Implementation plan of Khanh Hoa province’s human resource development program for a period of 2021 – 2025

Improve quality of human resources, develop a stable labor market, meet needs of human resources for socio-economic development of the province, especially high-quality human resources, digital human resources, serving economic development, marine economic development and groups of tourism, service, industry and high-tech agriculture.

Khánh Hòa

Implementation plan of Khanh Hoa province’s human resource development program for a period of 2021 – 2025Implementing Resolution No. 07-NQ/TU dated January 11, 2021, of the Third Meeting of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, term XVIII on the Khanh Hoa Provincial Human Resource Development Program for the period of 2021-2025 and Resolution No. 04 /NQ-HDND dated January 15, 2021 of the Provincial People’s Council on the Khanh Hoa Provincial Human Resource Development Program for the period of 2021-2025; The Provincial People’s Committee promulgates the implementation plan as follows:
I. Objectives
Thoroughly grasp and fully organize the implementation of the objectives identified in Resolution No. 07-NQ/TU dated January 11, 2021 The third meeting of the 18th Provincial Party Executive Committee on the Human Resource Development Program Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Council for the 2021-2025 period and Resolution No. 04/NQ-HDND dated January 15, 2021 of the Provincial People’s Council on the Khanh Hoa Provincial Human Resource Development Program for the 2021-2025 period; specific:
1. Common Objectives
Improve quality of human resources, develop a stable labor market, meet needs of human resources for socio-economic development of the province, especially high-quality human resources, digital human resources, serving economic development, marine economic development and groups of tourism, service, industry and high-tech agriculture.
2. Specific objectives to 2025
a) Developing human resources according to the subjects participating in development
– For civil servants and public employees:
+ 100% of civil servants and public employees doing professional and professional work must meet qualification standards according to the standards of civil servant ranks, standards of public employees’ professional titles and approved employment positions.
+ 90% of civil servants and public employees who are planned for leadership and management titles must have a level of political theory corresponding to the planned titles.
– For cadres and civil servants at commune level
+ Regarding professional qualifications: commune-level civil servants must meet the standards of professional qualifications according to the roadmap.
+ 80% of commune-level cadres and civil servants whose leadership and management titles are planned must have a level of political theory corresponding to the planned titles.
b) Developing human resources in sectors, fields, regions and regions
Focus on training high-quality human resources to meet the needs of production and business units, especially in the province’s strengths such as marine economic development, tourism, service and industry groups, high-tech industry and agriculture; high quality human resources for 3 dynamic regions of the province.
Striving to 2025:
– The rate of trained workers reaches 85%. The rate of workers with degrees and certificates reached 31%.
– Reach 12.5 doctors (10 public doctors) per 10,000 people.
II. Assign responsibility for implementation
1. Developing human resources according to the subjects participating in development
a) Professional training and retraining; improve the quality of the contingent of cadres and civil servants at all levels in the state management, administrative and non-business sectors
– Responsible agency: Department of Home Affairs.
– Coordinating agencies: Departments, departments and branches; People’s Committees of districts, towns and cities; Career units.
– Implementation time: Every year and the whole period.
– Mission:
Synthesize and develop annual and period-long training and retraining plans to ensure the completion of the set goals. Develop training and retraining plans for high-level development in a number of fields of education, health, high agriculture, science, technology, information technology and a number of specialized areas of expertise to meet local socio-economic development needs.
b) Professional training and retraining; improve the quality of the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees of the Party and mass organizations; training the level of political theory for cadres, civil servants and public employees of the whole province.
– Lead agency: Provincial Party Committee Organizing Committee
– Coordinating agencies: Party agencies, mass organizations, Party committees of blocks; Departments; Non-business units; People’s Committees of districts, towns and cities; District Party Committees, Town Party Committees, City Party Committees.
– Implementation time: Every year and the whole period.
– Tasks: Synthesize and develop annual and periodical training and retraining plans for the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees of Party agencies, mass organizations, and Party committees of the bloc; district party committees, town committees, city party committees. Develop a plan for training and fostering the level of political theory in the entire political system.
2. Developing human resources in sectors, fields, regions and regions
a) Fostering ethnic minority language knowledge for officials, civil servants and public employees in groups 3 and 4 in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas; To foster national defense and security knowledge for reputable people among ethnic minorities.
– Lead agency: Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs (ethnic knowledge), Department of Education and Training (ethnic minority languages), Provincial Military Command (Promoting national defense and security knowledge for people with high reputation).
– Coordinating agencies: Departments, departments and branches; People’s Committees of Khanh Son and Khanh Vinh districts.
– Implementation time: Every year and the whole period.
– Mission:
Organize training courses on ethnic minority language knowledge for cadres, civil servants and public employees working in ethnic minority and mountainous areas according to Decision No. 771/QD-TTg dated June 26, 2018 of the Government. Prime Minister on the Project “Strengthening ethnic knowledge for cadres, civil servants and public employees for the period 2018-2025″, promulgated by the Provincial People’s Committee under Plan No. 7505/KH-UBND dated on 30/7/2019.
Coordinate and organize training courses on national defense and security knowledge for reputable people among ethnic minorities.
b) Developing human resources in industries and fields
The departments and agencies that manage by industry and field conduct training, retraining and training courses for subjects operating in sectors and fields in the province, (including the fields of: health, education and training, industry and trade, culture – art, physical training – sports, labor, information – communication, science – technology, agriculture, tourism , Foreign Trade, …)
– Lead agency: Departments perform the function of state management according to sectors and fields.
– Coordinating agencies: agencies, units and localities; enterprises operating in the field of trade and industry
– Implementation time: Every year and the whole period.
– Duties: (Appendix attached)
c) Human resource development in Van Phong Economic Zone
– Lead agency: Van Phong Economic Zone Management Board.
– Coordinating agency: Department of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs, related enterprises.
– Implementation time: Every year and the whole period.
– Tasks: Orienting industries to prepare human resources for a number of key projects in Van Phong Economic Zone.
III. Main tasks and solutions
1. Raise awareness about human resource development
a) Thoroughly grasping the view that human is the foundation and decisive factor in sustainable economic and social development, ensuring security and national defense; well aware of roles and responsibilities in training and using human resources, turning human resource challenges into advantages; creating a strong change in awareness at all levels, branches and localities from province to grassroots.
b) Human resource development must be comprehensive, synchronous, focused and focused, with a long-term vision, and with appropriate steps; ensure the harmony of structure and balance of human resources by industry, field, region and region on the basis of economic structure and socio-economic development goals up to 2025 and orientation to 2030. The 18th Provincial Party Congress for the term 2020-2025 proposed.
c) Using, evaluating and rewarding human resources based on practical capacity and work results and efficiency.
2. Strengthen the leadership and direction of all levels and branches
Enhancing the leadership of all levels and sectors and the responsibility of the head in detecting, developing, monitoring and using human resources of agencies, units and localities.
3. Improve the efficiency of state management on human resource development
a) Continue to consolidate and perfect the organizational apparatus, renew and improve the quality of activities of the advisory and assisting agencies in the management and development of human resources. Clearly define the authority and responsibility of all levels and sectors in monitoring, forecasting, formulating and organizing the implementation of human resource development plans.
b) Continue to perform well the function of state management over education and training institutions; promote decentralization, exercise the autonomy and self-responsibility obligations of human resource training institutions.
– Rearrange and improve the quality of human resource training and retraining institutions (universities, vocational colleges, vocational secondary schools, vocational training centers) to suit the needs of human resource training for each individual, sectors, fields and regions, paying attention to human resources in rural areas and ethnic minorities in order to ensure close and balanced linkages between training levels and professions; promote the socialization of training and retraining; building a learning society, study promotion day; encourage the development of learning and talent promotion activities.
– Continue to improve the content, curricula and training in an advanced and modern direction.
– Identify occupations that need intensive training for schools and institutes in the province to implement, focusing on fields such as tourism, services, processing and manufacturing industry, and high-tech agriculture.
– Follow the right requirements to work; promoting counseling, vocational education and streamlining of post-secondary students; promote training according to social needs; develop training institutions in the direction of attaching the responsibility of enterprises to training human resources to use and attract enterprises to participate in training activities.
4. Building and developing human resources, effectively using human resources
a) Formulate the provincial human resource development planning to ensure the balance of human resources for the development of the province.
b) Review the qualifications and capacity of the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees to have training and retraining plans associated with the arrangement, arrangement, planning, appointment, mobilization and rotation. …ensure continuity and inheritance between generations, avoiding shortfalls in cadre work; ensure the appropriate proportion of young cadres, female cadres and cadres from ethnic minorities. Improve the qualifications of the management staff in order to advise on the better performance of the state management function.
c) It is necessary to assess and point out the demand in terms of quantity, quality, structure and qualifications of human resources in sectors, fields and regions; forming a team of high-quality human resources to meet the needs of rapidly developing industries and fields in which the province has advantages.
d) To raise the qualifications of the contingent of education and training managers, lecturers and teachers in sufficient quantity and quality assurance. Innovating teaching and learning methods towards and updating practical knowledge to improve training quality.
5. Well implement human resource development regimes and policies, especially high-quality human resources
a) Develop the labor market, develop and implement appropriate mechanisms, policies and tools to respect and attract talents and employ talents in accordance with the actual situation of the locality. Attracting managers, highly qualified scientists, entrepreneurs, artisans, experts, and highly skilled technical workers in the province to participate in human resource training. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on solutions to attract and encourage talents from other provinces to work in Khanh Hoa.
b) Renovate policies on human resource use in the state sector in accordance with the rules of the market economy. To separate and distinguish clearly in the management and use of human resources between state administrative agencies and public non-business units. Assigning tasks in the form of contracting, bidding, contract… associated with remuneration based on the final results to encourage the promotion of initiative and creativity and encourage talented people and people with many contributions.
c) Develop and implement mechanisms and policies to promote training according to social needs; encourage training institutions to coordinate with domestic and foreign training institutions, associate training institutions with enterprises, expand training forms according to enterprises’ orders and attract enterprises to participate, more involved in human resource training. There is a mechanism to facilitate enterprises to be proactive in linking with training institutions to order human resources. Create conditions for economic establishments to set up training institutions. Every year, a job fair is well organized to create jobs, and at the same time, promptly grasp the needs of employers in the market.
d) Strengthen human resource forecasting capacity; capacity to make policies, form legal frameworks and mechanisms for human resource training.
6. Mobilizing resources for human resource training, promoting close combination of domestic and international cooperation in human resource development
a) Strengthening coordination and association with schools, institutes, academies and training institutions of the Central Government in the province in order to take advantage of the facilities and teaching staff of the schools.
b) Mobilizing capital sources to meet the requirements of human resource development: increasing the state budget; promote socialization to increase the mobilization of capital sources: from the people; from businesses and organizations; from foreign sources…
c) Strengthening and expanding international cooperation to accelerate human resource training, first of all, increasing sending of civil servants and public employees to train abroad (with the state budget, encouraging study abroad), self-sufficiency and take advantage of international aid sources). Attract and effectively use international cooperation resources in scientific research, technology transfer, programs and projects in cooperation with countries and international organizations to increase investment in education. .
IV. Planning, allocating training targets, assessing the quality of human resources after training; perfecting mechanisms and policies
1. Planning, training and fostering needs
The agencies in charge of surveying, assessing and planning training and retraining needs by 2025, completed in March 2021, and sent to the Department of Home Affairs to synthesize into a general plan of the whole province until 2025.
Based on professional, professional and skill requirements in various fields; Sectoral management departments shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with training and vocational education institutions, experts, associations and large enterprises in formulating output quality standards of human resources in key fields, score, develop training programs, organize appraisal and critique; submit to the Provincial People’s Committee for approval.
On the basis of approved quality standards, vocational training and education institutions in the province upgrade and standardize program content, textbooks, training methods and assessment. outputs of students; complete and report to the Provincial People’s Committee (via the Department of Home Affairs) no later than the second quarter of 2021.
2. Allocation of training and retraining targets
On the basis of the forecast of human resource demand up to 2025, the leading agencies shall coordinate with the competent authorities to agree on the allocation of human resource training targets in the fields according to the capacity of each training institution.
On the basis of the allocated quota, the training institutions make training plans, enroll students, work with enterprises, production and business establishments to coordinate and arrange internships and practice for students; sign contracts for training, retraining and supply of human resources according to the needs of enterprises and production and business establishments; closely link between training and job creation; ensure that students have jobs after training.
Mobilize enterprises to participate in training and order skilled workers right from the time the training institutions prepare annual training plans.
3. Assess the responsiveness of human resources, complete the elements of the labor market in the province
Agencies assigned to assume the prime responsibility for publicizing human resource demand forecasts in various fields on the provincial human resource development portal; synthesize and publicize the number of students and trainees undergoing vocational training in the province by field, the expected number of students, graduates, and completion of the annual training program.
Based on the allocated needs and targets, the agencies assigned to assume the prime responsibility for, or coordinate in performing according to their functions, are responsible for controlling and evaluating the quality of human resources after training.
The Department of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs monitors, synthesizes and evaluates the balance of labor supply and demand in the market. Periodically in the first quarter of each year, coordinate with relevant agencies and units to conduct surveys and synthesize assessments of enterprises and production and business establishments to determine the responsiveness of the workforce in the province, both in terms of quantity and quality; combine the assessment of the situation of employees having new jobs or losing jobs during the year.
On that basis, make recommendations to serve timely adjustment of training scale, targets, completion of output quality standards and content of training programs, textbooks and methods in various fields, sector, ensuring the completion of the elements of the labor market.
4. Perfecting institutions and policies on human resource development
Based on the progress and actual requirements during the implementation of the Plan, the Working Group will report to the Provincial People’s Committee, assign departments and branches to review mechanisms and policies related to human resource development in the province to submit to the People’s Committee of the province for promulgation, adjustment, amendment and supplementation as appropriate
Vocational training and education institutions in the province build a brand of high-quality human resources in Khanh Hoa province, enhance competitiveness and international integration; towards exporting high-quality labor from the province to the region and internationally
V. Funding Allocation
On the basis of assigned tasks, departments, branches, localities and training institutions shall make detailed implementation plans up to 2025, and annual implementation plans, which propose annual funding needs and for the whole period, send it to the agency in charge of synthesizing sectors and fields, and send it to the Department of Home Affairs for general synthesis to coordinate with the Department of Planning and Investment and the Department of Finance for appraisal and submission to the Provincial People’s Committee for decision on allocation annual training career expenses.
Based on the requirements and tasks to make detailed estimates, use, and pay and settle the funds in accordance with the law and report to the Department of Planning and Investment, the Department of Finance, the Department of Home Affairs for summary, monitor the disbursement progress of the Program.
Agencies assigned tasks in this Plan, in addition to investment capital from the provincial budget, may mobilize capital sources from schemes, projects, target programs and other socialized capital sources to perform their tasks; may select capable research and consulting units to associate and contract to perform tasks in accordance with law.
VI. Implementation organization
1. Establishing a Team to assist in the implementation of the Human Resource Development Program for the 2021-2025 period to help the Provincial People’s Committee direct, administer, implement this Plan, monitor, urge, inspect and review report on the situation and results of the annual implementation to the People’s Committee of the province and competent authorities. The Team Leader is the Director of the Department of Home Affairs; members are leaders of relevant departments and branches.
2. Agencies and units assigned tasks in this Plan are accountable to the Provincial People’s Committee for the assigned targets by 2025; use the apparatus and civil servants of their agencies and units to perform their tasks; detailed implementation plans and schemes up to 2025 and specific annual tasks to ensure effective implementation.
The lead agency or unit must send the draft annual implementation plan to the Department of Home Affairs before October 15. The assisting group is responsible for appraising and submitting it to the Provincial People’s Committee before November 15 every year.
3. Departments, branches, localities, enterprises… shall coordinate in providing information, data, and reporting contents at the request of the lead agencies fully and promptly; participate in the development of plans and schemes under the guidance of the Support Team for the implementation of the Provincial Human Resource Development Program; Perform tasks as assigned in plans and projects.
4. The Department of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility and guide the provincial press agencies, the provincial electronic portal, the grassroots information system to propagate the objectives, tasks and solutions of the Plan; implementation of the Khanh Hoa Provincial Human Resource Development Program for the period of 2021 – 2025.
Continue to review and complete the Khanh Hoa Provincial Human Resource Development Portal to effectively perform all assigned functions.
5. The Front, mass organizations, associations and business associations actively coordinate in communication and participate in the implementation of the Program according to their assigned functions and tasks.
6. The Department of Home Affairs is a standing agency that, in addition to performing assigned tasks, is also responsible for generalizing, urging and inspecting the implementation of agencies, units and localities in the province.
7. Based on this Plan, the People’s Committees of districts, towns and cities shall direct and implement the consistent and effective implementation of this Program and Plan.
8. In the course of implementation, if there are problems or suggestions, promptly report them to the Provincial People’s Committee (via the Department of Home Affairs) to assign specific responsibilities to agencies, units, collect and supplement accordingly.

(Source: Vitic/

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