The 2014 Law on Social Insurance contains several new provisions focusing on such matters as social insurance participants, rights and responsibilities of employees, employers and social insurance agencies, and social insurance regimes and social insurance funds.

Independence – Freedom – Happiness
No: 58/2014/QH13 Hanoi, November 20, 2014


Pursuant to the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

The National Assembly promulgates the Law on Social Insurance.

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope of regulation

This Law provides social insurance regimes and policies; the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers; agencies, organizations and individuals involved in social insurance, representative organizations of employee collectives and employers’ representative organizations; social insurance agencies; social insurance funds; and procedures for social insurance implementation, and state management of social insurance.

Article 2.   Applicable entities

  1. Employees being Vietnamese citizens shall be covered by compulsory social insurance, including:

a/ Persons working under indefinite-term labour contracts, definite-term labour contracts, seasonal labour contracts or contracts for given jobs with a term of between full 3 months and under 12 months, including also labour contracts signed between employers and at-law representatives of persons aged under 15 years in accordance with the labour law;

b/ Persons working under labour contracts with a term of between full 1 month and under 3 months;

c/ Cadres, civil servants and public employees;

d/ Defense workers, public security workers and persons doing other jobs in cipher agencies;

dd/ Officers and professional army men of the people’s army; officers and professional non-commissioned officers and officers and technical non- commissioned officers of the people’s public security; and persons engaged in cipher work enjoying salaries like army men;

e/ Non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the people’s army; non- commissioned officers and soldiers on definite-term service in the people’s public security; army, public security and cipher cadets who are entitled to cost- of-living allowance;

g/ Vietnamese workers working abroad under the labour contracts defined in the Law on Vietnamese Workers working abroad under the labour contract;

h/ Salaried managers of enterprises and cooperatives;

i/ Part-time staffs in communes, wards and townships.

  1. Employees who are foreign citizens working in Vietnam with work permits or practice certificates or practice licenses granted by Vietnamese authorities shall be covered by compulsory social insurance under the Government’s regulations.
  2. Employers covered by compulsory social insurance include state agencies, non-business units and people’s armed forces units; political organizations, socio-political organizations, socio-politico-professional organizations, socio-professional organizations and other social organizations; foreign agencies and organizations, and international organizations operating in the Vietnamese territory; enterprises, cooperatives, individual business households, cooperative groups, and other organizations and individuals that hire or employ employees under labour contracts.
  3. Persons covered by voluntary social insurance are Vietnamese citizens aged full 15 years or older and not defined in Clause 1 of this Article.
  4. Agencies, organizations and individuals involved in social insurance.

The subjects defined in Clauses 1, 2 and 4 of this Article are below collectively referred to as employees.

Article 3. Interpretation of terms

In this Law, the terms below are construed as follows:

  1. Social insurancemeans the guarantee to fully or partially offset an employee’s income that is reduced or lost due to his/her sickness, maternity, labour accident, occupational disease, retirement or death, on the basis of his/her contributions to the social insurance fund.
  2. Compulsory social insurancemeans a form of social insurance organized by the State in which employees and employers are required to participate.
  3. Voluntary social insurancemeans a form of social insurance organized by the State in which a participant may select a premium rate and a method of premium payment suitable to his/her income and the State supports his/her payment of social insurance premiums for him/her to enjoy retirement and survivor allowance regimes.
  4. Social insurance fundis an independent financial fund from the state budget set up by contributions from employees and employers and with the State’s support.
  5. Period of social insurance premium paymentmeans a period counted from the time an employee starts paying social insurance premiums to the time he/she stops such payment. In case an employee pays social insurance premiums in interrupted periods, his/her period of social insurance premium payment is the total of such periods.
  6. Relativemeans an insured’s natural child, adopted child, spouse, natural father, natural mother, adoptive father, adoptive mother, father-in-law or mother- in-law, or another family member whom the insured is obliged to nurture in accordance with the law on marriage and family.
  7. Supplementary retirement schemeis a voluntary social insurance policy aiming to supplement the retirement regime under compulsory social insurance, which is formed by contributions from employees and employers in the form of personal savings accounts, and preserved and accumulated through investment activities in accordance with law.

Article 4. Social insurance regimes

  1. Compulsory social insurance covers the following regimes:

a/ Sickness;

b/ Maternity;

c/ labour accident and occupational disease;

d/ Retirement;

dd/ Survivor  allowance.

  1. Voluntary social insurance covers the following regimes:

a/ Retirement;

b/ Survivor allowance.

  1. The supplementary retirement scheme shall be stipulated by the Government.

Article 5. Social insurance principles

  1. Levels of social insurance allowances shall be calculated based on the social insurance premium rate, the premium payment period and the sharing among the insured.
  2. The compulsory social insurance premium rate shall be calculated based on an employee’s monthly salary. The voluntary social insurance premium rate shall be calculated based on the monthly income selected by employees.
  3. Employees who pay both compulsory and voluntary social insurance premiums are entitled to the retirement regime and survivor allowance regime based on their period of social insurance premium payment. The period of social insurance premium payment already calculated for enjoying a lump-sum social insurance allowance shall not be included in the period used to calculate social insurance regimes.
  4. The social insurance fund shall be managed in a centralized, uniform, public and transparent manner; used for proper purposes and independently accounted by component funds and groups of the insured subject to the state- prescribed salary regime and the employer-decided salary regime.
  5. Social insurance shall be implemented in a simple, easy and convenient manner, promptly and fully ensuring the interests of the insured.

Article 6. State policies on social insurance

  1. To encourage and create conditions for agencies, organizations and individuals to participate in social insurance.
  2. To provide support for voluntary social insurance participants.
  3. To protect the social insurance fund and take measures to preserve and develop the fund.
  4. To encourage employers and employees to participate in the supplementary retirement scheme.
  5. To prioritize investment in the development of information technology for social insurance management.

Article 7. Contents of state management of social insurance

  1. To promulgate, and organize the implementation of, legal documents, strategies and policies on social insurance.
  2. To propagate and disseminate policies and law on social insurance.
  3. To perform statistical and information work on social insurance.
  4. To organize the apparatus for social insurance implementation; to train human resources for social insurance work.
  5. To manage the collection, payment, preservation, development and balancing of the social insurance fund.
  6. To inspect and examine the observance of the law on social insurance; to settle complaints and denunciations and handle violations of the law on social insurance.
  7. To carry out international cooperation in the field of social insurance.

Article 8. State management agencies in charge of social insurance

  1. The Government shall perform the unified state management of social insurance.
  2. The Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs shall take responsibility before the Government for performing the state management of social insurance.
  3. Ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, perform the state management of social insurance.
  4. Vietnam Social Insurance shall participate and coordinate with the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and People’s Committees of provinces and central affiliated cities (below referred to as provincial-level People’s Committees) in managing the collection, payment, preservation, development and balancing of the social insurance fund.
  5. People’s Committees at all levels shall perform the state management of social insurance within their localities as decentralized by the Government.

Article 9. Modernization of social insurance management

  1. The State shall encourage investment in the development of advanced technologies and technical equipment for social insurance management and implementation.
  2. By 2020, the national e-database on social insurance management shall be completely built and put into operation.

Article 10. Social insurance-related responsibilities of the Minister of

Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs

  1. To formulate strategies, master plans and plans on social insurance development.
  2. To formulate policies and law on social insurance; to submit to competent state agencies for promulgation or promulgate within his/her competence legal documents on social insurance.
  3. To develop and submit to the Government development targets for social insurance participants.
  4. To propagate and disseminate policies and law on social insurance.
  5. To direct, guide, and organize the implementation of policies and law on social insurance.
  6. To inspect, examine, handle violations and settle complaints and denunciations about social insurance, except those specified in Clause 2, Article 11 of this Law.
  7. To submit to the Government for decision handling measures in cases of necessity to protect employees’ legitimate rights and interests related to social insurance.
  8. To perform statistical and information work on social insurance.
  9. To organize training courses on social insurance.
  10. To organize scientific research and international cooperation on social insurance.
  11. To report annually the implementation of social insurance to the Government.

Article 11. Social insurance-related responsibilities of the Minister of Finance

  1. To formulate and submit to competent state agencies for promulgation or promulgate within his/her competence financial management mechanisms for social insurance and expenses for social insurance management.
  2. To inspect, examine, handle violations, and settle complaints and denunciations about financial management of social insurance.
  3. To send annual reports on the management and use of social insurance funds to the Minister of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs for summarization and reporting to the Government.

Article 12. Social insurance-related responsibilities of People’s Committees at all levels

  1. To direct and organize the implementation of policies and law on social insurance.
  2. To set development targets for social insurance participants for annual socio-economic development plans and submit them to same-level People’s Councils for decision.
  3. To propagate and disseminate policies and law on social insurance.
  4. To inspect, examine, handle violations, and settle complaints and denunciations of social insurance.
  5. To propose amendments and supplements to policies and law on social insurance to competent state agencies.

Article 13. Social insurance inspection

  1. The labour – invalid and social affairs inspectorate shall perform the function of specialized inspection of the implementation of policies and law on social insurance in accordance with the inspection law.
  2. The finance inspectorate shall perform the function of specialized inspection of financial management of social insurance in accordance with the inspection law.
  3. Social insurance agencies shall perform the function of specialized inspection of the payment of social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance premiums in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws.
  4. The Government shall detail this Article.

Article 14. Rights and responsibilities of trade union organizations and the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations

  1. Trade union organizations have the following rights:

a/ To protect the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of insured employees;

b/ To request employers and social insurance agencies to provide information on employees’ social insurance;

c/ To supervise the implementation, and propose competent agencies to handle violations, of the law on social insurance;

d/ To initiate lawsuits at a court against violations of the law on social insurance which affect the lawful rights and interests of employees and employee collectives under Clause 8, Article 10 of the Trade Union Law.

  1. Trade union organizations have the following responsibilities:

a/ To propagate and disseminate policies and law on social insurance to employees;

b/ To participate in inspecting and examining the implementation of the law on social insurance;

c/ To propose and participate in the elaboration, revision and supplementation of policies and law on social insurance.

  1. The Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations shall, within the ambit of their functions and tasks, conduct public information work and mobilize their members and people to implement policies and law on social insurance and proactively participate in social insurance in forms suitable to them and their families; participate in the protection of the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of their members; provide social counter-arguments for and join state agencies in the formulation of policies and law on social insurance; and supervise the implementation of policies and law on social insurance in accordance with law.

Article 15. Rights and responsibilities of employers’ representative organizations

  1. Employers’ representative organizations have the following rights:

a/ To protect the lawful rights and interests of the insured employers;

b/ To propose to competent state agencies handle violations of the law on social insurance.

  1. Employers’ representative organizations have the following responsibilities:

a/ To propagate and disseminate policies and law on social insurance to employers;

b/ To participate in examining and supervising the implementation of the law on social insurance;

c/ To propose and participate in the formulation, revision and supplementation of policies and law on social insurance.

Article 16. Reporting and audit regimes

  1. Annually, the Government shall report to the National Assembly on the implementation of policies and law on social insurance, the management and use of the social insurance fund.
  2. Once every three years, the State Audit Office shall audit the social insurance fund and report on audit results to the National Assembly. At the request of the National Assembly, the National Assembly Standing Committee or the Government, the social insurance fund shall be audited unexpectedly.

Article 17. Prohibited acts

  1. Shirking the payment of compulsory social insurance or unemployment insurance premiums.
  2. Delaying the payment of social insurance or unemployment insurance premiums.
  3. Appropriating social insurance or unemployment insurance premiums or allowances.
  4. Falsifying or forging dossiers in the implementation of social insurance or unemployment insurance.
  5. Illegally using the social insurance fund or unemployment insurance fund.
  6. Causing obstacles or troubles to, or harming the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of, employees or employers.
  7. Illegally accessing or exploiting the database on social insurance or unemployment insurance.
  8. Making untruthful reports or providing inaccurate information or data on social insurance or unemployment insurance.

Chapter II


Article 18. Rights of employees

  1. To participate in social insurance and enjoy social insurance regimes in accordance with this Law.
  2. To be granted and manage social insurance books.
  3. To fully and promptly receive pensions and social insurance allowances in one of the following forms:

a/ Directly from social insurance agencies or service organizations authorized by social insurance agencies;

b/ Via their deposit accounts opened at banks;

c/ Through employers.

  1. To enjoy health insurance in the following cases:

a/ Being on pension;

b/ Taking leave on maternity allowance for childbirth or child adoption;

c/ Taking leave on monthly labour accident or occupational disease allowance;

d/ Being on sickness allowance, for employees who suffer a disease on the Ministry of Health-issued list of diseases requiring long-term treatment.

  1. To take medical assessment of their working capacity decrease, if they fall in the case specified at Point b, Clause 1, Article 45 of this Law and have their period of social insurance premium payment reserved; not to pay medical assessment costs if they are eligible to social insurance.
  2. To authorize others to receive pensions or social insurance allowances.
  3. Every 6 months, to be provided by employers with information on the payment of social insurance premiums; every year, to have the payment of social insurance premiums certified by social insurance agencies; to request employers and social insurance agencies to provide information on the payment of social insurance premiums and enjoyment of social insurance.
  4. To lodge complaints or denunciations or initiate lawsuits about social insurance in accordance with law.

Article 19. Responsibilities of employees

  1. To pay social insurance premiums in accordance with this Law.
  2. To comply with regulations on making of social insurance dossiers.
  3. To preserve social insurance books.

Article 20. Rights of employers

  1. To reject requests which are contrary to the law on social insurance.
  2. To lodge complaints or denunciations or initiate lawsuits about social insurance in accordance with law.

Article 21. Responsibilities of employers

  1. To make dossiers for employees to be granted social insurance books, pay social insurance premiums and enjoy social insurance.
  2. To pay social insurance premiums under Article 86, and make monthly deductions from employees’ salaries under Clause 1, Article 85, of this Law for simultaneous payment to the social insurance fund.
  3. To introduce employees defined at Point a, Clause 1, in Clause 2, Article 45, or in Article 55, of this Law to the Medical Assessment Council for assessment of their working capacity decrease.
  4. To coordinate with social insurance agencies in paying social insurance allowances to employees.
  5. To coordinate with social insurance agencies in returning social insurance books to and certifying periods of social insurance premium payment for employees who terminate labour contracts or working contracts or cease working in accordance with law.
  6. To provide accurate, sufficient and prompt information and documents relating to the payment of social insurance premiums and enjoyment of social insurance at the request of competent state management agencies or social insurance agencies.
  7. Every 6 months, to post up information on the payment of social insurance premiums for employees; to provide information on employees’ payment of social insurance premiums at the request of employees or trade union organizations.
  8. Annually, to post up information on employees’ payment of social insurance premiums provided by social insurance agencies under Clause 7, Article 23 of this Law.

Article 22. Rights of social insurance agencies

  1. To organize the management of personnel, finance and assets in accordance with law.
  2. To reject unlawful claims for social insurance, unemployment insurance or health insurance allowances.
  3. To request employers to produce labour management books, salary tables and other information and documents relating to the payment of social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance premiums and enjoyment of social insurance, unemployment insurance or health insurance.
  4. To be provided by enterprise registration agencies or agencies granting operation certificates or operation licenses with copies of enterprise registration certificates, operation licenses, operation certificates or establishment decisions in order to register employees covered by social insurance and health insurance, for newly established enterprises and organizations.
  5. Every 6 months, to be provided by local state management agencies in charge of labour with information on employment and change of employees in localities.
  6. To be provided by tax agencies with tax identification numbers of employers; to be annually provided with information on employers’ salary expenses used for tax calculation.
  7. To examine the implementation of social insurance policies; to conduct specialized inspection of the payment of social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance premiums.
  8. To propose to competent state agencies the formulation, revision and supplementation of policies and laws on social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance and the management of social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance funds.
  9. To handle, or propose competent state agencies to handle, violations of the laws on social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance.

Article 23. Responsibilities of social insurance agencies

  1. To propagate and disseminate policies and laws on social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance.
  2. To issue forms of social insurance and unemployment insurance books and dossiers after reaching agreement with the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs.
  3. To collect social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance premiums and pay social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance allowances in accordance with law.
  4. To grant social insurance books to employees; to manage social insurance books after settling the retirement regime or survivor allowance regime for employees.
  5. To receive social insurance and health insurance dossiers; to settle social insurance and health insurance regimes; to pay pensions and social insurance and unemployment insurance allowances in a full, convenient and timely manner.
  6. To annually certify periods of social insurance premium payment for each employee; to fully and promptly provide information on the payment of social insurance premiums, the right to social insurance regimes, and procedures for social insurance implementation at the request of employees, employers or trade union organizations.
  7. To annually provide information on employees’ payment of social insurance premiums to employers to posting.
  8. To apply information technology to social insurance management; to archive the insured’s dossiers in accordance with law.
  9. To manage and use social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance funds in accordance with law.
  10. To take measures to preserve and develop social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance funds under decisions of the Management Board of Vietnam Social Insurance.
  11. To perform statistical and financial accounting work on social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance.
  12. To provide professional training in and guidance on social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance.
  13. To report to the Management Board of Vietnam Social Insurance every 6 months and to the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs every year on the implementation of social insurance and unemployment insurance; to report to the Ministry of Health on the implementation of health insurance; to report to the Ministry of Finance on the management and use of social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance funds.

Annually, local social insurance agencies shall report to same-level People’s Committees on the implementation of social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance in localities under their management.

  1. To publicize in the mass media employers that violate the obligation to pay social insurance, unemployment insurance or health insurance premiums.
  2. To provide relevant documents and information at the request of competent state agencies.
  3. To settle complaints and denunciations about the implementation of social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance in accordance with law.
  4. To carry out international cooperation on social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance.

Chapter III



Article 24. Coverage of the sickness regime

The sickness regime covers employees defined at Points a, b, c, d, dd and h, Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law.

Article 25. Conditions for enjoying the sickness regime

  1. Employees who have to take leave due to sickness or accidents other than labour accidents, with the certification of a competent health establishment under the Ministry of Health’s regulations.

The sickness regime does not cover employees who take leave due to sickness or accidents as a result of self-infliction, drunkenness or use of narcotics or narcotic precursors on the Government-prescribed list.

  1. Employees who have to take leave for caring for sick children aged under 7 years, with the certification of a competent health establishment.

Article 26. Period of enjoying the sickness regime

  1. The maximum period of enjoying the sickness regime in a year for employees defined at Points a, b, c, d and h, Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law shall be counted in working days, excluding public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends, and is specified as follows:

a/ For employees working under normal conditions, this period is 30 days, if they have paid social insurance premiums for under 15 years; 40 days, if they have paid social insurance premiums for between full 15 years and under 30 years; or 60 days, if they have paid social insurance premiums for full 30 years or more;

b/ For employees doing heavy, hazardous or dangerous occupations or jobs extremely heavy, hazardous or dangerous occupations or jobs on the list issued by the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs, or working in areas with a region-based allowance coefficient of 0.7 or higher, this period is 40 days, if they have paid social insurance premiums for under 15 year; 50 days, if they have paid social insurance premiums for between full 15 years and under 30 years; or 70 days, if they have paid social insurance premiums for full 30 years or more.

  1. For employees who take leave due to diseases on the Ministry of Health-issued list of diseases requiring long-term treatment, the period of enjoying the sickness regime is specified as follows:

a/ 180 days at most in a year, including public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends;

b/ If employees still need treatment after the expiration of the period specified at Point a of this Clause, they are entitled to continue enjoying the sickness regime for a shorter period not exceeding the period of social insurance premium payment.

  1. The period of enjoying the sickness regime for employees defined at Point dd, Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law shall be based on the period of treatment at a competent health establishment.

Article 27. Leave period upon sickness of children

  1. The leave period upon sickness of a child in a year shall be calculated based the number of days of care for the sick child, which must not exceed 20 working days, if the child is under 3 years old, or must not exceed 15 working days, if the child is between full 3 years and under 7 years old.
  2. When both parents are covered by social insurance, the leave period of the father or mother upon sickness of a child must be as stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article.

The leave period upon sickness of children specified in this Article shall be counted in working days, excluding public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends.

Article 28. Allowance levels of the sickness regime

  1. Employees entitled to the sickness regime prescribed in Clause 1, or at Point a, Clause 2, Article 26, or in Article 27, of this Law are entitled to a monthly allowance equal to 75% of the salary of the month preceding their leave on which social insurance premiums are based.

An employee who has just started working or who previously paid social insurance premiums and then ceased working for a certain time and has to take leave under the sickness regime right in the first month after return to work, is entitled to an allowance equal to 75% of the salary of that month on which social insurance premiums are based.

  1. For employees who continue enjoying the sickness regime prescribed at Point b, Clause 2, Article 26 of this Law, the allowance must equal:

a/ 65% of the salary of the month preceding their leave on which social insurance premiums are based, if they have paid social insurance premiums for full 30 years or more;

b/ 55% of the salary of the month preceding their leave on which social insurance premiums are based, if they have paid social insurance premiums for between full 15 years and under 30 years;

c/ 50% of the salary of the month preceding their leave on which social insurance premiums are based, if they have paid social insurance premiums for under 15 years.

  1. For employees entitled to the sickness regime prescribed in Clause 3, Article 26 of this Law, the allowance must equal 100% of the salary of the month preceding their leave on which social insurance premiums are based.
  2. The per-diem sickness allowance must equal the monthly sickness allowance divided by 24 days.

Article 29. Convalescence and health rehabilitation after sickness

  1. An employee who has taken leave under the sickness regime for the full number of days in a year prescribed in Article 26 of this Law, but whose health has not yet recovered within 30 days after return to work, is entitled to a leave of between 5 days and 10 days in a year for convalescence and health rehabilitation.

The leave period for convalescence and health rehabilitation is inclusive of public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends. The leave period which lasts from the end of a year to the following year shall be counted for the previous year.

  1. The number of days of a leave for convalescence and health rehabilitation shall be jointly decided by the employer and grassroots Trade Union Executive Committee, or by the employer in case the grassroots Trade Union has not yet been set up, specifically as follows:

a/ 10 days at most, for employees whose health has not yet recovered after suffering a disease requiring long-term treatment;

b/ 7 days at most, for employees whose health has not yet recovered after undergoing an operation;

c/ 5 days, in other cases.

  1. The per-diem allowance for convalescence and health rehabilitation after sickness must equal 30% of the basic salary.


Article 30. Coverage of the maternity regime

The maternity regime covers employees defined at Point a, b, c, d, dd and h, Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law.

Article 31. Conditions for enjoying the maternity regime

  1. Employees shall be covered by the maternity regime in one of the following cases:

a/ Pregnant female employees;

b/ Female employees giving birth to children;

c/ Female employees as surrogate mothers and intended mothers;

d/ Employees adopting under-6-month children;

dd/ Female employees having intrauterine devices or employees taking sterilization measures;

e/ Male employees currently paying social insurance premiums whose wives give birth to children.

  1. To enjoy the maternity regime, employees defined at Points b, c and d, Clause 1 of this Article must have paid social insurance premiums for at least full 6 months within 12 months before childbirth or child adoption.
  2. To enjoy the maternity regime, employees defined at Point b, Clause 1 of this Article who have paid social insurance premiums for at least full 12 months and need to take a leave during pregnancy for pregnancy care as prescribed by a competent health establishment must have paid social insurance premiums for at least full 3 months within 12 months before childbirth.
  3. Employees who fully satisfy the conditions specified in Clause 2 or 3 of this Article and terminate their labour contracts or working contracts or cease working before the time of childbirth or the time of adoption of under-6-month children are still entitled to the maternity regime prescribed in Articles 34, 36 and 38, and Clause 1, Article 39, of this Law.

Article 32. Leave period for prenatal checks-up

  1. Pregnant female employees are entitled to take leaves for 5 prenatal checks-up, one day for each check-up; employees who live far from health establishments or have pathological signs or abnormal pregnancies are entitled to take a two-day leave for each prenatal check-up.
  2. The leave period specified in this Article shall be counted in working days, excluding public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends.

Article 33. Leave period upon miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth or pathological abortion

  1. When getting miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth or pathological abortion, a female employee may take a maternity leave as prescribed by a competent health establishment. The maximum leave period is:

a/ 10 days, for pregnancy of under 5 weeks;

b/ 20 days, for pregnancy of between 5 weeks and under 13 weeks; c/ 40 days, for pregnancy of between 13 weeks and under 25 weeks; d/ 50 days, for pregnancy of 25 weeks or more.

  1. The maternity leave period specified in Clause 1 of this Article is inclusive of public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends.

Article 34. Leave period for childbirth

  1. Female employees are entitled to a 6-month leave before and after childbirth under the maternity regime. For a female employee who gives birth to twins or more infants, she is entitled to an additional leave of 1 month for each infant from the second.

The maternity leave period before childbirth must not exceed 2 months.

  1. Male employees currently paying social insurance premiums whose wives give birth to children are entitled to a maternity leave of:

a/ 5 working days;

b/ 7 working days, in case their wives undergo a surgical birth or give birth to children before 32 weeks of pregnancy;

c/ 10 working days, in case their wives give birth to twins; or additional 3 working days for each infant from the second;

d/ 14 working days, in case their wives give birth to twins or more infants and take childbirth operation.

The maternity leave period specified in this Clause must be within the first 30 days after the date of childbirth.

  1. After childbirth, if an under-2-month child dies, the mother is entitled to a 4-month leave from the date of childbirth; if a child aged 2 months or older dies, the mother is entitled to a 2-month leave from the date of the child’s death, but the maternity leave period must not exceed the period specified in Clause 1 of this Article; such leave period shall not be included in the period of personal leave as prescribed by the labour law.
  2. In case only the mother is covered by social insurance or both parents are covered by social insurance but the mother dies in childbirth, the father or the direct fosterer is entitled to a maternity leave for the remaining period applicable to the mother as specified in Clause 1 of this Article. In case the mother who is covered by social insurance but does not fully satisfy the conditions specified in Clause 2 or 3, Article 31 of this Law, dies, the father or the direct fosterer is entitled to a maternity leave until the child reaches full 6 months.
  3. The father or the direct fosterer who is covered by social insurance but does not take a leave under Clause 4 of this Article is entitled to not only his/her salary but also the maternity regime for the remaining period applicable to the mother as specified in Clause 1 of this Article.
  4. In case only the father is covered by social insurance and the mother dies in childbirth or faces a postnatal risk that makes her unable to care for the child, as certified by a competent health establishment, the father is entitled to a maternity leave until the child reaches full 6 months.
  5. The maternity leave period specified in Clause 1, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of this Article is inclusive of public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends.

Article 35. Maternity regime of female employees as surrogate mothers and intended mothers

  1. A female employee as surrogate mother is entitled to the prescribed regime when getting prenatal check-ups, miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth or pathological abortion, and take a maternity leave until the time of relinquishing the child to the intended mother, with the leave period not exceeding the period specified in Clause 1, Article 34 of this Law. In case the maternity leave period is under 60 days from the date of childbirth to the time of relinquishing the child, surrogate mothers are entitled to continue enjoying the maternity regime until such leave period reaches full 60 days, including public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends.
  2. Intended mothers are entitled to a maternity leave from the time of receiving the child until the child reaches full 6 months.
  3. The Government shall provide in detail the maternity regime, and procedures for enjoying the maternity regime applicable to female employees as surrogate mothers and intended mothers.

Article 36. Leave period for child adoption

Employees adopting an under-6-month child are entitled to a maternity leave until the child reaches full 6 months. In case both parents are covered by social insurance and fully satisfy the conditions for enjoying the maternity regime as specified in Clause 2, Article 31 of this Law, either father or mother only is entitled to a maternity leave.

Article 37. Leave period when taking contraceptive measures

  1. When taking contraceptive measures, employees are entitled to the maternity regime as prescribed by competent health establishments. The maximum leave period is:

a/ 7 days, for female employees implanted with intrauterine devices;

b/ 15 days, for employees taking sterilization measures.

  1. The maternity leave period specified in Clause 1 of this Article is inclusive of public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends.

Article 38. Lump-sum allowance upon childbirth or child adoption

Female employees giving birth or employees adopting an under-6-month child are entitled to a lump-sum allowance equaling 2 times the basic salary for each child in the month of childbirth or child adoption.

In case the mother gives birth to a child but only the father is covered by social insurance, the father is entitled to a lump-sum allowance equaling 2 times the basic salary for each child in the month of childbirth.

Article 39. Allowance levels of the maternity regime

  1. For employees entitled to the maternity regime as prescribed in Articles 32 thru 37 of this Law, the allowance levels shall be calculated as follows:

a/ A monthly allowance must equal 100% of the average of salaries of 6 months preceding the leave on which social insurance premiums are based. For employees who have paid social insurance premiums for only under 6 months, the allowance level under the maternity regime specified in Article 32 or 33, Clause 2, 4, 5 or 6, Article 34, or Article 37, of this Law, is the average of salaries of the months for which social insurance premiums have been paid;

b/ The per-diem allowance for the case specified in Article 32, or Clause 2, Article 34, of this Law must equal the monthly maternity allowance divided by 24 days;

c/ The allowance level after childbirth or child adoption shall be calculated based on the monthly allowance specified at Point a, Clause 1 of this Article; in case of odd days or the case specified in Article 33 or 37 of this Law, the per- diem allowance must equal the monthly allowance divided by 30 days.

  1. The maternity leave period of 14 working days or more in a month shall be regarded as a period of social insurance premium payment. During this period, employees and employers are not required to pay social insurance premiums.
  2. The Minister of labour, Invalids and Social Affairs shall stipulate in detail the conditions for and period of enjoyment and levels of allowances applicable to the subjects defined in Article 24, and Clause 1, Article 31, of this Law.

Article 40. Female employees going to work prior to the expiration of the maternity leave period

  1. Female employees may go to work prior to the expiration of the maternity leave period specified in Clause 1 or 3, Article 34 of this Law when fully meeting the following conditions:

a/ Having taken a leave for at least 4 months;

b/ Notifying in advance their wish to go to work prior to the expiration of the maternity leave period and obtaining the consent of their employers.

  1. Female employees who go to work prior to the expiration of the maternity leave period are entitled to not only salaries but also the maternity regime until the expiration of the period specified in Clause 1 or 3, Article 34 of this Law.

Article 41. Convalescence and health rehabilitation after the maternity leave period

  1. Female employees whose health has not yet recovered within the first 30 working days after the maternity leave period specified in Article 33, or Clause 1 or 3, Article 34, of this Law, are entitled to a leave for convalescence and health rehabilitation of between 5 and 10 days.

The leave period for convalescence and health rehabilitation is inclusive of public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends. The leave period for convalescence and health rehabilitation which lasts from the end of a year to the following year shall be counted for the previous year.

  1. The number of days of a leave period for convalescence and health rehabilitation specified in Clause 1 of this Article shall be jointly decided by the employer and grassroots Trade Union Executive Committee, or by the employer in case the grassroots Trade Union organization has not yet been set up. The maximum leave period for convalescence and health rehabilitation is:

a/ 10 days, for female employees who give birth to twins or more infants;

b/ 7 days, for female employees who have a surgical birth;

c/ 5 days, in other cases.

  1. The per-diem allowance for convalescence and health rehabilitation after maternity leave period must equal 30% of the basic salary.


Article 42. Coverage of labour accident and occupational disease regimes

Labor accident and occupational disease regimes cover employees defined at Points a, b, c, d, dd, e and h, Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law.

Article 43. Conditions for enjoying the labour accident regime

Employees are entitled to the labour accident regime when fully satisfying the following conditions:

  1. Getting accidents in one of the following cases:

a/ At the workplace and during working hours;

b/ Outside the workplace or beyond working hours while performing tasks assigned by their employers;

c/ On a route to and from residence and workplace within a rational time and on a rational route.

  1. Suffering a working capacity decrease of 5% or more after getting accidents specified in Clause 1 of this Article.

Article 44. Conditions for enjoying the occupational disease regime

Employees are entitled to the occupational disease regime when fully satisfying the following conditions:

  1. Getting a disease on the list of occupational diseases jointly issued by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs, when working in a hazardous environment or doing hazardous jobs;
  2. Suffering a working capacity decrease of 5% or more after getting the disease specified in Clause 1 of this Article.

Article 45. Assessment of working capacity decrease

  1. Employees getting a labour accident or an occupational disease are entitled to assessment or re-assessment of their working capacity decrease when falling in either of the following cases:

a/ Their health conditions have become stable after treatment of an injury or a disease;

b/ Their health conditions have become stable after treatment of a recurring injury or disease.

  1. Employees are entitled to thorough assessment of their working capacity decrease when falling in one of the following cases:

a/ Getting both a labour accident and an occupational disease;

b/ Getting labour accidents repeatedly;

c/ Getting many occupational diseases.

Article 46. Lump-sum allowance

  1. Employees suffering a working capacity decrease of between 5% and 30% are entitled to a lump-sum allowance.
  2. The lump-sum allowance levels are specified as follows:

a/ Employees suffering a 5% working capacity decrease are entitled to an allowance equaling 5 times the basic salary, which shall be added with half of the basic salary for each additional 1% working capacity decrease;

b/ In addition to the allowance level specified at Point a of this Clause, employees are entitled to an additional allowance calculated based on the period of social insurance premium payment, which equals half of the salary of the month preceding the leave taken for treatment on which social insurance premiums are based, for a period of social insurance premium payment of one year or less, and shall then be added with 0.3 of the salary of the month preceding the leave taken for treatment on which social insurance premiums are based, for each additional year of social insurance premium payment.

Article 47. Monthly allowance

  1. Employees suffering a working capacity decrease of 31% or more are entitled to a monthly allowance.
  2. The monthly allowance levels are specified as follows:

a/ For employees suffering a 31% working capacity decrease, the monthly allowance must equal 30% of the basic salary, which shall be added with 2% of the basic salary for each additional 1% working capacity decrease;

b/ In addition to the allowance level specified at Point a of this Clause, employees are entitled to receive every month an additional allowance calculated based on the period of social insurance premium payment, which equals half of the salary of the month preceding the leave taken for treatment on which social insurance premiums are based, for a period of social insurance premium payment of one year or less, and shall then be added with 0.3% of the salary of the month preceding the leave taken for treatment on which social insurance premiums are based, for each additional year of social insurance premium payment.

Article 48. Time for allowance enjoyment

  1. The time for employees to enjoy the allowance specified in Article 46, 47 or 50 of this Law shall be counted from the month they are completely treated and discharged from hospital.
  2. When their injuries or diseases recur and employees have their working capacity decrease re-assessed, the time for them to enjoy the allowance shall be counted from the month when the Medical Assessment Council makes conclusion.

Article 49. Daily-life aid equipment and orthopedic devices

Employees getting a labour accident or an occupational disease which damages their body functions shall, depending on the conditions of their injury or disease, be annually provided with daily-life aid equipment and orthopedic devices.

Article 50. Attendance allowance

Employees suffering a working capacity decrease of 81% or more, such as rachioplegia, total blindness, paraplegia, amputation of two legs or a mental disease, are entitled to not only the allowance specified in Article 47 of this Law but also a monthly attendance allowance equal to the basic salary.

Article 51. Lump-sum allowance upon death due to labour accidents or occupational diseases

For employees who die of a labour accident or an occupational disease while working or die during the period of first-time medical treatment due to a labour accident or an occupational disease, their relatives are entitled to a lump- sum allowance equaling 36 times the basic salary.

Article 52. Convalescence and health rehabilitation after injury or disease treatment

  1. Employees whose health has not yet recovered after taking treatment of occupational diseases or injuries caused by labour accidents are entitled to a leave of between 5 days and 10 days for convalescence and health rehabilitation.
  2. The per-diem allowance is equivalent to 25% of the basic salary, if convalescence and health rehabilitation take place at home; or equivalent to 40% of the basic salary, if convalescence and health rehabilitation take place at health establishments.


Article 53. Coverage of the retirement regime

The retirement regime covers employees specified in Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law.

Article 54. Conditions for pension enjoyment

  1. Employees defined at Points a, b, c, d, g, h and i, Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law, except those defined in Clause 3 of this Article, who have paid social insurance premiums for at least full 20 years are entitled to pension when falling in one of the following cases:

a/ Being full 60 years old, for men, or full 55 years old, for women;

b/ Being between full 55 years and full 60 years old, for men, or between full 50 years and full 55 years old, for women, and having full 15 years doing heavy, hazardous or dangerous occupations or jobs or extremely heavy, hazardous or dangerous occupations or jobs on the list jointly issued by the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health, or having full 15 years working in areas with a region-based allowance coefficient of 0.7 or higher;

c/ Employees who are between full 50 years and full 55 years old and have paid social insurance premiums for at least full 20 years, including full 15 years spent in coal mines;

d/ Employees who are infected with HIV/AIDS due to occupational risks.

  1. Employees defined at Points dd and e, Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law, who cease working after having paid social insurance premiums for at least full 20 years, are entitled to pension when falling in one of the following cases:

a/ Being full 55 years old, for men, or full 50 years old, for women, unless otherwise provided by the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People’s Army, the Law on People’s Public Security or the Law on Cipher;

b/ Being between full 50 years and full 55 years old, for men, or between full 45 years and full 50 years old, for women, and having full 15 years doing heavy, hazardous or dangerous occupations or jobs or extremely heavy, hazardous or dangerous occupations or jobs on the list jointly issued by the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health, or having full 15 years working in areas with a region-based allowance coefficient of 0.7 or higher;

c/ Employees who are infected with HIV/AIDS due to occupational risks.

  1. Female employees who are full-time or part-time staffs in communes, wards or townships, and cease working after having paid social insurance premiums for between full 15 years and under 20 years, and are full 55 years old, are entitled to pension.
  2. The Government shall stipulate the conditions on retirement ages for pension enjoyment in special cases; and the conditions for pension enjoyment for the subjects defined at Points c and d, Clause 1, and Point c, Clause 2, of this Article.

Article 55. Conditions for employees to enjoy pension when suffering working capacity decrease

  1. Employees defined at Points a, b, c, d, g, h, and i, Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law, who cease working after having paid social insurance premiums for at least full 20 years, are entitled to pension lower than that applicable to persons who fully satisfy the conditions for pension enjoyment as specified at Points a and b, Clause 1, Article 54 of this Law when falling in one of the following cases:

a/ Since January 1, 2016, men who are full 51 years old, and women who are full 46 years old and suffer a working capacity decrease of 61% or more will be eligible to pension. These age levels will increase one year after each year until 2020, when only men who are full 55 years old and women who are full 50 years old will be eligible to pension when suffering a working capacity decrease of 61% or more;

b/ Being full 50 years old, for men, or 45 years old, for women, and suffering a working capacity decrease of 81% or more;

c/ Suffering a working capacity decrease of 61% or more and having full 15 years doing extremely heavy, hazardous or dangerous occupations or jobs on the list jointly issued by the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health.

  1. Employees defined at Points dd and e, Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law, who cease working after having paid social insurance premiums for at least full 20 years, and suffer a working capacity decrease of 61% or more, are entitled to pension lower than that applicable to persons who fully satisfy the conditions for pension enjoyment as specified at Points a and b, Clause 2, Article 54 of this Law when falling in either of the following cases:

a/ Being full 50 years old, for men, 45 years old, for women;

b/ Having at least full 15 years doing extremely heavy, hazardous or dangerous occupations or jobs in the list jointly issued by the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health.

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