National Academy of Public Administration delegation participated in seminars in Indonesia

From September 13th to September 18th, 2016, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) delegation led by Dr. Nguyen Van Hau, participated in various international seminars at universities in Indonesia.

On September 14th, 2016, the delegation worked with the Economic and Business Faculty of Padjadiaran University and had an introduction session about the university and its training system as well as the human resources management.

On the next day, September 15th, 2016, NAPA delegation paid a working visit to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Sriwijaya University. In the meeting, NAPA delegation members discussed cooperation areas including exchange of students, publications, research projects between the two institutions.

On September 16th, 2016, the delegation attended a seminar on Public Administration reforms at Sriwijiaya University. NAPA delegation discussed many topics at the seminar including Overview of public administrative reforms in Vietnam,  Institutional reform in Vietnam, Control of administrative agencies, Public Administrative structure in Vietnam – advantages and challenges, Public service delivery reforms in Vietnam. Seminar participants raised many questions to NAPA delegation members related to administrative reform, decentralization, economic development, communication and journalism management in Vietnam.

At the end of the seminar, on behalf of Sriwijiaya University, Mr. Azhar SH appreciated the visit of NAPA delegation and thanked the delegation for the presentations at the seminar.

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NAPA delegation at Padjadiaran University, Bandung

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NAPA delegation at Sriwijaya University, Palembang


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