National Academy of Public Administration celebrated the opening ceremony of the academic year 2016 – 2017

On September 27th 2016, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) celebrated the opening ceremony of the academic year 2016 – 2017 . The  ceremony was held in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh, Mr. Le Vinh Tan, Minister of Home Affairs , Assoc. Prof. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs, Bangladesh Ambassador Mohammad Shahab Ullab and leaders of different ministries.

Giving the speech at the opening ceremony, Dr. Le Nhu Thanh,NAPA Permanent Vice President of talked about NAPA’s development of NAPA in 57 years of establishment and development. In 1959, the Academy was found as Central School of Administration with the mission to provide training for officials and senior officials. Nowadays, NAPA has 4 campuses throughout Vietnam including Hanoi campus as NAPA Head Quarter, Hue campus, Tay Nguyen campus and Ho Chi Minh City campus. NAPA aims to bring innovations into the teaching of  public management skills and administration sciences. Besides, NAPA also provides training programs for officials and senior officials of Laos, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan with participants’ high satisfaction. Moreover, NAPA is a country member of 3 international Associations of Public Administration and extends  relationships with many institutions of public administration around the world.

Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa binh in his speech mentioned NAPA’s achievements in the recent years its key role  in the training of public servants. The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that NAPA should facilitate the reform of training and further improve the quality of human resources. He also mentioned 6 important tasks that NAPA should focus on and believed in NAPA’s capacity to complete these tasks as well as NAPA’scontribution to the administration reform. It shows the important role of NAPA as the national leading center in training for the public servants, administration researcher and manager.

After the speech, Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh beat a drum to kick off a new academic year and gave NAPA a portrait of Ho Chi Minh as a token of encouragement to NAPA.

Vice Minister Trieu Van Cuong expressed his gratitude toward the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs and leaders of ministries, faculties, departments, divisions participating in the opening ceremony which inspires and encourages NAPA’s leaders, lecturers and students. He emphasized that NAPA will endeavor to complete the missions given by the government.

During the ceremony, representatives of NAPA’s lecturers and students also gave their remarks to express their gratitude and determination to complete the tasks of the academic year of 2016 – 2017.

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Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh giving the speech at the ceremony

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Assoc. Prof. Trieu Van Cuong – Vice Minister of Ministry of Home Affairs in charge of NAPA giving the speech at the ceremony

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Dr. Le Nhu Thanh – Permanent Vice President giving the speech to welcome new school year

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Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh beat a drum to symbolize the beginning of the new academic year

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Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh giving a portrait of Ho Chi Minh to NAPA

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Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh with NAPA’s guests, employees, students

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Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh talking with NAPA’s leaders and lecturers

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