In the context of rapid globalization and international integration, cultural diversity is becoming a global issue. The spatial structure of the world is changing, the connectivity between space and time facilitates cross-culture and communication. Every region in the globe is culturally diverse and diversity is prevailing in every political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of a country.

In an integrated world, differences comes from the cultural factors and each market has its own cultural characteristics. Vietnam and other countries in the world are witnessing a big increase of the job market, the shift of labor force of all countries, and growth in the coming years. In an increasingly open market, Vietnamese organizations and businesses work more and more in a culturally diverse environment and have to change, improve management capacity, knowledge and professional skills.

Keywords: management, working environment, multiculturalism

  1. Identification of cultural diversity in the working environment

Cultural diversity often refers to the coexistence of many cultures, cultural forms and different cultural expressions in a region in particular or in the world in general.

Workplace culture diversity refers to the difference in lifestyle, style, and perceptions of members of an organization. This difference is because of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, personality, training, working style, seniority which are formed in different cultures.

The multicultural working environment is about the space with  participation of many foreign individuals and organizations. In some organizations people come from one culture, but many organizations hire / recruit / use people from many different cultures. And in fact, as a result of globalization, people from different cultures penetrate into every units of organizations and businesses.

 The labor mobility abroad has taken place for several decades in the world. According to the joint ILO-ADB study: “ASEAN Community 2015: Managing integration for better jobs and shared prosperity” published  in May 2014, economic integration will help create an additional 14 million jobs in the ASEAN region and improve the lives of 600 million people within the region. Demand for skilled jobs will generally increase at the fastest rate of at 28%. Especially the formed AEC community has a direct impact on the labor market of each country in particular and the region in general. Accordingly,  labor mobility in the region is an indispensable need to facilitate cooperation and trade flow between countries. The flow of skilled labor to regional countries will increase. The number of foreign enterprises coming to Vietnam and the number of Vietnamese enterprises going abroad are increasing.

This trend has occurred in many industries and organizations, especially enterprises.  Diversity in the working environment is quickly introduced to organizations and businesses in developed countries, which has brought benefits because of a stronger competition, a variety of views, creativity, and professionalism of employees.

The diversification of culture in the working environment is indispensable in the context of international integration and brings many benefits. Ms. Susan E. Loft, Executive Director and General Director of AIG Vietnam Insurance Company said in a conference: “Whether the business is successful and highly competitive depends on the ability of effective diversity management in the workplace. I believe we all have a responsibility to nurture a diverse and inclusive culture. Respecting each other and learning from each other, teamwork is an integration element of growth and profit. For AIG, diversity and inclusion are two important factors for the company’s future. At AIG, we aim to build an open culture and provide equal employment opportunities for all”.

Thus, under the impact of globalization and international integration, the diversity of the labor force is increasing in organizations and enterprises and enhancing management capacity in a multicultural environment is critical. There are many different types of religions and beliefs, different cultural practices in the world, therefore, mutual understanding is extremely urgent.

For example, conflicts often occur in a multicultural environment such as: hiring non-competent employees (giving privilege to relatives and friends, acquaintances); the foreign staff frankly reacts without keeping face of the superior; local staff was afraid of embarrassing their superiors so they did not dare to evaluate, comment, discuss important issues and wrongdoings; or no punctuality, slowly work handling, contrary views, behaviors … all stem from the appropriateness of cultural values of the institution / organization. These values must be changed because they are dynamic and not static.

International integration is an objective trend, a huge challenge for both management and employees, requiring changes and identification of responsibilities and new management methods. Managers must have certain endogenous competencies to be able to meet the requirements in leadership and handling work to improve effectiveness and fulfill the common goals of an organization.

  1. Issues arising for management in a multicultural working environment

The characteristic of a multicultural working environment is to make all people in the organization easily to get on with each other. It is an open and flexible environment with a quick workflow, which requires skills to make accurate, fast and timely decisions . Creativity and  innovation to keep pace with development is a must in that environment. Activeness, positive working attitude and ability to solve problems are necessary.

In addition, there is a need to share how to solve conflicts and be self-adaptive in diversity. Managers and each member of the organization  must actively learn and make dialogues to better understand and avoid misunderstandings of others. In particular, it is necessary to have a spirit of learning and willingness to accept differences in culture and communication to build a harmonious and cohesive working environment. It is a must to regularly participate in group activities to promote integration and cohesion, the collective spirit among members.

Cultural differences always have potential factors influencing overall performance, but it is difficult to identify them and problems becomes serious. In this working environment, intervention of managers makes the problem complicated and does not solve the conflicts caused by cultural differences. The challenge here is to identify the causes of conflict arising from cultural differences and find a way to make the unit return to its working trajectory, while also helping members know how to solve the similar problems in the future.

Bad solution of cultural conflicts due to cultural reasons will increase conflicts and reduce work efficiency. Because in that environment,  people work with different mindsets and everyday conflicts occur primarily due to differences in knowledge, opinion and sometimes perception of time, attitude, way of working. Diversity is not limited only to issues such as white or medium complexion, male or female, Buddhism or Christianity, old or young, etc., rather it lies in each individual, in the ability to think, perceptions, viewpoints, interests, habits, etc. which are formed in the culture in which they were born.

These are the factors that management needs to focus on. Managers  should make people in the organization realize that a lot of people are needed to make an organization the best. They need the help of all people though each member maybe different in many ways. Every organization needs a diverse group of people, needs a leader, a team builder, an action person, an organizer or a thinker, etc. to achieve the goal of making it the best. An organization does not need those people who only know themselves and do not trust others.

On the other hand, it is often difficult for organizations to accept people from other cultures for senior positions. However, today, there are many opportunities for people from different cultures to work in the same organization or hold key positions in the unit. Accepting diversity will bring many benefits, resulting in increase in productivity, profitability, and meeting the market demand when having a dynamic organization and workforce.

In fact, in Vietnam, the process of international integration is becoming more and more extensive, bringing opportunities, advantages, challenges and difficulties for businesses. There is an increase in the number of workers and managers who are well-trained abroad, especially in developed countries,  have advantages, such as foreign languages command, information technology skills, cultural and legal knowledge of countries,  communication skills, dynamic, creative and engaged thinking, studying and working in an international environment, showing a good adaptability to a multicultural working environment. It is necessary to adapt and change in management to survive and develop in the present and future competition.

  1. Issues in enhancing management capacity in a multicultural working environment

Because of the complexity of a multicultural work environment, managers are only successful when they meet certain qualifications, qualities, and competencies, even if these competencies (education, expertise, stance, cultural capital, skills, experience …) are superior to a homogeneous working environment. Depending on the qualifications, cognitive ability and experience of each manager, the impact of each of these factors also varies.

For these reasons, managers need to be proficient in managing multicultural human resources. They need to quickly grasp the characteristics of cultures, because it is important in shaping behaviors, attitudes, and personalities.

Managers also need to know how to build a diverse and positive cultural environment and in accordance with the development direction of organizations, units and businesses. If not, they will not have good partners and employees, nor can they take use of the strength that culture brings.

“Culture takes place at different levels. On the one hand, individuals are influenced by moral, racial, religious and national backgrounds. On the other hand, they are influenced by standards, ideals, values and experiences ”(1). To some extent, they are influenced by the culture of the workplace organization itself. Although the culture is very complex and diverse, managers can decipher the culture of employees, customers and partners through the following points:

- Cultural adaptation of each other (two-way relationship);

- Building relationships in a multicultural environment;

- Studying cultural differences;

- Help others understand their culture.

Concerning management capacity in a multicultural environment, it is important to ensure that the operating entity (manager) performs  proactively and effectively his/her tasks when handling in harmony the relationships between different people – interaction between people of many nations, ethnic groups, religions, cultures, languages. The operation is based on both national laws, local laws and international laws / practices, in which the interests of individuals, organizations, businesses, ethnic groups and humanity are intertwined and interacted.

Therefore, first of all managers in a multicultural working environment must identify the management goals. The first is the unit should develop programs that affect changes in organizational culture and  policies appreciate the diversity. The motto is eliminating discrimination in all its forms.

The second goal is to inspire diversity for staff in the organization. Employees want to work for an organization that trusts them regardless of their original country or culture. They, like their leaders, want to be productive, get paid, share profits, and be part of a fully dynamic workforce.

Building management methods based on a number of foundations, rooted in the origin, local culture or the culture of individuals who work in organizations and partners. In every culture, authority, bureaucracy, creativity, teamwork, assertion, responsibility, and decision making are experienced in different ways.

Moreover, the management also needs to adapt to the characteristics of multinational culture. It is necessary to study the comparative management method to apply, that is, the study of organizational behavior and management practices that are different for each culture.

In addition, there are many requirements set forth on specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, styles, and capabilities for a manager to perform successful and effective tasks in the multicultural working environment.

-About the knowledge managers need:

+ Having cultural and historical knowledge: “In international integration, the cultural foundation helps managers to always know their honor and self-respect for the nation so that they can see their weaknesses without falling into inferiority, even to find a way to break through, to see the beauty of other people, always alert and selective for learning “(2). In a diverse cultural environment it always needs the ability to share values of cultures, helping partners and employees to understand the goals and directions for development. When conflict between different cultures happen, understanding the culture helps to share tolerance, avoid prejudice or impose value, especially on sensitive issues such as democracy, human rights, religion, etc.

They must be trained in regional and international histories, cultures, institutions, geography and regional economics as these knowledge play an important role in absorbing different cultures. Training on  intercultural knowledge helps people live and work comfortably in another culture.

+ Knowledge of prejudice and discrimination: Accepting diversity means empowering others. This will help organizations operate effectively by taking advantage of each employee’s strengths. Diversity is the understanding, respect, as well as taking advantage of each person’s differences. Diversity should be considered as a policy of an organization. Accepting diversity also means that it is necessary to accept people of different personalities, not to have prejudices and discrimination against them. This means taking the initiative in welcoming and caring for them by creating a safe working environment so that all employees can ask for help and sharing if needed, frankly expressing political opinions without being considered to be contrary to views, perception, ways of doing, and poor capacity; combining both strengths and weaknesses to complete the assigned task.

Actively seek information from many people from different cultures. In addition, everyone needs to be involved in problem-solving and decision-making. Create a meeting time within your work environment like having lunch, taking breaks or having short conversations. Create a sense of teamwork that every member feels part of.

To do this, the manager should focus on: 1 / Strengthening ways to help employees understand cultures; organizing events, cultural exchange festivals, exchange and discussion sessions; set code of conduct; set up a core team with people from different cultures and countries involved. For example, in Japan, Finland, and Canada, the population growth is very low, there is not enough workforce to supply the economy. Therefore, countries have opened their doors to immigrants from other countries. Companies / agencies are trained on culture to recruit foreign employees. Migrant workers also receive cultural training to adapt well to their new country. 2 / Creating equal opportunities, without discrimination on the basis of race, race, religion, gender or nationality within the organization (3).In addition, establishing a number of tactics to influence the management role (4): Cooperating to implement by exchanging ideas, discussing, consulting, behaving with equal and civilized employees; Communicate with employees, behave according to their culture. Praise, express confidence in the ability of employees. Create the attraction of managers through personal relationships, advantages, and rights to ask employees to fulfill the goals that the unit is aiming at. Create pressure by using the certain requirements, regular checks and management. Learn to adapt through exposure to intercultural events or typical situations as well as exposure to ethnic culture or foreign culture to increase awareness and sympathy ..

-Management skills

Use teamwork, communication, international communication skills, as well as other soft skills needed for each individual such as: working in a multicultural environment, interpersonal communication skills, leadership skills, time management skills, relax skills (overcoming crisis, pressure). Creative thinking and innovation. In particular, it is necessary to perform well the basic skills:

+ Observing and listening skills: When communicating with someone from another culture, the first thing to do is to show the ability to observe the partner. Observe their body language, the way they behave, communicate and try to use body language, behavior accordingly. Listen to ideas, ask questions to know their views, thoughts, and perceptions. The relationship will gradually be established when there are similarities.

+ Respect for differences: Most organizations think of the concept of “diversity” within a very limited scope. The nature of diversity should not only be understood as multi-ethnicity, religion, culture, gender, age, but should be understood as the quintessence / difference / unique of each individual. Only by accepting the difference in each individual   employees are able to make their organizations succeed. No one wants to be shocked by culture, so everyone is familiar with change, needs a roadmap and has a long enough time to gradually adapt to a new way of working, different thinking. “The important secret to effective communication and handling work in a multicultural environment is the passion, the desire to learn and the respect for the behaviors, identities and beliefs of other cultures. Respect for the difference is not only respect for other cultures but also respect for individuals ”(5)

In some cultures there have been very specific behavior, which can be viewed by other as inappropriate behavior, an insult. For example, Indians, punctuality is not an important thing. And for people from Germany, Switzerland, a minute late is considered an insult. Even within the same country, everyone will have different behaviors. They can communicate by their personal identities, beliefs, and mindsets. Therefore, when communicating in a multicultural working environment, you need to respect that difference.

Mr. Brian Steel, Director of  Resource Exchange International(REI), spoke at FPT Business Administration Institute: “If you observe and think carefully, you will see a lot of daily activities  though small, have  cultural characteristics of each region and each country. Each culture has different strengths and weaknesses. The important thing in communicating in a multicultural environment is that we need to adapt to a new environment ”(6).

Managers without these skills will find it difficult to adapt to the reality and quality of work, to create effective management practices in complex environments.

+ Good interpersonal communication skills: Managers must follow certain standards, discipline and communication rules, especially for the communication styles and rules that have become the universal values. Therefore, managers need discipline; are able to work independently; have international communication; have ability to organize groups and work in groups;  have a professional, modern working style. must be fluent and skilled in using foreign languages. Mastering foreign languages helps managers improve their understanding of cultures, minimize cultural shocks. It must be asserted that foreign language skills are the key to cross-cultural understanding. Foreign language skills also help managers improve their autonomy and confidence, show respect for employees and partners at work, as well as help build relationships and credibility.

In addition, managers must not only communicate well, but also master the art of negotiating, knowing how to share common values, and promoting the values of the nation when working. Today, in the context of explosion of information, communication is not only verbal and written, gestures or body language, but also through interaction on a multilateral platform, through digital applications, social networks. Therefore, leadership managers need to be proactive and quick to master this communication skill in a digital age

- Working capacity

+ Professional qualifications and capacity: The multicultural working environment is a competitive environment for professionalism, intelligence and high technology, with standards and criteria of other countries. Therefore, managers must improve their professional qualifications and skills to meet requirements and tasks, have a deep and broad understanding of the culture, customs and practices of other countries and institutions, laws and international practices.

Professional competence helps take advantages in management; Therefore, professional qualifications and knowledge must be sufficient to identify and analyze threats and arising problems, thereby determining ways of effective cooperation at work, risk prevention and application, deal with conflict situations.

+ Management capacity: In management, it is still necessary to handle / manage cultural challenges, if managers and members of the unit choose appropriate solutions, they will avoid situations of “loneliness in the crowd” in a working environment with many different cultures.

+ Ability to capture, evaluate and forecast the situation: A manager must also actively capture and assess information properly.

- Attitude, affection, behavior

+ Attitude, affection: Attitude is the leading factor that determines the success of managers, employees. Attitude is judged by the progressive spirit, responsible capacity and discipline of the manager. They must be aware of the obligations and responsibilities of the assigned work. Ownership is the most essential in managing a multicultural work environment In fact,  in the modern economy, there are many changes such as the relationship between the employer and the employee. Managers must increasingly be specialized; have knowledge and skills using technology, must have a serious attitude, good discipline, dare to think and dare to take responsibility for themselves. At the same time, they must have professional skills, good knowledge skills.

In a modern working environment, managers must communicate with many people, do many things at the same time, many types of requests and information must be handled in time. Therefore, managers need good health, high concentration, good expertise, know how to exploit strengths and proficient use of support tools for the job.

+ Having a stance, will, brave: These qualities are essential in today’s international competitive environment. The multicultural working environment also requires the managerial staff to be strong, bravery; understand the nature and purpose of partners and international staff; must understand and apply creatively and flexibly methods in a multicultural work environment

Knowledge Skills Attitude
- Knowledge of cultural diversity

– Knowledge of prejudice and discrimination

– Understand the culture of staff- Communicate with people from many different cultures

– Observing

– Listening

– Ask questions when listening to the comments

– Handling situations

– Handling conflicts- Respect differences: know how to accept the opinions and contributions of different members, including differences.

– Identify problems, listen to other people’s opinions; do not react immediately to avoid conflicts; Know what is good and what is bad.

– Having a stance, will and bravery.

Although there are many challenges in the working environment, mainly due to cultural differences, these difficulties and contradictions are not unresolvable. Managers can completely overcome the challenges when identifying the problem and providing appropriate solutions /.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Thanh Thuy – Hanoi University of Culture


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