NAPA President extends Lunar New Year greetings

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year – Year of the Cat 2023, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, Acting President of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) extended best Lunar New Year greetings to all public officials who have been and are working at NAPA.

The message is presented on the website of the National Academy of Public Administration.

A Chiến

Lunar New Year greetings from NAPA President

Happy Lunar New Year

On the occasion of Lunar New Year – Year of the Cat 2023, I wish all public officials who have been and are working at NAPA, students at NAPA, and their families all the best!

2022 is a year of many fluctuations and initial stabilization after the Covid-19 pandemic. NAPA has overcome difficulties and challenges, stabilized, developed and achieved many great achievements. Also, NAPA continued to implement the Resolution of the National Party Congress at all levels, organize effective and quality activities, and well perform the tasks of training, fostering, research, and international cooperation, thereby creating a solid foundation for the development of NAPA according to the current trend of digital transformation.

2023 is a year of special significance in the NAPA development path. NAPA will have many new functions and tasks as a result of implementing the Prime Minister’s conclusion on the merger of Hanoi University of Home Affairs into NAPA and the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 27/2022/QD-TTg dated December 19, 2022, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of NAPA under the Ministry of Home Affairs. The operation of NAPA in new conditions will bring many advantages as well as difficulties and challenges, requiring all NAPA public officials and employees to try their best, settle down, and operate with the highest quality and efficiency.

In the joyful and exciting atmosphere of spring, with a new spirit and new beliefs, I believe that the collective of cadres, officials and employees of the Academy will be a united block, continuing to inherit and uphold the tradition, contribute to the organization, and optimally promote the resources. With the determination of NAPA staff, NAPA could earn the title of the special public non-business unit, a national and regional center performing the functions of human resource training for the state administrative apparatus and society and research on administrative sciences and state management.

The Year of the Cat 2023 has approached. Once again, I would like to wish all NAPA cadres, public officials, students, and their families, a new year full of health, success, and happiness!

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien

Acting President of the National Academy of Public Administration

Thư a Chiến

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