NAPA receives Laos Minister of Home Affairs

On September 29th 2017, high ranking official delegation from Lao’s Ministry of Home Affairs led by Mr. Khamman Sounvileuth, Minister of Home Affairs visited National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA). Presented in the reception were Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President, Mr. Viengxay Darasene, Councilor of Laos Embassy to Vietnam, representatives from Vietnam Ministry of Home Affairs, NAPA staff and lecturers as well as Laos students at NAPA.

In the reception, Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan expressed his sincere thanks to Laos Government for granting NAPA the Grade I Labor Medal which has recognized NAPA’s effort in training for Laos leaders and managers. It has contributed to the relationship between the two Countries. During the session, he also briefly summarized and reviewed the result of cooperation in training for Laos civil servant.

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President gives a speech in the reception

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President gives a speech in the reception

Minister Sounvileuth thanked NAPA for the warm reception and appreciated the friendship between Vietnam and Laos. He emphasized the results of  NAPA’s cooperation and support in training for  Laos senior civil servants in recent years. The minister affirmed that, Lao students can apply the knowledge and skills gained during the training at NAPA into their work and contribute to country development of Laos.


Mr. Khamman Sounvileuth, Laos Minister of Home Affairs delivers a speech in the reception


NAPA gives a gift to Laos Minister of Home Affairs

NAPA gives a gift to Laos Minister of Home Affairs

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan acknowledged the Laos Government’s trust NAPA in training Laos civil servants and  suggested further cooperation, specifically:

  • Expand the cooperation with Laos Ministry of Home Affairs in job position based training, rank based training management and leadership training, policy formulation and implementation for Laos senior civil servants;  send NAPA lecturers to deliver lectures in selected training courses in Laos.
  • Promote cooperation between NAPA and National Institute of Politics and Administration of Laos, focusing on building capacity of lecturers, research and teaching public administration; Develop and sign the cooperation agreement as a framework for further cooperation.
  • Continue to provide training to Laos students at NAPA.
  • Cooperation in development of training and reference materials for Laos students and NAPA lecturers involving in training Laos students.
  • Establishment of Laos Alumni group at NAPA in order to strengthen the exchange among students, between students and lecturers which promotes the relationship between the two countries.




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