Implementation of online training in response to nCoV epidemic prevention requirements

To the unpredictable happening of covid 19 epidemic,  Dr. Nguyen Dang Que – NAPA Vice President, assigned by NAPA President  chaired an emergent meeting to examine and implement e-learning programs for undergraduate students on March 9, 2020. The meeting was attended by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Van Hau – Director of Center for Foreign Languages – Informatics and Information – Library; Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Director of Refresher Training Management Department; Mr. Nguyen Huy Hoang, Deputy Chief of Office and other officials.

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Dang Que raised urgent requests to the increasingly complicated situation of Covid-19 epidemic that greatly affected NAPAs’ teaching and learning. Previously, on March 3, 2020, he assigned the E- Training Department (under the Center for Foreign Languages – Informatics and Information – Library) and the Office of Information Technology to study and carry out E- learning system to meet the actual requirements of the current situation. With high intensity of hard work and concentration, an application software and possible facilities for e-learning was completed and successfully tested.

Dr.Nguyen Dang Que speaking in the meeting

Dr.Nguyen Dang Que speaking in the meeting

On behalf of IT group, Mr. Dao Viet Cuong, Deputy Head of Information Technology Division introduced the E-learning system. With the support of the E-Training Support Department, it was operated to help the meeting participants understand better about the system and give feedback for improvement.

Mr. Dao Viet Cuong presenting E-learning system in the meeting

Mr. Dao Viet Cuong presenting E-learning system in the meeting

Concluding the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Dang Que demanded that the E-learning implementation should be soon submitted to NAPA President and reported to the Ministry of Education and Training by the Refresher Training Management Department to ensure the scheduled  training  programs in the Academy, especially for undergraduates at the moment, in the context of nCovid epidemic prevention.

The Center for Foreign Languages – Informatics and Information – Library was assigned to chair and coordinate with the Refresher Training Management Department, NAPAs Office and the Office of Information and Technology to urgently prepare facilities for E-learning implementation  and coordinate with faculties to give instructions to lecturers, tutors and students so that E-learning system would be ready for use at NAPA President’ s approval.

To the unpredictability of the epidemic, it was requested that the Post Graduate Training Management Department and the Refresher Training Management Department study and apply this training model for graduate and civil servants training when necessary if the situation

was getting worse.

     In order that the application could be carried out in an extremely urgent condition, all activities and deadlines for certain kinds of work was detailedly assigned to related units by the Vice President.

Participants observing the piloted E- learning system

Participants observing the piloted E- learning system

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