E-training course for leaders and managers at department level at NAPA headquarter and NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City

On May 6, 2020, NAPA solemnly held the Opening Ceremony of E-training course (the 4th cohort of 2020) for department leaders and mangers. Attending the ceremony was Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President; Dr. Ha Quang Thanh, Permanent Deputy General Director, NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh; Mr. Tong Dang Hung, Deputy Director, Refresher Training Management Department; NAPA faculties and administrators; and all the course participants coming from variouscentral agencies.

Mr. Giang Thanh Nghi, Deputy Head, Division for Leadership and Management Training introducing the training course

Mr. Giang Thanh Nghi, Deputy Head, Division for Leadership and Management Training introducing the training course

The course was organized by the Decision No. 798 / QD-HCQG dated April 29, 2020 by NAPA President.

Mr.Tong Dang Hung, Deputy Director, Refresher Training Management announcing the Decision on organization of E-training course for department-level leaders and managers at NAPA headquarter and NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City

Mr.Tong Dang Hung, Deputy Director, Refresher Training Management announcing the Decision on organization of E-training course for department-level leaders and managers at NAPA headquarter and NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City

Speaking at the event, Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan – NAPA Vice President emphasized that it is crucial for leaders and managers at department level to take regular training, especially those capacity building programs on public service performance in order to fulfill their leadership and management tasks successfully.

NAPAhas implementedtraining courses for leaders and managers at department level for a long time which has proved its training effectiveness. The training curriculum and materials have been adjusted,  supplemented to bemore updated, relevant to practice and they were approved by the Minister of Home Affairs in 2019. The course will give the participants opportunities to acquire updated knowledge, skills, and methods of leadership and management as well as knowledge and skills related to advising on policy development and legal affairs to perform the assigned tasks more effectively as department leaders and managers. The course participants are required to develop a study plan and actively engage in discussion and other learning activities.

In the new context of the fight against Covid-19, the E- training course at NAPA headquarter and NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City is conducted with the most appropriate facilities to better facilitate the course participants’ learningwhile complying with the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 19 / CT-TTg on measures in response to the pandemic.

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan – NAPA Vice President speaking at the Ceremony.

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan – NAPA Vice President speaking at the Ceremony.

Mr. Vo Dai Hai, Director of Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences, on behalf of the courselearners, showed commitments to active participation in the training course and expected to get updated knowledge and skills of leadership and management for better performance at work.

Mr. Vo Dai Hai speaking at the event.

Mr. Vo Dai Hai speaking at the event.

NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City participating the event via video conferencing.

NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City participating the event via video conferencing.


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