NAPA receives the delegation of Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On May 9th 2018, Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, President of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) received Mr. Marcos Rodriguez Costa, Ambassador, Director for Organization,  Planning, Information and Analysis (DOPIA), Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting aimed to discuss potential areas for cooperation especially in training, research on administrative reform, administrative procedure reform and economic reform between NAPA, Vietnam and Cuban training institutions.

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Presented in the reception were Mr. Carlos Alfredo Amores Balbin, Ambassador, Official in charge of political and,, economic affairs, Cuban Embassy to Vietnam; Mr. Hoang Van Quan, program officer of Cuban Embassy to Vietnam; NAPA staff and lecturers.


Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan appreciated the visit of Cuban delegation to NAPA when NAPA is promoting cooperation with international partners and especially, with Cuban institutions Mr. Marcos Rodriguez Costa shared Cuban orientations in economic reform, the training of public officials as well as the need of learning experience in economic transition and reform of other countries. Mr. Costa also expected NAPA’s support in training public officials and sharing experience in administrative and economic reforms.

Both sides agreed on  cooperation orientations, specifically:

  • Sending NAPA lecturers and professionals to Cuba to share experience in administrative reform, administrative procedure reform, economic reform, international integration of Vietnam and deliver lectures in the training programs for Cuban officials.
  • Sending Cuban lecturers and students to NAPA to training programs (graduate training programs) NAPA will be a contact agency to send Vietnamese professionals and scholars to work with Cuban partners; conducting joint research on administrative reform and economic reform.

NAPA and the Cuban Embassy to Hanoi will hold further meetings and exchange to develop detailed cooperation plans in the coming time.

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