Enhancing the Training Quality in the Faculty of Foreign Language and Information Technology Studies

To create a forum for academics, managers, and lecturers to exchange research findings and propose solutions to improve training quality, on June 26, 2024, at NAPA in Ha Noi, the Faculty of Foreign Language and Information Technology Studies organized a workshop with the theme “Enhancing the Training Quality in the Faculty of Foreign Language and Information Technology Studies”.

Attending the workshop, guest delegates included Dr. Cu Kim Long, Deputy Director of the Information Technology Center, Ministry of Science and Technology; Dr. Dao Ngoc Phong, Lecturer at the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology; Ms. Vu Thi Xuan Oanh – Former Acting Director of the Center for Information Technology and Foreign Languages, Hanoi University of Home Affairs.

On the side of NAPA, there were Dr. Nguyen Hoai Thu, Deputy Director of the Refresher Training Management Department; Mr. Le Van Khai, Head of the Division of Studies and Research Management, Institute of Administrative Studies; Dr. Pham Quang Quyen, Head Librarian of the Center for Technology and Library. Representing the Faculty of Foreign Language and Information Technology Studies were Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Hoa, Vice Dean and Dr. Giap Thi Yen – Vice Dean, along with all lecturers of the Faculty.

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Hoa, Vice Dean, Faculty of Foreign Language and Information Technology Studies, at the workshop.

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Hoa, Vice Dean, Faculty of Foreign Language and Information Technology Studies, at the workshop.

In her opening speech, Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Hoa emphasized the necessity of improving the training quality in the Faculty’s training majors, including Information Systems, English as a Foreign Language, and Information – Library, to meet output standards and societal needs. She also thanked the academics from various units within and outside NAPA for their interest and contributions to the workshop.

Dr. Dao Ngoc Phong, Lecturer at the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, at the workshop.

Dr. Dao Ngoc Phong, Lecturer at the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, at the workshop.

At the workshop, Dr. Dao Ngoc Phong delivered a presentation titled “Proposing Solutions to Improve the Quality of Information Technology Training.” The presentation highlighted the core role of information technology in the current digital transformation process, pointed out the technological solutions and soft skills that employers expect from new graduates, and proposed several teaching solutions for the Faculty of Foreign Language and Information Technology Studies to meet business requirements.

Dr. Cu Kim Long, Deputy Director of the Information Technology Center, Ministry of Science and Technology, at the workshop.

Dr. Cu Kim Long, Deputy Director of the Information Technology Center, Ministry of Science and Technology, at the workshop.

In his presentation on “Developing Faculty Members to Meet the Teaching Needs of Specialized Modules in Information Systems at NAPA”, Dr. Cu Kim Long emphasized the importance of lecturers in educational development. The discussion recommended three solutions for building and developing a high-quality, modern faculty in the Information Systems field, contributing to the successful realization of the NAPA’s mission and development vision in the coming period.

Dr. Pham Quang Quyen, Head Librarian, Center for Technology and Library, NAPA, at the workshop.

Dr. Pham Quang Quyen, Head Librarian, Center for Technology and Library, NAPA, at the workshop.

Dr. Pham Quang Quyen presented on “Introducing the Functions of Connecting Users to the Digital Library System of NAPA to Enhance Access”. The purpose was to share with the faculty how to quickly access learning resources, thereby improving professional quality.

Dr. Nguyen Hoai Thu, Deputy Director, Refresher Training Management Department, NAPA, at the workshop.

Dr. Nguyen Hoai Thu, Deputy Director, Refresher Training Management Department, NAPA, at the workshop.

Aiming to continuously innovate training programs to meet labor market demands, Dr. Nguyen Hoai Thu presented “Improving the Effectiveness of Information Systems Undergraduate Training through Applying Project-Based Learning Models with Enterprise Assistance.” The discussion introduced a learning model to help students enhance knowledge, accumulate practical skills, and foster adaptability and creativity upon graduation.

The workshop attracted the interest and sharing of guests and participating lecturers with discussions focusing on the application of information technology in teaching; assessment and evaluation to improve training quality; innovation in teaching methods; development of faculty; collaboration with training institutions and businesses in training students in the fields of English as a Foreign Language, Information Systems, and Information – Library of the Faculty of Foreign Language and Information Technology Studies to meet output standards and current societal needs.

Mr. Le Van Khai, Head of the Division of Studies and Research Management, Institute of Administrative Studies, at the workshop.

Mr. Le Van Khai, Head of the Division of Studies and Research Management, Institute of Administrative Studies, at the workshop.

Ms. Vu Thi Xuan Oanh – Former Acting Director of the Center for Information Technology and Foreign Languages, Hanoi University of Home Affairs, sharing her experiences in teaching foreign languages with the a communicative approach.

Ms. Vu Thi Xuan Oanh – Former Acting Director of the Center for Information Technology and Foreign Languages, Hanoi University of Home Affairs, sharing her experiences in teaching foreign languages with the a communicative approach.

Dr. Giap Thi Yen, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Language and Information Technology Studies, sharing the integration of English as a Foreign Language major with other training majors in the Faculty and proposing the idea of establishing a Faculty library to optimally serve the teaching and learning needs of lecturers and students in the Faculty.

Dr. Giap Thi Yen, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Language and Information Technology Studies, sharing the integration of English as a Foreign Language major with other training majors in the Faculty and proposing the idea of establishing a Faculty library to optimally serve the teaching and learning needs of lecturers and students in the Faculty.

Ms. Le Ngoc Diep, Deputy Head of the Information – Library Division, sharing the importance of aligning with the NAPA's strategy and societal needs to regularly update and supplement the training curriculum for the Information – Library major.

Mr. Le Ngoc Diep, Deputy Head of the Information – Library Division, sharing the importance of aligning with the NAPA’s strategy and societal needs to regularly update and supplement the training curriculum for the Information – Library major.

Workshop participants.

Workshop participants.

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