Graduation ceremony  of the 3rd and 4th Joint Master Training Programs of Public Policy and Public Finance Management

On November 27th 2018, the National Academy of Public Administration and Finland University solemnly held the graduation ceremony of the 3rd and 4th joint master training programs, awarding  Master Degree in Public Policy and Master Degree in Public Finance Management.

Attending the graduation ceremony were: From Finland University – Mr. Harri Melin, Vice Rector; Mr. Pekka Saavalainen, CEO; Prof. Antti Lonqwist, Dean of Management; Ms. Niina Karjalainen, Key Account Manager; Ms. Kirsi Karjalainen, accountant; Ms. Trinh Truong – Education Coordinator. From Project 165 – Mr. Tran Trung Vinh, Deputy Chief of Project Office; Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh – Head of Training Division. From NAPA – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong, NAPA Vice President; Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Chief of NAPA Office and Director of Department of Refresher Training Management; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Mai,  Dean of Department of Graduate Training Management; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Hau, Director of Center for Foreign Languages, Informatics, Information and Library; and representatives from the Department of International Cooperation, NAPA lecturers and especially the new graduates.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Mai, Dean of Department of Graduate Training Management delivered aremark on the learning process and outcomes

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Mai, Dean of Department of Graduate Training Management delivered aremark on the learning process and outcomes

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Mai,  Dean of Department of Graduate Training Management reported the learning process and training results of the program which consisted of 10 subjects (5 of which were taught by Finnish instructors and 5 by NAPA lecturers ), worth 120 credits in total 36 students graduated.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong, NAPA Vice President congratulated all 36 new graduates and hoped that the new graduates will  develop their career after the training program. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cuong also sent his sincere thanks to Finland University and the Faculty of Management of the University of Tampere for  close cooperation and support. He also appreciated cooperation, support from the Office of the Project 165 of the Party’s Central Organization Committee.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong, NAPA Vice President delivering a speech at the ceremony

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong, NAPA Vice President delivering a speech at the ceremony

Mr. Harri Melin, Vice Rector of Finland University, congratulated the new gradutates and sent his sincere thanks to the Office of the Project 165 for its timely attention and support, the National Academy of Public Administration for its close cooperation, NAPA lecturers for their enthusiasm that make the program go smoothly and succeed. Mr. Harri Melin emphasized that all new graduates are welcome to  Finland University for study and visit as it is their second home. He wished to have more opportunities to cooperate with NAPA and create a strong relationship between the University of Finland and NAPA.

 Mr. Harri Melin, Vice Rector of Finland University giving a speech  

Mr. Harri Melin, Vice Rector of Finland University giving a speech

Mr. Antti Lonqwist, Dean of Public Administration, Finland University delivering a speech

Mr. Antti Lonqwist, Dean of Public Administration, Finland University delivering a speech

Mr. Tran Trung Vinh – Deputy Chief of Project 165 giving a speech

Mr. Tran Trung Vinh – Deputy Chief of Project 165 giving a speech

Representative of new graduates giving a vote of thanks

Representative of new graduates giving a vote of thanks

With all new graduates

With all new graduates



 Graduation ceremony

11Graduation ceremony

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