National Human Resources Development Institute


NHI operates under the ROK Ministry of Personnel Management (MPM) an inter-agency training and performs three basic functions.

  1. To develop outstanding government officials by providing general and specialized training for central government employees
  2. To serve as a support center for other public-sector training institutes across Korea while promoting cooperative and exchange activities with private-sector HRD centers
  3. To widen Korea’s global network through international training and exchange activities with internationally recognized institutions

Development Strategy

  1. Establish role models for future-oriented government officials
  2. Enhance education to strengthen public service values
  3. Develop and provide standardized education program on public service
  4. Remodel the framework for standardized education for each career level
  5. Expand the training of managerial officials, focusing on performance
  6. Strengthen purpose-oriented work competency training
  7. Enhance our global education system to strengthen global competitiveness
  8. Expand the training of foreign government officials to raise the national image of Korea
  9. Promote international exchange and cooperation activities to strengthen Korea’s global status
  10. Establish good governance based on cooperation among private, public, academic and research sectors
  11. Become an HRD hub for government officials education and training institutes
  12. Expand infrastructure to provide e-learning programs and self-directed learning
  13. Strengthen the capacity of officials who work at NHI
  14. Establish an effective dual campus system (Jincheon and Gwacheon campuses) after relocating the NHI headquarters to Jincheon
  15. Enhance government officials professionalism and individual capacities

Program for foreign officials


The National HRD Institute operates education courses for foreign government officials to support the development of developing nations by sharing Korea’s experiences in national development and establishing mutual cooperation systems through exchanges between government officials of many nations, thus enhancing the international image of Korea and contributing to global society.

Since 1984, 4,815 foreign government officials from 133 countries have completed 258 education courses for foreign government officials at NHI. (As of Dec. 2015)

Types of International Programs

  • Customized Programs for Single Countries
    • These programs are designed and tailored to the participating country’s requests. Examples include the Russian Federal Government Officials’ Program, the Japanese Government Officials’ Administrative Training Program, and the Malaysian Government Officials’ Program, among others.
  • Official Development Assistance (ODA) Programs
    • Designed and operated for trainees invited by KOICA. Examples include the International Administration Development Program and the International Education & Training Development Program, among others.
  • Programs Operated in Collaboration with International Organizations, such as the Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Project
    • Designed and operated for ASEAN members
    • ASEAN Member States:
      Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam (10 nations)

Training content

  • Introduce Korea’s national development, including economic development and national land development strategies.
  • Introduce the Korean government’s strategies for strengthening national competitiveness, such as administrative reform for sustainable development.
  • Engage in field study by visiting relevant organizations and touring industrial sites.

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