NAPA President received and worked with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cuba to Vietnam

( – On the afternoon of June 23, 2021, at NAPA’s Tradition Hall, Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President hosted a working meeting with H.E. Mr. Orlando Nicolas Hernandez Guilen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cuba to Vietnam. The meeting aimed to discuss cooperation activities and further partnership between the National Academy of Public Administration, the Cuban Embassy in Vietnam and Cuban partners.

Attending the meeting, on the Cuban Embassy side, there were Ms. Irmina Perojo Bllido de Luna, Economic and Trade Counselor; Mr. Jorge Luis Guimer, Economic and Trade Officer. On NAPA side, there were Dr. Nguyen Dang Qu, NAPA Vice President; Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Director, Department of Refresher Training Management; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Van Hau, Chief of NAPA Office; Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa, Director, Department of International Cooperation; Comrades Deputy Directors of Department of International Cooperation: Mr. Tran Dai Hai and Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Cuc; Dr. Nguyen Minh San, Deputy Director, Institute of Administrative Sciences; officers of Department of International Cooperation and NAPA Office.

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan delivered a speech at the meeting

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan delivered a speech at the meeting

H.E. Mr. Orlando Nicolas Hernandez Guilen delivered a speech at the meeting

H.E. Mr. Orlando Nicolas Hernandez Guilen delivered a speech at the meeting

H.E. Mr. Orlando Nicolas Hernandez Guilen appreciated rich tradition of NAPA, continuity and consistency as well as the achievements in cooperation between NAPA and Cuban partners. The Ambassador also affirmed that he would continue to promote further the productive cooperative relationship between NAPA and Cuban partners which has been developed by his predecessor. At the meeting, the Ambassador also informed about key issues in the socio-economic affairs and public management of the Cuban Party and State and the transformation process since the 6th, 7th  National Congresses of the Communist Party of Cuba, and recently the 8th Party Congress which have identified the pace, steps, and intensity of the socio-economic transformation in the coming time.

Working meeting

Working meeting

Based on the cooperation achievements, NAPA President requested the Ambassador in particular and the Cuban Embassy in general continue to support the cooperation between NAPA and Cuban partners, focusing on the key areas: Requesting the Cuban Embassy to support the approval and implementation of the Project “Strengthening capacity for administrative reform and socio-economic development for Cuban senior government officials” within the framework of cooperation between NAPA and the School for Senior Officials of the Cuban State and Government; Support NAPA to develop further activities for cooperation with the School for Senior Officials of the Cuban State and Government within the framework of the Memorandum of understanding (exchange of academics and students; implementation of joint research projects; co-organize scientific workshops and seminars in Vietnam or in Cuba; publishing academic  articles/research works).

H.E. Mr. Orlando Nicolas Hernandez Guilen agreed with NAPA’s suggestion for cooperation and said that as the Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam, he would make efforts to promote the cooperation relationship between the two sides. At the end of the meeting, the two sides agreed to continue to discuss and work to develop a specific cooperation plan in the near future.


Delegation of the Cuban Embassy working with NAPA

Delegation of the Cuban Embassy working with NAPA

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que delivered a speech at the meeting

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que delivered a speech at the meeting

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan gave a present to the Ambassador

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan gave a present to the Ambassador

Cuban Embassy delegation and NAPA

Cuban Embassy delegation and NAPA

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan gave a present to the Ambassador

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan gave a present to the Ambassador


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