E-government training as the urge for e-government in Vietnam

On October 16th 2017, a five-day training course on e-government for staff in charge of reform and e-government in ministries and local authorities was organized at National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA). The course was the first course at NAPA for civil servants that have the participation of international professionals which are Mr. Kim Andreason, Advisor to the United Nations on e-government and Mr. Jean Francois Verdier, General Inspector, Former General Director of Administration and Public Affairs Department, French.

Presented in the opening ceremony were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs Ministry, Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Van, General Director of Civil Servants Training Department, Ministry of Home Affairs; Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Be Trung Anh, Vice President, Vietnam Academy for Ethnic Minorities;  NAPA lecturers and 40 participants.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs giving a speech in the ceremony

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs giving a speech in the ceremony

Vice Minister Trieu Van Cuong highlighted the role of e-goverment in improving efficiency, public service delivery, the revolution 4.0 and emphasized the requirements for public servants in e-government implementation. He expected course participants to grasp the inputs and learn from international best practices provided by the leading international experts in e-government during the course and apply them to promote e-government in ministries and localities.

Mr. Tong Dang Hung, Vice Dean of  Public Servant Training faculty delivers a speech in the ceremony

Mr. Tong Dang Hung, Vice Dean of Public Servant Training faculty delivers a speech in the ceremony


The course will be held from 16 October to 20 October 2017 with 11 topics including:

  • Introduction of E-government
  • E-government: A tool for improving public service quality and cooperation in government
  • Benchmark and Measurement for E-government
  • The Implementation of E-government in Vietnam
  • Global challenges for development and implementation of E-government
  • Good practice on digital and e-government development
  • New technologies and implementation of technologies in e-government in the future
  • Development and implementation of E-government in public organizations
  • E-government and public management
  • Management and leadership capacity development in the development and implementation of e-government
  • Accountability and ethics of managers, leaders in e-government implementation and providing online public service.

The course designed to familiarize public servants with e-government processes in the world as well as how to solve challenges toward e-government implementation. The course also covers international and national experience in e-government development, digital skills for both public servant and service users. The two-way interaction, group discussion, and reflection are structure to facilitate course participants to share, learn and translate the inputs provide into practice.








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