In the morning of April 26th, 2023, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) organized the 2023 Conference of Public Officials and Employees’ Representative offline and online.


Delegates and guests attending the Conference including: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Trieu Van Cuong – Member of the Party’s Personnel Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Vice Minister of Home Affairs; Comrade Nguyen Xuan Dung – Deputy Director General, Department of Civil Servants and Public Officials; Comrade Hoang Ngoc Anh – Deputy Director General, Department of Administration Reform; Comrade Nguyen Thanh Binh – Deputy Director General, Department of Finance – Planning.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Van Hau – Chief of Office of NAPA, declaring the rationale and introducing delegates attending the Conference

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Van Hau – Chief of Office of NAPA, declaring the rationale
and introducing delegates attending the Conference

Delegates from NAPA include: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien – Secretary of NAPA’s Party Committee, President of NAPA; Vice Presidents of NAPA, namely: Dr. Nguyen Dang Que, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong, Dr. Lai Duc Vuong, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu; NAPA’s Party Committee; Executive Board of Labor Union; Youth Union; People’s Inspection Board; Heads of units subordinate to NAPA, nearly 400 delegates representing for roughly 1,200 public officials and employees of the entire Academy.

The Presidium chairing and moderating the Conference

The Presidium chairing and moderating the Conference

The Presidium chairing and moderating the Conference included: President of NAPA Nguyen Ba Chien, Vice President Nguyen Dang Que, and Chairman of NAPA’s Labor Union Mr. Bui Huy Tung.

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que presenting the 2022 Summary Report of NAPA

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que presenting the 2022 Summary Report of NAPA

At the Conference, Dr. Nguyen Dang Que present the Report on reviewing the realization of Party’s guidelines and resolutions and the implementation of State’s policies and laws, and the regulations on conducting grassroot democracy in delivering the tasks assigned to NAPA in 2022. Particularly, regarding the realization of Decision No.699/QĐ-BNV dated September 16th, 2022 of the Minister of Home Affairs approving the Project of Merging Hanoi University of Home Affairs into the National Academy of Public Administration, followed by Decision No.27/2022/QĐ-TTg dated December 19th, 2022 of the Prime Minister regulating the functions, duties, powers, and organizational structure of the National Academy of Public Administration under the Ministry of Home Affairs, the personnel arrangement and consolidation for leadership, public officials and public employees of the two institutions so far has been completed upon the collective consensus and support before and after implementing the Project.

 The above result was obtained thanks to the constant attention from the Government, the Prime Minister, the support from the ministries, sectors, central and local departments, especially the close follow-up and directions of the Minister and Vice Ministers of Home Affairs, and the coordination among departments belonging to and under the Ministry of Home Affairs, and lastly the directions of NAPA’s Party Committee, NAPA Presidents. Following are the main achievements of NAPA:

 The quality of undergraduate training has been ensured and further improved to affirm the prestige of a leading training institution for State Management and tertiary education. Postgraduate training has been diversified in terms of training disciplines for master degree and doctorate, which is conformed with the strengths of NAPA.

  • Capacity building for cadres, civil servants, and public officials has exceeded the annual quota set for 2022.
  • Scientific research has received substantial attention and been renovated in accordance with the provisions of law, management institutions and research management were strengthened.
  • The development of program curricula, textbooks and materials for capacity building programs has been completed in large amount.
  • The delivery of lectures in 2022 continued receiving the attention and directions from NAPA’s Board of Directors concerning the improvement of regulations on standards and procedures for building capacity for lecturers; directed the units of NAPA to develop plans for capacity building; organized professional activities to enhance capacity among NAPA’s lecturers and public officials.
  • The organization of personnel in 2022 was completed in terms of public official’s recruitment held in December 2021, strictly following the principles of public disclosure, transparency, seriousness, and compliance with the provisions of law throughout the procedures.
  • International cooperation continued upholding the traditional partnerships meanwhile expanded its activities with newly established relations.
  • Regarding publishing, library and NAPA’s review: up until now the State Management Review has 03 publications, including its print version, electronic version, and English version. All of the publications have been upgraded by 0.75 scientific point in 2022. The work in publishing, documentary and library has been delivered uniformly and comprehensively.
  • Planning and finance has always fully and seriously complied with the State’s policies and regulations on finance. NAPA has successfully completed its management of finance and assets, development and finalization of financial report and annual balance statement.
  • Administration and logistic duties were effectively managed and utilized in service of NAPA profession operations. Financial settlement was ensured to comply with the provisions of law and the principles of renovation, public disclosure and transparency.
  • Testing and quality assurance in training and capacity building aimed at actual evaluation to create the momentum for improving the quality of fostering cadres, civil servants and public officials.

 The report also mentioned the results in performing the duties assigned to Hanoi University of Home Affairs (prior to January 1st, 2023) regarding under and postgraduate training; scientific management; office duties; organization and personnel; testing; international cooperation; planning and financial; student affairs; library; etc.

 In 2022, NAPA’s Party Committee, NAPA’s Board of Directors, and its party cells, heads of NAPA units continued being fully aware of and carrying out the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws regarding the Regulations on grassroot democracy in conducting Party’s directives and resolutions. Associations continued promulgating and carrying out regulations in conformity with the delivery of tasks assigned to NAPA. The work tasks were delivered in public disclosure and transparency. Administrative procedures were conducted publicly as regulated.

 Assoc. Prof., Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs giving directions at the Conference

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs
giving directions at the Conference

Speaking at the Conference, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Trieu Van Cuong congratulated and commended NAPA’s achievements in several aspects. In 2022, besides its regular operations, NAPA managed to merge Hanoi University of Home Affairs into its structure (since January 1st, 2023) in a prompt, accurate and effective manner in order to carry out the duties and operations regulated in Decision No.27/2022/QĐ-TTg dated December 19th, 2022 of the Prime Minister as a new NAPA with new stature and resources, soon to become a regional center for fostering leadership and manager cadres.

In the coming time, NAPA needs to emphasize on building a sense of unity to create power in the entire institution. Enhancing quality of training, capacity building, scientific research and policy advice for the Home Affairs sector and Government is the focus of NAPA’s duties in order to raise it reputation among top academies famous for their training and fostering quality. Continue consolidating the organizational structure and personnel; reviewing and renovating the operations, regulations and working procedures; taking care of officials and employees’ mental and material life to create an innate motivation in the entire Academy for stable operation and sustainable development.

Nguyen Huy Hoang, Director General, Department of Organization & Personnel, presenting the 2022 Summary Report in Emulation

Nguyen Huy Hoang, Director General, Department of Organization & Personnel, presenting the 2022 Summary Report in Emulation


Assoc. Prof., Dr. Tran Thi Dieu Oanh, Head of People’s Inspection Committee, presenting the report on the Committee’s operations in 2022

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Tran Thi Dieu Oanh, Head of People’s Inspection Committee, presenting the report on the Committee’s operations in 2022

Dr. Vu Duy Duan, Director General, Department of Planning – Finance, reporting the financial performance of NAPA in 2022

Dr. Vu Duy Duan, Director General, Department of Planning – Finance,
reporting the financial performance of NAPA in 2022

 The Conference went on with following keynotes of: Comrade Nguyen Huy Hoang, Director General of Organization & Personnel Department, presenting the 2022 Summary Report on Emulation and tentative agenda for 2023; Assoc. Prof., Dr. Tran Thi Dieu Oanh, Head of People’s Inspection Committee, presenting the report on the Committee’s operations in 2022 and its tentative program in 2023; Dr. Vu Duy Duan, Director General of Planning – Finance Department, presenting the 2022 Summary Report on NAPA Financial Performance.

 Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Faculty of Archival Studies and Office Administration, speaking at the Conference

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Faculty of Archival Studies and Office Administration,
speaking at the Conference

Tran Dai Hai, Deputy Director General, Department of International Cooperation, speaking at the Conference

Tran Dai Hai, Deputy Director General, Department of International Cooperation, speaking at the Conference

Lecturer Tran Thanh Xuan, Faculty of Archival Studies and Office Administration, speaking at the Conference

Lecturer Tran Thanh Xuan, Faculty of Archival Studies and Office Administration,
speaking at the Conference

 Several delegates have raised their voices at the Conference, showing high consensus on the evaluation of assignment fulfilled by NAPA in 2022. Besides, the Conference also addressed the difficulties and shortcomings concerning online teaching facilities due to the asynchronous upgrade between the data link and the classrooms, which affects the teaching quality in general; teaching and research capacity of lecturers needs further enhancement; several suggestions on measures improving working conditions and living standards of NAPA’s officials and employees have been made; as well as issues on creating work incentives among young officials, administration decentralization among NAPA’s departments and branches, international joint capacity building programs for officials and lecturers, etc.

The opinions, questions, and suggestions made and exchanged at the Conference were basically answered directly by NAPA’s President Nguyen Ba Chien as head of the institution in a progressive, responsible, thorough and penetrating manner. Delegates attending the Conference expressed high degree of consensus and satisfaction toward the directions given by NAPA’s President.

 President of NAPA giving flower bouquet to the representative of People’s Inspection Committee

President of NAPA giving flower bouquet to the representative of People’s Inspection Committee

 The 2023 Conference of Public Officials and Employees’ Representative has selected the personnel of the People’s Inspection Committee for the office term 2023 – 2024, including 09 comrades who are qualified enough in terms of political behavior, professional ability, and political firmness to fullfill the tasks assigned.

President of NAPA Nguyen Ba Chien concluding the Conference

President of NAPA Nguyen Ba Chien concluding the Conference

 Closing the Conference, on behalf of NAPA’s Party Committee and Board of Directors, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien express the gratitude to the leaders of Ministry of Home Affairs and its subordinate units for the attention, support and facilitation that helped NAPA achieve new developments and encouraging results. The President also suggested that all officials and employees of NAPA make efforts in carrying out the plans and duties assigned in 2023; building an unity within NAPA that strives to complete the established goals, elevating NAPA’s stature that meeting the expectations of the Party, the Government, and the Ministry of Home Affairs. Art Performance at the Conference

Art Performance at the Conference

Broadcast points at NAPA branches

Broadcast points at NAPA branches





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