NAPA President receives University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, Germany

On April 4th 2018, Dr. Dang xuan Hoan, NAPA President received Professor Holger Muehlenkamp, Rector, University of Administrative Sciences Speyer. Presented in the reception were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong, NAPA Vice President; NAPA staff and lecturers.

During the reception, Professor Holger Muhlenkamp introduced University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, a leading training institution of administrative sciences in Germany. The two sides emphasized the similarity in functions and missions of NAPA and University of Administrative Sciences Speyer which will promote cooperation between the two institutions. Both NAPA and University of Administrative Sciences Speyer agreed on the cooperation orientation and preparation of an MOU which will be signed at the end of the second quarter 2018 in Germany.

Followings are cooperation orientation between the two institutions:

  • NAPA lecturers will be sent to University of Administrative Sciences Speyer to research and study;
  • Cooperation in Master and Doctoral joint training;
  • Cooperation in short training courses for Vietnamese high ranking officials in Germany and Vietnam
Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President giving a speech in the reception

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President giving a speech in the reception

Professor Holger Muhlenkamp ... presents in the reception

Professor Holger Muhlenkamp, Rector, University of Administrative Sciences Speyer presents in the reception



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