Launching State Management Review Online

State Management Review Online was launched on June 20th, 2019 on the occasion of the 94th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Journalism (June 21st, 1925 – June 21st, 2019) at the Grand Hall, National Academy of Public Administration.

Attending the launching ceremony were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs; Dr. Mai Duc Loc, Vice Chairperson of Vietnam Association of Journalists; Mr. Tran Thanh Lam, Deputy General Director of Department of Journalism, Publication, Central Committee for Communication and Education; Mr. Nguyen Van Hieu, Deputy General Director, Department of Journalism, Ministry of Information and Communication.

Presented at the ceremony were NAPA Vice Presidents – Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, Dr. Nguyen Dang Que; administrators of NAPA departments and units, State Management Review staff.

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Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh – Deputy Editor-in-Chief introducing ceremony delegates

Presented at the launching ceremony were representatives and journalists from news agencies such as Journal of Communism, Journal of Party building, Journal of State Organization, Journal of Home Affairs Sciences, Vietnam Records Management and Archives Review, Portal of Ministry of Home Affairs, Journal of Political Theory, Dai bieu nhan dan Newspaper, Lao dong Newspaper, Xay dung Newspaper, Jurisprudence Journal, Journalist Magazine, Front Journal, Journal of Religious studies, Nhan dan Newspaper Online, Vietnamnet Online, and collaborators of the State Management Review.

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Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dang Khac Anh, Acting Editor-in-Chief of the State Management Review delivering the launching speech

In the launching speech, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dang Khac Anh, Acting Editor-in-Chief of the State Management Review emphasized that State Management Review Online will create another communication channel of State Management Review to provide academic articles on administrative sciences and management and exchange of state management practices.

Having the advantage of “easy access without geographical limit”, State Management Review Online is also expected to be an important channel for external relations of the National Academy of Public Administration in international cooperation and training, as well as for communication of bureaucracy information to readers in the country and in the world. By launching Review Online, State Management Review asserts its role as the research and speech agency of the National Academy of Public Administration and determination to become an prestigious academic journal in the region.

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Vice Minister of Home Affairs Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Chairman of Vietnam Association of Journalists Mai Duc Loc, NAPA Vice Presidents, representatives of Central Committee of Communication and Education, Ministry of Information and Communication, leaders of State Management Review pressing the button to launch State Management Review Online

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Dr. Nguyen Dang Que, NAPA Vice President delivered congratulation speech

On behalf of NAPA Board of Directors, Dr. Nguyen Dang Que, NAPA Vice President congratulated the State Management Review and stated State Management Review Online is a new development, in line with the trend of modern journalism. He requested the State Management Review staff to follow strictly the principles in managing and operating an online journal and constantly improve professional skills to pursue the goals of a specialized academic journal. At the same time State Management Review should extend a network of collaborators to contribute to quality of the Review.

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Ceremony delegates and State Management Review staff

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Congratulation from NAPA leaders, faculties, departments

State Management Review Online has the following columns: Implementing the Resolution of the Twelfth National Party Congress; Study – Exchange; Practice – Experience; Training; Interviews with managers; Enterprise Administration; Public Administration Reform; Administration Forum; International Public Administration; New Documents – Policies; News and events. In addition, extra columns may be installed  to meet the political requirements and readers’ demand of information

State Management Review Online:

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State Management Review staff

Congratulation to State Management Review on the occasion of launching a new publication

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