NAPA President extends Lunar New Year – Year of the Dragon greetings

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year – Year of the Dragon 2024, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, President of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) extended best Lunar New Year greetings to all public officials who have been and are working at NAPA, along with NAPA students and their families.


Greetings of Lunar New Year – Year of the Dragon 2024 from the NAPA President

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year – Year of the Dragon 2024, I wish all officials who have been and are working at NAPA, as well as all NAPA students, participants, and their families all the best!

The year 2023 was a year of special significance for NAPA, as it marked the merger of Hanoi University of Home Affairs into NAPA and the implementation of Decision No. 27/2022/QD-TTg dated December 19, 2022, of the Prime Minister defining the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of NAPA. NAPA has been highly focused on completing its organization and personnel, building and finalizing a consistent set of internal governance documents, and fully implementing and synchronizing all activities within the functions, tasks, and powers of NAPA according to Decision No. 27/2022/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister.

In that context, all NAPA staff have overcome difficulties and challenges, united, and unanimously determined to implement the strategic tasks set forth in the new development journey, actively contributing to the development of the public sector in particular and the country as a whole through training quality human resources, conducting academic research, and providing services to meet the increasing demands of society.

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year, on behalf of the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of NAPA, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the leaders of the Party and State of Viet Nam and of the Ministry of Home Affairs, who have always shown keen interest and provided close guidance to NAPA; to ministries, sectors, and localities for their coordinated and effective support; and to all NAPA staff who have united and strived to ensure the stability and sustainable development of NAPA.

In 2024, NAPA commemorates its 65th anniversary (May 29, 1959 – May 29, 2024). With a glorious tradition of 65 years of construction and development and with the vision and core values of “Wisdom – Quality – Modernity”, we will uphold the existing values, unite, innovate, enhance comprehensive quality, and tighten discipline and regulations in training and internal management; promote international cooperation; modernize infrastructure, implement digital transformation and smart management; improve the quality of human resources.

In the joyful and exhilarating atmosphere of spring, with new momentum and confidence, I firmly believe that NAPA will ascend to new heights.

As we welcome the Year of the Dragon 2024, I would like to wish all generations of NAPA public officials, students, and their families a new year full of health, happiness, and success.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien

President of the National Academy of Public Administration


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