Minister of Home Affairs Le Vinh Tan visits NAPA campus in the central region

On December 10th, 2016, Minister of Home Affairs, Le Vinh Tan visited National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) campus in the central region. Presented along with the Minister were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs, in charge of NAPA and leaders of different departments from Ministry of Home Affairs.

At the reception, the representatives of local government were Mr. Phan Ngoc Tho, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Thue Thien Hue province, Mr. Cai Vinh Tuan, Vice Chairman of the People’s Council of Thua Thien Hue province. Dr. Le Nhu Thanh – NAPA Permanent Vice President, faculties, staff and students of the Academy at the Central campus.

At the meeting, on behalf of NAPA Central campus, Dr. Ngo Van Tran, Permanent Deputy Chief of NAPA Central campus reported to the Minister on the activities, organizational structure and performance of the tasks assigned to the campus in recent years. Since establishment in 2004 NAPA Central campus has actively seized opportunities, made innovations  and appropriate steps to move forward and develop. The training has been remarkably improved, in quantity and quality with various types of training which are provided in different locations to meet different training needs in society. The organizational structure has been refined. The quality of staff and faculty members is also being developed. Dr. Ngo Van Tran  mentioned a number of difficulties and limitations NAPA Central campus is facing with and gave some recommendations and requests to the Ministry of Home Affairs in order to support NAPA Central campus in the coming time.

Giving a speech at the reception, Minister Le Vinh Tan recognized and praised the efforts and achievements of the Campus. He requested NAPA to promote the quality training of civil servants, strengthen international training to improve the quality of training for civil servants.

At the end of the reception, Mr. Le Vinh Tan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trieu Van Cuong visited the Campus facilities and planted commemorative trees at NAPA Central campus.

Bac Tan editedMr. Le Vinh Tan, Minister of  Ministry of Home Affairs giving a speech at the reception

bac ThanhDr. Le Nhu Thanh, NAPA Permanent Vice President giving a speech at the reception

bac pho van phong Hoc vienDr. Ngo Van Tran, Permanent Deputy Chief of NAPA Central campus report on activities and performance of the campus

trao coMr. Le Vinh Tan awards the honor flag of Ministry of Home Affairs to NAPA Central campus

ngoi tap the

tham san editedMr. Le Vinh Tan visits the facilities of NAPA Central campus

tuoi cayMr. Le Vinh Tan plants commemorative trees at NAPA Central campus 

anh chup tap the editedMr. Le Vinh Tan takes a group photo shot with leaders of Thua Thien Hue province and staff, lecturers, students of NAPA Central campus

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