Lao New Year Bunpimay celebration at the National Academy of Public Administration

On April 12, 2024, at NAPA Headquarters in Hanoi, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) held a ceremony to celebrate the 2567th Lao New Year Bunpimay for Lao international students currently enrolling at NAPA.

A group photo of participants.

A group photo of participants.

The Bunpimay New Year festival, also known as the Water-Splashing Festival, is held annually from April 13 to April 16 of the Gregorian calendar. During this time, when the sky is clear and the rivers are abundant with water, symbolizing a prosperous new year. A unique feature of the Bunpimay festival is the water splashing ritual. This tradition originates from the Laotian belief that only water brings life, washing away all worries and impurities and bringing freshness, purity, and rejuvenation. This custom is closely linked to the agricultural life of wet rice cultivation, aiming to bring coolness and prosperity to all things and purity to human life. On these days, people often splash water on each other to bless each other and pray for favorable weather, warmth, and happiness in the new year.

Guests of the ceremony were Dr. Khamtan Somvong, Counselor for Education and Culture, Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to Viet Nam.

On the side of NAPA, there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, NAPA President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong, NAPA Vice President, leaders of NAPA faculties, departments and units, and Lao students enrolling at NAPA.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien delivering remarks on the occasion of the traditional Bunpimay New Year festival.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien delivering remarks on the occasion of the traditional Bunpimay New Year festival.

In his remarks, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien extended his wishes for a happy and successful new year to the officials of the Lao Embassy in Viet Nam and the Lao students studying at NAPA and their families. He wished for the Lao people, under the leadership of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, to achieve even greater achievements in the coming new year. In fulfilling the tasks assigned by the Party and State, NAPA always works with agencies and units to ensure favorable learning conditions as well as improve the material and cultural life of Lao students. Lectures and staff members at NAPA are always dedicated to supporting Lao students throughout their study in Viet Nam.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien presenting flowers to celebrate the traditional Bunpimay festival.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien presenting flowers to celebrate the traditional Bunpimay festival.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien praised the learning spirit of Lao students. The majority Lao students, upon returning to their country, have effectively applied acquired knowledge to practical work and have been assigned important positions in the Party and Government agencies. The academic achievements of Lao students at NAPA are practical activities that promote a friendly and cooperative relationship between the two countries.

On the occasion of the Lao New Year Bunpimay 2024, on behalf of NAPA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien sent New Year greetings to the staff of the Lao Embassy in Viet Nam; he wished the Lao students to always be healthy, happy, and achieve many successes in research and study, actively contributing to the socio-economic development and prosperity of Laos.

Dr. Khamtan Somvong, Counselor for Education and Culture, Embassy of the Lao People's Democratic Republic to Viet Nam, at the celebration.

Dr. Khamtan Somvong, Counselor for Education and Culture, Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to Viet Nam, at the celebration.

In his speech at the ceremony, Dr. Khamtan Somvong affirmed the unique bond and solidarity between the two Parties and Peoples of Viet Nam and Laos, which has been demonstrated through the long history of solidarity, friendship, and sustainable development of the two countries. The Lao Party and State have always received support from the Vietnamese Party and People in various fields in general and in training activities in particular. According to Dr. Khamtan Somvong, the Bunpimay festival shares similarities with the Vietnamese Lunar New Year, which is a time for individuals to reflect on the past year and prepare for the upcoming year with plans and goals. After expressing gratitude for the NAPA’s support and provision of the best conditions for Lao students, he also hoped that the lecturers would continue to impart knowledge and experience to these students so that they can become qualified and ethical officials, capable of fulfilling their duties and positions within the state apparatus at all levels, thus contributing significantly to the Lao’s development.

Student Bounmy Laofaidang at the celebration.

Student Bounmy Laofaidang at the celebration.

On behalf of the Lao students, PhD. student Bounmy Laofaidang expressed sincere gratitude to the NAPA Board of Directors for organizing the traditional Bunpimay festival for students. Throughout their study and research at NAPA, Lao students have always received attention, assistance, and guidance from Vietnamese lecturers and students. Mr. Bounmy Laofaidang promised to strive for better academic performance and personal development to be more deserving of the trust of the lecturers and families and elevate the Viet Nam – Laos friendship to new heights. He wished for the special friendship and cooperation between the two Parties and States of Viet Nam and Laos to flourish endlessly, remaining evergreen and sustainable for generations to come.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien attending the Lao ritual of tying strings around wrists.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien attending the Lao ritual of tying strings around wrists.

At the ceremony, Lao students performed musical performances to celebrate the traditional Bunpimay New Year festival and congratulate the friendship between the Party, State and people of Viet Nam and Laos. In addition, there was the ritual of tying strings around a person’s wrist, an essential ritual on every Bunpimay New Year occasion.


Units congratulating the traditional Bunpimay New Year festival.

Units congratulating the traditional Bunpimay New Year festival.

Musical performances.

Musical performances.

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