NAPA receives University of Tampere delegation

On November 11th, 2016, the delegation from School of Management, University of Tampere led by Prof. Antti Lonnqvist, Dean of School of Management visited National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA). Presented at the reception were representatives from Graduate Training Faculty and International Cooperation Department of NAPA.

At the reception, the two sides discussed the implementation of joint program between NAPA and University of Tampere in Master of Public Policy and Public Financial Management. The details of the discussion were related to the results achieved, activities that need to implement and issues that need to solve. Besides, NAPA and University of Tampere also discussed the prospects of cooperation in capacity development for lecturers and training for civil servants between the two institutions in the near future.

IMG_0055 editedMr. Antti Lonnqvist, Dean of School of Management giving a speech at the reception

IMG_0050 editedAssoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, Dean of Faculty giving a speech at the reception

The cooperation between NAPA and University of Tampere started in 2008 and obtained good results. Nowadays, the two sides have trained four cohorts of the joint master training programs and still received the admission for the 5th cohort of Master Program in Public Policy and Public Finance Management. In general, the program achieved positive results, the students also appreciated the quality of the program, many graduate students has effectively used the trained knowledge and skill in their practical work. Joint training is a new direction in international cooperation activities in training; it contributes positively to the training of high-quality human resources for the administrative system and the administrative reform in Vietnam today.

IMG_0113 editedParticipants at the reception

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