is required unless required by law.
Some of the key metrics include:
a) 100% of administrative procedures eligible as prescribed by law are provided in the form of online public service level 4.
b) 100% of online public services are designed and redesigned to optimize the user experience, when used, are pre-filled with data that the user has previously provided under the agreement, in accordance with the standards.
c) 100% of people and businesses using online public services are identified and authenticated smoothly, unified on all systems of government levels from central to local.
d) At least 80% of administrative documents are processed completely online, people only have to enter data once.
At least 90% of people and businesses are satisfied with the handling of administrative procedures.
e) At least 20% of administrative procedures of state agencies will be reduced compared to the current one.
2. Widely mobilize the participation of society
Citizens, businesses and other organizations can easily contribute ideas to the activities of state agencies, reflect on social problems around them to state agencies and receive opinions, feedback on their participation, participation results.
Enterprises can participate in providing public services or develop new and innovative services, making it easier for society to access and use public services of state agencies.
The State, people, businesses and other organizations participate in universalizing the use of public services in particular and digital transformation in general.
Some of the key metrics include:
a) 100% of state agencies at ministerial and provincial levels participate in opening data and providing open data for the development of digital government, digital economy and digital society.
b) At least 50% of new public services of state agencies are provided by enterprises or non-state organizations.
c) 100% of ministerial and provincial public service portals support people and businesses to interact conveniently and online with state agencies in state management activities and provide services based on digital technology platform.
3. Optimal operation of state agencies
State agencies design organizational models and operating methods based on data and digital technology, creating a working environment and working tools so that officials, public servants and public employees can perform their best, their tasks, connect and cooperate with each other more easily, make timely decisions, issue better policies, use resources more optimally.
Cadres, civil servants and public employees are trained and fostered skills in analyzing and exploiting data and digital technology, capable of creating development, leading digital transformation in each industry, field, and locality. .
Some of the key metrics include:
a) 100% of state agencies provide 24/7 service, ready to serve online whenever people and businesses need. 100% of civil servants are assigned digital identifiers in job processing.
b) 100% of the directing, operating and internal governance activities of state agencies are carried out on the basis of overall and unified governance.
c) 100% of documents exchanged between state agencies are carried out in electronic form, digitally signed by specialized digital signatures, except for confidential documents as prescribed by law.
d) 90% of work records at ministerial and provincial levels; 80% of work records at the district level and 60% of work records at the commune level are processed on the internet (except for work records that are classified as state secrets).
100% of the reporting work is done on the national reporting information system.
e) 100% of records are created, kept and shared electronically according to regulations.
g) 100% of state agencies at ministerial and provincial levels have a centralized analysis and data processing platform and application of artificial intelligence to optimize operations.
h) At least 50% of supervision and inspection activities of the management agency are carried out through the digital environment and the management agency’s information system.
i) At least 70% of the content of the training program, entrance exam, state management promotion exam to the rank of specialist, main specialist, senior specialist or equivalent shall be conducted online.
k) 100% of cadres, civil servants and public employees are trained, fostered and universalized basic digital skills; 50% of cadres, civil servants and public employees are trained and fostered skills in analysis, data mining and digital technology.
4. Effectively solving major problems in socio-economic development
State agencies are capable of effectively solving major problems in socio-economic development in all fields.
Some of the basics include:
a) Each citizen has a digital identity with a QR code, and will have a smartphone next. Each household has a digital address, capable of accessing broadband fiber optic Internet.
b) Every citizen is entitled to live in an environment that ensures security, social order and safety and has the right to personal privacy in a protected digital environment as prescribed by law.
c) Each resident has a digital personal health record. Each commune health station implements the management of commune health stations in the digital environment. Each medical examination and treatment facility deploys remote medical examination and treatment consultation based on actual needs. Every hospital and public health center deploys electronic medical records, non-cash payment of hospital fees, and electronic prescriptions. Publicize drug prices, medical equipment prices, medical examination and treatment prices.
d) Each student has a digital record of personal learning. Each training institution deploys teaching and learning management activities in the digital environment. Implement non-cash tuition payment, digital learning materials. Deploying digital university as a miniature digital country, changing the model of teaching and learning to optimize the operation of higher education institutions, optimize the learning experience of students and encourage training models.
Every farmer has the ability to access, exploit, and effectively use the digital data platform on agriculture, the traceability platform, reducing dependence on intermediate stages from production, distribution.
g) Each expressway traffic route is installed with an intelligent traffic management and administration system. Implement non-stop electronic toll collection at all toll stations nationwide, eliminating all toll lanes using cash. Each vehicle uses an electronic toll collection account for multi-purpose payment for road traffic services. Reducing the cost of forwarding – logistics services and building a forwarding – logistics supply chain owned by Vietnamese enterprises.
h) Each entry and exit in Vietnam can easily, minimizing time, rapid implementation of the necessary procedures with the aid effectiveness of the processes are automated, heading 03 best countries in Southeast Asia.
i) Each import and export goods and means of entry and exit are managed from the beginning to the end using a digital technology platform, reducing time, quickly carrying out customs procedures, belonging to the group of 03 good countries in Southeast Asia.
k) Each individual business household, small and medium-sized enterprise can easily experience the use of digital technology platforms for production and business.
l) Each individual, individual business household, and enterprise can easily send and receive e-invoices with each other and with tax authorities using digital technology platforms.
m) Each heritage of Vietnam has a digital presence and forms a digital heritage so that people and tourists can conveniently access it in the digital environment.
5. Breakthrough change in country ranking
Vietnam’s national ranking on the development of e-government and digital government according to the United Nations’ assessment has made a breakthrough change.
Some of the key metrics include:
a) Vietnam is in the group of 50 leading countries in the overall index.
b) Vietnam is in the top 50 countries in terms of e-participation index.
c) Vietnam is among the top 50 countries in the open data index.
IV. National key task
1. Completing the legal environment
a) Study and propose amendments to the Law on Electronic Transactions and guiding documents in order to solve difficulties and obstacles at the legal level, creating conditions for the development of the new digital government.
b) Study and propose amendments to the Law on Archives to have regulations on electronic archives, creating legal conditions for the implementation of complete digital transformation in the operation and working process of agencies and organizations state office.
c) Research and develop the Law on Digital Government and guiding documents to facilitate the development of the Digital Government.
d) To issue the Decree of the Government replaces Decree No. 43/2011 / ND-CP of June 13, 2011 of the Government providing for the provision of information and services online on electronic communications or state agencies’ web portals to have appropriate regulations, provide more convenient and diversified digital services, enhance interaction with people and businesses, service quality is evaluated. Pricing is based on user satisfaction.
Issue the Government’s Decree on electronic identification and authentication, and complete the legal corridor to popularize digital identities.
e) Issue the Government’s Decree to replace the Government’s Decree No. 64/2007/ND-CP of April 10, 2007 stipulating the application of information technology in the operations of state agencies to conform with the development trend of digital government and digital transformation orientation of Vietnam.
g) Develop and submit to the Prime Minister for promulgation the Regulation on management, operation and exploitation of the National Reporting Information System and the Information Center for direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
h) Ensure a regulatory environment that allows experimentation, acceptance of newness and acceptance of change. Form a pilot space for digital services and develop a legal framework to allow testing of digital services that are not yet regulated by law. Digital service pilot space is a digital space that allows all innovative digital products and services that are not yet regulated by legal documents to be piloted, provided that they are closely monitored by law technology in terms of scope, scale and operating model. When reaching a certain scale, the organization evaluates to build the necessary legal corridor.
i) Develop standards, regulations, and technical guidelines on digital government to keep up with the development of technology, ensure the synchronous development of digital government models and ensure network safety and security, interconnection, sharing technical infrastructure, data between information systems.
k) Maintain and update the Vietnam E-Government Architecture Framework, the ministerial-level E-Government Architecture, the Provincial-level E-Government Architecture in accordance with the requirements of the Digital Government and Digital Government in order to deploy The digital government is synchronized on a nationwide scale, ensuring connectivity and interconnection, and avoiding duplicate investments.
l) Ensuring the legal environment for all people and businesses to participate equally in the digital transformation process, to be protected from information safety and private data, to use electronic codes associated with QR codes.
2. Digital infrastructure development
a) Network Infrastructure
– Develop and operate a stable, secure and smooth dedicated network infrastructure, connecting 04 administrative levels from central to commune level on the basis of a dedicated data transmission network of Party and State agencies, wide-area networks of ministries, branches and localities, broadband Internet in service of the Digital Government;
– Deploy technical systems to ensure capacity and information security for the specialized data transmission network of Party and State agencies as the basic transmission infrastructure in connecting information systems and communication. , sharing data for digital government.
b) Government cloud computing platform
– Cloud ecosystem for Digital Government including Government Cloud Computing Platform (CGC), cloud of state agencies in ministries, sectors and localities (AGC) and enterprise cloud meet professional requirements, standards and technical regulations serving the Digital Government (EGC);
– Building a unified Government Cloud Computing Platform (CGC) on the basis of planning, connecting clouds of state agencies at ministries, branches and localities (AGC) to create an environment for storage , sharing resources, developing shared services for the digital government on a nationwide scale to be flexible, efficient and fast; effectively connect and exploit enterprise cloud systems (EGC) to provide cloud computing infrastructure for the Digital Government.
3. Development of digital platforms and national scale systems
a) Develop a National Data Sharing and Integration Platform (NDXP) to connect, integrate and share data between information systems and databases of ministries, branches and localities on the local scale nationwide through connecting to the Data Sharing and Integration Platform of ministries, sectors and localities (LGSP).
b) Develop the National Identity Exchange and Electronic Authentication Platform (NIXA) towards building an identity federation model, making the most of existing forms of electronic authentication to save time, deployment costs.
c) Build a National Digital Skills Development Platform to facilitate the exchange of learning resources, and organize online digital skills training courses on a national scale.
d) Developing an application platform on mobile devices that allows people and businesses to identify in the digital space and use all services and utilities in the digital government, digital economy, and digital society.
Building a system to verify the function and performance of products and solutions serving the Digital Government.
e) Building a system to monitor and measure the level of provision and use of digital government services.
g) Building a monitoring system for digital platforms for state management.
h) Building Vietnam’s Open Technology Portal (GovTech) to publicly and transparently provide information on solutions and open technology platforms that are being used by state agencies or developed by Vietnamese enterprises; and actively participate in the development of open standards and the international open source community.
i) Building an open national digital map as a foundation for the development of digital services for socio-economic development.
k) Building a QR code platform that allows the unified connection of identifiers of people and organizations in the whole society.
l) Developing platforms to provide essential and basic services on a national scale, e-commerce, forwarding and logistics platforms to serve the development of the digital economy, contributing to the achievement of the target. Poverty eradication, digital transformation platforms in each industry and priority field for digital transformation according to the National Digital Transformation Program to 2025 with orientation to 2030 in Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated 03 June 2020 of the Prime Minister and component projects.
4. Development of national digital data
a) Developing national digital data to create a foundation for digital government implementation, ensuring the provision of digital data for online public services, smooth data sharing among state agencies, providing Open data sets of high quality and mining value, open data in accordance with the law to develop digital government, digital economy and digital society.
b) National databases serving the implementation of basic and essential services related to people, businesses and state agencies should be developed first. Identifying data on population, land, and businesses is the core data that needs to be completed and put into early exploitation to lead, link, and unify all data in state agencies on sectors and fields.
c) Building nationwide data for socio-economic development, prioritizing data in important fields: geospatial infrastructure; insurance, health care, social security; finance; identity card; civil; education; educate; officials and civil servants; Agriculture; labor and employment; means of transport, construction, import and export.
5. Development of national applications and services
a) Develop and complete the National Public Service Portal so that people and businesses can access online public services of ministries, branches and localities through a single address on the Internet, integrating online public services level 3, level 4 of ministries, branches, localities
b) Building a National Data Portal to be the focal point for providing open data of state agencies in the online environment in order to be transparent, increase data sharing, promote creativity and develop the digital economy and society ensure the safety of information of organizations and individuals as prescribed by law.
c) Developing a digital Vietnamese knowledge system to create a favorable environment to attract all agencies, organizations, people and businesses to actively participate in contributing and exploiting digital knowledge resources.
d) Building an online meeting platform, working and collaborating platform in the digital environment based on the Government cloud platform, virtual assistant platform, ensuring the inheritance of information systems that have been built in ministries, branches and localities.
Develop a national document interoperability axis to meet the requirements of the Government and the Prime Minister’s direction and administration.
e) Develop and complete the Government Reporting Information System to collect, integrate and share reporting data of state administrative agencies to synthesize and analyze data to serve the work of the Government, the direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
g) Develop an information system for meetings and handling of government affairs, for direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister (eCabinet) to shorten meeting time and reduce administrative paperwork and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
h) Developing and perfecting the database management system for monitoring tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister to monitor, measure and evaluate the results of the implementation of tasks by ministries, branches and localities implementation method.
i) Building a digital State Budget and Accounting Information System based on modern technology, capable of providing multi-dimensional information and reports and expanding access to people, businesses and other stakeholders, agencies and units in order to improve publicity, transparency and effectively serve the management and administration of finance – state budget.
k) Upgrading the National Procurement Network, connecting and sharing data with the Digital State Accounting and Budget Information System to conduct online bidding, public asset procurement, and unified management through public procurement, information and database on bidding nationwide and improve the efficiency of state budget expenditure management.
l) Develop other national-scale applications and services to deploy the Digital Government and lead the digital transformation in each sector and field prior to digital transformation according to the National Digital Transformation Program up to 2025 towards 2030 in Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 of the Prime Minister and component projects.
6. Ensuring national network safety and security
a) Building a support system for monitoring and administering network safety and security in service of the e-Government.
b) Building a network training system for information security training, drills and tests in service of the e-Government.
c) Building an information security assessment and verification system.
d) Building a big data analysis and processing system to serve the task of ensuring national cyberinformation security.
Building a support system for coordination and response to cyberinformation security incidents.
e) Building a network security appraisal system, checking network security, assessing network security conditions, monitoring network security, responding to and overcoming network security incidents for important information systems; national security as prescribed in the Law on Cybersecurity.
g) Organize the inspection and examination of network information security assurance at agencies, network operators and enterprises providing digital government services.
h) Organize the inspection and examination of the work of ensuring network security and protecting state secrets at agencies, network operators and enterprises providing digital government services.
i) Developing and perfecting the Government’s specialized digital signature authentication system.
k) Building a system to verify and evaluate cryptographic products in service of the Digital Government.
V. Key tasks of ministries, branches and localities
Within their respective sectors, domains and management areas, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provinces and centrally-run cities are responsible for:
1. Completing regulations and regulations
a) Review, update, amend, supplement and develop architectures, regulations, internal regulations, standards and technical regulations under the management of ministries, branches and localities on construction. , develop, manage, operate and exploit information systems serving the Digital Government and Digital Government at all levels in accordance with this Strategic orientation.
b) Review, update, amend, supplement or propose amendments and supplements to specialized legal documents under their state management in accordance with this Strategic orientation.
c) Review and issue policies and regulations to encourage people and businesses to use digital government services.
2. Digital infrastructure development
a) Develop network infrastructure to meet the needs of implementing digital government at ministries, branches and localities in the direction of prioritizing service rental, connection and effective use of specialized data transmission networks of Party agencies; Government.
b) Deploying Data Centers to serve the Digital Government at ministries, branches and localities in the direction of using cloud computing technology, prioritizing the form of hiring professional services and connecting with the Computing Platform, Government cloud according to the model guided by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
c) Developing Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure to serve professional and specialized applications in implementing Digital Government in association with smart city development at ministries, branches and localities, giving priority to the form of digital government, hire professional services, ensure effective implementation, avoid overlapping, make full use of and combine with the infrastructure of organizations and individuals that have invested.
3. Platform and system development
a) Develop a ministerial/provincial data sharing and integration platform (LGSP) connecting information systems and databases within the ministry, industry, and localities and connecting to the Integration Platform, national data sharing (NDXP) under the Vietnam E-Government Architecture Framework to exchange and share data with external agencies.
b) Develop the System of Cybersecurity and Safety Monitoring and Operations Center (SOC) for the information systems of ministries, branches and localities and connect to the Safety Monitoring and Operation Support System. The network serves the country’s digital government, and the network security system serves the nation’s digital government. For ministries and provinces, the Cybersecurity and Safety Monitoring and Control Center System can be a part of the Intelligent Operation and Supervision Center (IOC) system, avoiding duplication and waste. .
c) Develop platforms and systems for use within ministries, sectors and localities to save time and costs, and facilitate connection and data sharing.
4. Data development
a) Develop specialized databases serving digital government applications and services within ministries, branches and localities, ensuring no duplication, updating, connection and sharing with other agencies. country-scale data on demand and through the National Data Sharing and Integration Platform (NDXP); share and integrate specialized data of ministries and branches with localities; open data of state agencies in accordance with the law; most of the master data is stored as machine readable and shared as an application programming interface (API) service.
b) Building a data warehouse of citizens and organizations when conducting online transactions with state agencies; help citizens and organizations manage and store their electronic data, provide sharing with state agencies, limit the use of paper documents and provide repetitive information to state agencies .
c) Building a platform for analyzing and processing aggregated data at ministerial and provincial levels in order to centrally store, synthesize, analyze and process data on socio-economic development from different sources, thereby creating new information, new data services to serve the digital government, towards the formation of a shared data warehouse at ministerial, branch and local levels.
5. Application development, digital services
a) Develop an integrated system of the public service portal, an electronic one-stop information system with specialized professional processing systems to provide digital services, and connect with the monitoring and measuring system. provision and use of Digital Government services and other necessary national-scale systems; apply digital technology to personalize the interface, improve the user experience of public services, and absorb the opinions of people and businesses when building and using online public services.
b) Developing online public services based on people’s needs and events in their life, people only provide information once, taking advantage of the power of technology to develop new digital services , while cutting down on some unnecessary services. Strong applying artificial intelligence technology in providing services such as virtual assistants, automatic answering. Implement content to encourage people to use online public services, first of all, to reduce costs and time for people when carrying out online administrative procedures.
c) Deploy online interactive channels for people to participate in, supervise the formulation, implementation of policies and laws, and decision-making by state agencies.
d) Development of a Reporting Information System; step by step automate reporting and statistics for quick and timely direction and administration, support decision-making based on data of state agencies at all levels and connect to the Information System report to the Government, the Information Center, to direct and operate the Government and the Prime Minister.
e) Deploying remote working systems in the direction of hiring services to diversify working forms suitable for different subjects and situations, ensuring inheritance and connection to information systems national, ministries, branches and localities have been built.
f) Developing smart city services suitable to conditions, specificities and actual needs; Prioritize development of services to solve pressing social problems in urban areas such as traffic congestion, environmental pollution, tourism development, health development, education development, management order of construction and must ensure efficiency, avoid formality and waste. Link smart city services with digital government services. Deploying smart cities in compliance with ICT Reference Framework, ICT Architecture for smart city development.
g) Develop specialized applications and services for internal service and connect and share data with information systems inside and outside ministries, branches and localities according to demand.
h) Ministries and branches choose to develop national-scale applications and services in an appropriate way for the whole sector from central to local levels to save costs and implementation time. Data formed from shared applications and services is shared when there is a need.
i) Strong and effective application of new digital technologies such as cloud computing (Cloud Computing), big data (Big Data), mobility (Mobility), Internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence ( AI), blockchain, social networks, etc. in building and deploying digital government applications and services at ministries, branches and localities to save time and costs of construction and transportation operating information systems and automating, intelligentizing and optimizing work processes.
6. Ensuring network safety and security
a) Deploy network information security under the four-layer model in depth with the consolidation of local forces; hire professional surveillance and protection force; periodically inspect and evaluate; connecting and sharing information with the National Cybersecurity Monitoring Center under the Information Security Department, Ministry of Information and Communications.
b) Participating in cyberinformation security campaigns launched by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
c) Participating in the National Cyberinformation Security Incident Response Network coordinated by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
IV. Solution
1. Organization, apparatus, network
a) Bring into play the power of the political system and four-level government to implement digital transformation and build a digital government.
b) Strengthening the organization and apparatus, establishing a network of specialized units and personnel to support deployment from central to local levels with a core of specialized information technology units of ministries and agencies. ministerial-level agencies, government agencies, Departments of Information and Communications of provinces and centrally run cities, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union at all levels and representatives of post, telecommunications and technology enterprises information in each locality.
2. Training and fostering digital skills
a) Bringing universalization of digital skills and safety and cyber security based on open platforms and open source software into the curricula from primary school to early formation of necessary skills for digital citizens. .
b) Review and update the capacity framework and standards of information technology skills integrating digital skills for state officials, civil servants and public employees. Include training content on digital skills into the state management training program of the rank of specialist, key specialist, senior specialist or equivalent. Organizing online training, testing, recruitment and promotion exams to ensure transparency and quality.
c) Organize training and awareness raising for leaders; cadres, civil servants and public employees of state agencies at all levels on Digital Government, Architecture Framework, Architecture of E-Government/Digital Government and ensuring network safety and security.
d) Organize and train a contingent of digital government experts to create a core force and spread knowledge and skills for digital government development in ministries, branches and localities. Digital Government experts must first grasp new technology trends, lessons learned, legal regulations, models, and technical regulations in implementing Digital Government. Building a network of experts on Digital Government to share knowledge and coordinate to solve big problems.
Organize training courses on digital knowledge, skills, data analysis and processing skills for officials, civil servants and public employees every year to be ready to transform the working environment into a digital environment.
3. Propaganda, dissemination and awareness raising
a) Organize propaganda and dissemination of legal contents and policies to raise awareness for the people and the whole society about e-Government, digital government and digital transformation.
b) Organize the popularization of digital skills for people, guide people to use digital services of state agencies through socialization activities.
c) Annually organize to honor the best quality public services, public services that attract the widest participation, state agencies that operate optimally, socio-economic development issues that have been The solution has the most breakthrough results and the best digital government development state agency.
4. Cooperation between state agencies and enterprises
a) Digital technology enterprises research and invest in building digital government development products and services, first of all, encourage mechanisms and policies on service outsourcing and cooperation in the form of public partnerships. Invest, use the enterprise’s science and technology development fund, participate in investment funds, and develop innovation centers.
b) The State plays an important role in coordinating, planning and promoting the effective development of the market for providing digital government products and services of key enterprises. The government implements a number of market-oriented, pre-emptive activities, allowing trial experiences or providing basic services.
c) State agencies coordinate with enterprises to provide public services through the public postal network and their applications.
d) Effectively exploit the public postal network to assist people in accessing digital government services, especially in remote and isolated areas and disadvantaged groups in society.
5. Research, develop, master core technologies
a) Promote research, development and application of open-source and open-source platforms to serve the Digital Government.
b) Open national platforms towards forming an ecosystem so that digital technology enterprises can participate in the development of digital economic and digital social services.
c) Prioritizing and promoting research on a number of core technologies in which Vietnam has advantages, capable of making strong breakthroughs such as QR code, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR), big data (Big Data) facilitate early deployment of advanced digital technologies in Digital Government. Implement the ordering mechanism, assign tasks to digital technology enterprises to research and develop new technology applications for the Digital Government.
d) Encouraging the development of digital technology enterprises to master core technologies in the Digital Government, first of all, technologies of cloud computing, security, safety, network security, integration platform, data sharing, the platform for the development of specialized applications.
Research, build and pilot the use of virtual currency based on blockchain technology (blockchain).
e) Develop research programs, apply artificial intelligence to create products and services with Vietnamese characteristics, create competitive advantages, create a foundation to promote National Digital Transformation. These products and services are prioritized for pilot application in state agencies, thereby evaluating, perfecting and forming platforms to serve the digital economy and digital society.
g) Issue regulations on the use of products and solutions that have been evaluated and tested in the implementation of the Digital Government. Prioritize the use of products, solutions and technologies designed and manufactured by Vietnamese organizations and enterprises in digital government systems.
6. Standardization and restructuring of business processes
a) Closely link administrative procedure reform with digital government development.
b) Review administrative and professional procedures in state agencies towards simplification or appropriate changes so that digital technology can be effectively applied.
c) Review and eliminate a number of administrative procedures and business processes when applying digital technology.
7. International cooperation
a) Actively cooperate internationally in the development of digital government; actively and actively participate in international organizations and initiatives on digital government and development of digital technology and digital economy, in which is ready to promote its leading role in areas of strength; actively and actively participate in the development of new international legal frameworks, standards and principles on digital technology in line with Vietnam’s goals and interests.
b) To assist countries in the development of Government to strengthen the relationship of international cooperation, and promote, create markets for products and services to the Government of Vietnam’s enterprises.
8. Guaranteed funding
a) Prioritize the use of state budget capital and mobilize other capital sources as prescribed by law to develop the digital government; strengthen the implementation of solutions to outsource information technology services.
b) The People’s Committees of the provinces and centrally run cities shall develop plans to ensure funding, strive for the proportion of expenditures on digital transformation, development of e-government and digital government in the total state budget expenditure of the country is higher than the world average.
c) Prioritize allocating public investment capital for the implementation of projects to develop infrastructure, data centers, national databases, national platforms, national applications and services funded by national capital, public investment guaranteed by the central budget.
9. Measurement, monitoring and evaluation of implementation
a) Automate measurement and monitoring to each system and service serving the Digital Government.
b) Monitoring, evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of investment projects implemented based on data.
c) On a monthly and annual basis, the evaluation results shall be announced, serving as a basis for monitoring, urging and ranking the e-Government and the digital government; publicize online key indicators in the development of e-government and digital government.
10. Operating mechanism, implementation organization
a) Promoting the role of the National Committee on e-Government, the Steering Committee for the development of e-Government and e-Government of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, People’s Committees provinces and centrally run cities in directing the development of e-Government towards a digital government.
b) Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, agencies attached to the Government, Presidents of People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities directly direct and take responsibility before the Government and Prime Minister for development results of digital government and digital government in their respective ministries, branches and localities.
c) Promoting the role of the Ministry of Information and Communications, the specialized information technology unit of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, Departments of Information and Communications of provinces and cities under their control. Central government in organizing and coordinating the development of digital government and digital transformation at all levels.
d) Deploy digital government in the direction of gradually centralizing, developing digital government applications and services based on cloud computing platform, prioritizing service rental.
V. Organizing implementation
1. Ministry of Information and Communications:
a) Take charge of organizing the implementation of the Strategy; annually report to the Prime Minister on the implementation of the Strategy.
b) In 2023, organize a preliminary review of the implementation of the Strategy, propose the development of goals and targets and supplement and amend tasks and solutions (if necessary) and summarize and evaluate the results of the implementation of the Strategy.
2. Government Office:
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Information and Communications in, guiding ministries, sectors and localities to standardize and restructure professional processes, reform administrative procedures, reform administrative reporting levels in state administrative agencies.
b) Cooperate with Ministry of Information and Communications in organizing, urging and inspecting the implementation of the Strategy.
3. Ministry of Home Affairs:
a) Assume prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office and the Ministry of Information and Communications in, guiding ministries, branches and localities to carry out administrative reform.
b) Assume prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications in, amending and supplementing the PAR Index in the direction of closely linking the development of the digital government with administrative reform activities, and the digital government becomes a effective tool to promote state administrative reform.
4. Ministry of Planning and Investment:
To assume the prime responsibility for implementing solutions specified in Clause 8, Section VI, Article 1 of this Decision for development investment capital; assume the prime responsibility for summing up the annual development investment capital on the basis of proposals of ministries, branches and localities according to the principles, criteria and norms of public investment capital allocation in each period approved by competent authorities. Approve and report to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision in accordance with the Law on Public Investment, the Law on State Budget and related guiding documents to implement the Strategy.
5. Ministry of Finance:
To assume the prime responsibility for implementing the solutions specified in Clause 8, Section VI, Article 1 of this Decision for regular capital sources; assume the prime responsibility for summarizing and allocating annual capital for recurrent expenditure in accordance with the provisions of the State Budget Law and related guiding documents for the implementation of the Strategy.
6. Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense and the Government Cipher Committee are responsible for ensuring information safety and network security in service of the e-Government and the digital government according to their functions and duties. Ensuring the principles of information safety and cyber security are the premise for faster and more sustainable implementation of the Digital Government, clear assignment of responsibilities, close cooperation, timely information sharing.
7. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities:
a) Develop and implement the plan for the period 2021 – 2025 and the annual plan to develop the digital government and digital government under the guidance of the Ministry of Information and Communications to implement the Strategy; synchronize plan contents with socio-economic development plans and strategies of their respective ministries, branches and localities.
b) Organize the implementation of tasks mentioned in Section V, Article 1 on the basis of needs, actual conditions and development orientations of their ministries, branches and localities.
c) Organize the implementation of the tasks and solutions assigned in the attached Appendix.
d) Restructure the organization, business processes to be able to effectively apply digital technology to all activities of state agencies, towards the digitization of all activities of agencies and organizations.
e) Ensure funding (expenditure for development investment, recurrent expenditure) to perform the tasks and projects of the Digital Government according to the solution in Clause 8, Section VI, Article 1.
f) Implement network safety and security assurance according to a multi-layered model, complying with the guidance of specialized agencies on network safety and security, standards, technical regulations and legal regulations.
g) Consolidate the specialized information technology unit to become a specialized unit in charge of digital transformation to advise, implement and lead digital transformation in industries, fields and localities.
h) Inspect, evaluate and report annually and irregularly on the implementation of the Strategy under the guidance of the Ministry of Information and Communications to summarize and report to the Prime Minister.
8. Vietnam Television Station, Voice of Vietnam Radio, Vietnam News Agency and other media and press agencies have the responsibility to: assume the prime responsibility for, and actively coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and other ministries, Sectors and localities develop and approve a plan to propagate and disseminate widely in sectors, levels and people about the content of this Strategy, as well as success stories, good lessons learned in this strategy.
9. Vietnam Social Insurance is responsible for proactively allocating resources to complete the construction, put into operation and exploit the national database on insurance in service of the industry: social insurance Associations, health care, labor – invalids and social affairs and related sectors ensure synchronization with specialized databases, relevant national databases, contributing to creating a foundation for Digital Government development.
10. The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union directs the system of grassroots delegations at all levels to send clues to the commune level, to participate in the digital transformation support network coordinated by the Ministry of Information and Communications; proactively launch youth union campaigns to propagate and disseminate digital skills, support and guide people to use digital government services.
11. Associations and professional associations are proactive and active in advising and criticizing policies and laws; encourage members and businesses to take the initiative in technology mastery, providing quality products and services; join with the Ministry of Information and Communications in propagating, disseminating, surveying and assessing the level of digital transformation and development of the digital government in Vietnam.
12. Military Industry and Telecommunications Group, Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group, MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation, Vietnam Post Corporation and technology enterprises with technical and financial capacity:
a) Appoint a focal point in charge of coordinating with the Ministry of Information and Communications in researching, formulating and criticizing policies; directing member units in localities to appoint focal points to participate in the support network for implementing digital transformation coordinated by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
b) Prioritize allocating resources to develop digital infrastructure, digital platforms, national-scale systems, national digital data, national-scale applications and services, research and development, mastering core digital technologies serving the digital government.
c) Promoting the leading role in implementing solutions to serve the Digital Government, mobilizing and gathering businesses, especially small and medium enterprises in the field of digital technology, to jointly develop ecosystem of products and services for the development of digital government.
Source: Vitic/ thuvienphapluat.vn

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