In the afternoon April 24th, 2023, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) hosted and had a work meeting with Temasek Foundation of Singapore. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Nguyen Dang Que – Vice President of NAPA.

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que – Vice President of NAPA having his speech during the work meeting

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que – Vice President of NAPA having his speech during the work meeting

 Joining the meeting were Mr. Benedict Cheong – Deputy CEO of Temasek Foundation; Ms. Ling Pei Shan – Director of Institutional Relations and Partnerships; Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Van Hau – Chief Office of NAPA; MA. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa – Director General of International Cooperation Department; Dr. Bui Huy Tung – Director General of Refresher Training Management Department; Dr. Tran Thi Lan Anh – Deputy General Director of International Cooperation Department; MA. Le Thi Tuyet – Head of Planning and General Affairs Division, International Cooperation Department; and the staff in charge of the cooperations with international organizations.

In his speech at the meeting, Dr. Nguyen Dang Que – Vice President of NAPA express strong affirmation on the role of Temasek Foundation of Singapore in the capacity building in policy planning, implementation and evaluation for leader and manager cadres.

Mr. Benedict Cheong, Deputy CEO of Temasek Foundation speaking at the meeting

Mr. Benedict Cheong, Deputy CEO of Temasek Foundation speaking at the meeting

During the discussion at the meeting, Mr. Benedict Cheong, Deputy CEO of Temasek Foundation, informed that Temasek Foundation have developed multiple cooperation partnerships in Vietnam since 2007, focusing on sectors including: education, urban development, capacity building in sustainable development, as well as policy development and healthcare.

In 2019, Temasek Foundation funded NAPA in developing capacity building program in policy planning, implementation and evaluation for leader and manager cadres through the partnership with Singapore’s Civil Service College.

 Dr. Nguyen Dang Que highly appreciated the practicality and the achievements gained under the cooperation framework of NAPA and its Singaporean partners funded by Temasek Foundation. He expressed the aspiration for continuous support from Temasek Foundation in facilitating NAPA’s cooperation programs and its advancement through cooperation proposals.

 The two parties have agreed to focus on the core directions for cooperation as follows:

  1. Human resource development, training and capacity building for the contingent of Central leaders, high-profile executives of Vietnam’s state-own enterprises.
  2. Capacity building in local governance for local government leaders.

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que presenting souvenirs to the guests from Temasek Foundation

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que presenting souvenirs to the guests from Temasek Foundation

The meeting agenda mentioned a number of possibilities for cooperations, namely: Joint organization of in-bound and out-bound combined capacity building programs; Joint development and organization of Vietnamese leadership programs, female leadership programs; Formulation of a project on Temasek Foundation’s support fund for NAPA.

Participants at the meeting

Participants at the meeting

 The proposals made aim at the diversity of beneficiaries, stakeholders, participation and collaboration in sustainable development, which is conformed with the multi-subjectivism, multi-centralism, multi-levels, modern governance mentality that respond to modern and effective public governance requirement.

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